Druid Abilities
Level 1
Bind a talisman of enchanted ivy to your enemy, healing anyone who inflicts physical damage on the target for a small amount.
Hurl a spear of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.
Druid Technique
Slap your enemy with a small vine, it’ll probably sting a little.
Damage Modifiers: WIS, INT
Your covenant with the natural world has cultivated a unique sense of trust from certain animals in Terminus, making them unlikely to attack you unless provoked.
Level 2
Imbue the restorative nature of the Oak tree into your target, increasing their Health Regeneration by 1 for 24 min.
Level 3
Druid Technique
Restores 20% of Mana, puts you in a Weakened state for 10seconds.
Level 4
Protect the target with a mystical seed that absorbs incoming damage. When the seed absorbs the maximum amount of damage, or the duration ends, the seed will bloom and heal the target for a moderate amount.
Level 5
Fortify the target with protective leaves, increasing their Health and Armor Class while the protective covering lasts.
Level 6
Summon a swarm of stinging insects that swarm the target, dealing nature damage over time.
Level 7
Healer Technique
Puts your target in the [Opening Gap] state for 30 seconds.
(Duration impacted by diminishing returns.)
The [Opening Gap] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.
Level 8
Cause thorn-covered vines to erupt from the ground and entangle the target, snaring them for 15 sec and dealing Nature damage over time.
Bind a talisman of enchanted ivy to your enemy, healing anyone who damages the target for a small amount.
Level 9
Imbue the wolf’s speed and agility into your target. Increasing their movement speed by 20% while active. This movement speed bonus will increase based on your level.
Grow a network of mystical thistles around the target that deal Nature damage to attackers.
Level 10
Beckon Hirode, the Ward of Masae, as your companion.
Send a gust of cross-cutting winds into the target’s face, dealing minor Nature damage and interrupting their action.
Hurl a spear of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.
Level 12
Gather fireflies to a target location to act as a weak light source for 30 sec.
Transform into a rooted tree, preventing all movement while increasing your health regeneration.
Summon a swarm of stinging insects that swarm the target, dealing nature damage over time.
Level 14
Imbue the restorative nature of the Oak tree into your target, increasing their Health Regeneration by 2 for 24 min.
Conjure shadowvines to eat away at the target’s magical defenses, reducing their Resistances by 10.
This spell is rarely resisted.
Imbue the aquatic nature of Swiftgills into the target, increasing their swimming speed and breath capacity for the duration.
Level 15
Fortify the target with protective leaves, increasing their Health and Armor Class while the protective covering lasts.
Teleport yourself and group members within 10m to Avendyr’s Pass.
Level 16
Bind a talisman of enchanted ivy to your enemy, healing anyone who damages the target for a small amount.
Cause thorn-covered vines to erupt from the ground and entangle the target, snaring them for 18 sec and dealing Nature damage over time.
Gather leaves to yourself and form them into a mystical cloak, making you invisible to most creatures.
This effect drains a small amount of Mana while active.
Weave the wind into a small tempest around the target, absorbing up to 150 damage of the next 2 sources of physical damage.
Level 18
Hurl an arrow of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.
Grow a network of mystical briars around the target that deal Nature damage to attackers.
Level 20
Summon a swarm of stinging insects that swarm the target, dealing Nature damage over time.
Call a bolt of lightning to strike the target, inflicting Shock damage. The lightning bolt will become more powerfull during rain and thunderstorms.
Create a tree of pure Verdanfire near you, periodically healing group members within 10m of the tree.
If Herode’s Focus is active when you use this ability, the tree’s healing radius will increase to 15m.
Additionally, if Verdanfire Seed is cast on a target within the healing radius of the Verdanfire Tree, the amount of damage absorbed by the seed will increase by 20%.
Level 22
Imbue the restorative nature of the Elkhorn tree into your target, increasing their Health Regeneration by 3 for 24 min.
Send a gust of cross-cutting winds into the target’s face, interrupting their action. Successfully interrupting an action will also silence the target for 4 sec.
Level 24
Conjure gloomvines to eat away at the target’s magical defenses, reducing their Resistances by 15.
This spell is rarely resisted.
Bind a talisman of enchanted thistlewood to your enemy, healing anyone who damages the target for a small amount.
Cause thorn-covered vines to erupt from the ground and entangle the target, snaring them for 21 sec and dealing Nature damage over time.
Manifest your deep communion with the animal world, taking the form of a wolf. In this form, your movement speed is significantly increased.
Level 25
Teleport yourself and group members within 10m to the Silent Plains
Fortify the target with protective stone, increasing their Health and Armor Class while the protective covering lasts.
Level 26
Imbue the aquatic nature of Flashdarts into the target, increasing their swimming speed and breath capacity for the duration.
Weave the wind into a small tempest around the target, absorbing up to 250 damage of the next 3 sources of physical damage.
Gather leaves to yourself and form them into a mystical cloak, making you invisible to most creatures.
Hurl a bolt of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.
Level 28
Summon a swarm of stinging insects that swarm the target, dealing Nature damage over time.
Grow a network of mystical thorns around the target that deal Nature damage to attackers.
Level 30
Cause the ground beneath you to quake and roll, knocking down enemies within 15m for 4 sec.
Imbue the restorative nature of the Nestladen tree into your group, increasing their Health Regeneration by 5 for 24 min.
Level 32
Bind a talisman of enchanted ironvine to your enemy, healing anyone who damages the target for a small amount.
Cause thorn-covered vines to erupt from the ground and entangle the target, snaring them for 24 sec and dealing Nature damage over time.
Level 34
Conjure umbravines to eat away at the target’s magical defenses, reducing their Resistances by 20.
This spell is rarely resisted.
Hurl a spear of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.
Level 35
Fortify your group with protective diamond, increasing their Health and Armor Class while the protective covering lasts.
Level 36
Gather leaves to yourself and form them into a mystical cloak, making your target invisible to most creatures.
This effect drains Mana while active.
Summon a swarm of stinging insects that swarm the target, dealing Nature damage over time.
Level 38
Imbue the restorative nature of the Flameshroud tree into your group, increasing their Health Regeneration by 7 for 24 min.
Grow a network of mystical spikes around the target that deal Nature damage to attackers.
Level 40
Bind a talisman of enchanted shadethistle to your enemy, healing anyone who damages the target for a small amount.
Cause thorn-covered vines to erupt from the ground and entangle the target, snaring them for 30 sec and dealing Nature damage over time.
Hurl a lance of pure Verdanfire at the target, dealing Nature damage.