TrueKaos [on The Riddled Path]
k Showed up at 1900 and I have no idea why this time it showed up and not the last time I was sitting here. but I now have the lantern.
Shalazam is a community-populated knowledgebase for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, run by Petrichor.
We rely on player contributions so please get in touch if you have information to share and would like to help!
Item | Forgotten Master's Gi | 2 hours |
Quest | On a Hunch, Pt. 2 | 21 hours |
Quest | On a Hunch, Pt. 1 | 22 hours |
Item | Outlaw's Bloodband | 2 days |
NPC | Eldren the Sage | 3 days |
Item | Fadecloth Cloak | 3 days |
Quest | (Alchemy) For the guards | 4 days |
Quest | (Alchemy) Combat Support | 4 days |
Quest | A Shining Opportunity | 4 days |
Quest | (Leatherworking) Second Skin | 4 days |