Any T1 Gemstone | Gemcutting | 1 | Any T1 Uncut Gemstone, Alchemical Flux | | |
Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Plate, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Cured Leather Strips | | |
Ashen Bronze Armor Scales | Armorsmithing | 36 | Cured Leather Strips, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | Armor +1
| |
Ashen Bronze Axe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 45 | Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust, 3x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Bar | Smelting | 30 | 2x Copper Nugget, 2x Lump of Asherium | | |
Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Thick Leather Strips, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Tattered Leather Strips | | |
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Tattered Leather Strips | | |
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Hilt | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Tattered Leather Strips | | |
Ashen Bronze Chain Belt | Armorsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt Basis, Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Cured Leather Armor Harness, Ashen Bronze Rivets | Armor +9
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Boots | Armorsmithing | 42 | Ashen Bronze Chainmail Boots Basis, Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Cured Leather Armor Harness | Armor +22
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat | Armorsmithing | 48 | Ashen Bronze Chain Coat Basis, Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Cured Leather Armor Harness, Ashen Bronze Rivets | Armor +29
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat Basis | Blacksmithing | 48 | 4x Ashen Bronze Chain Links, 2x Cotton Cloth Panel, 2x Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil | Armor +26
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Coif | Armorsmithing | 39 | Ashen Bronze Chainmail Coif Basis, Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Cured Leather Armor Harness, Ashen Bronze Rivets | Armor +15
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets | Armorsmithing | 42 | Ashen Bronze Chainmail Gauntlets Basis, Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Cured Leather Armor Harness | Armor +22
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings | Armorsmithing | 51 | Ashen Bronze Rivets, Simple Chain Leggings Basis, Simple Reinforcements | Armor +22
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Links | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt Basis | Armorsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Chain Links, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil, Cotton Cloth Panel | Armor +6
| |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Boots Basis | Armorsmithing | 42 | Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil, 2x Ashen Bronze Chain Links, Cotton Cloth Panel | Armor +20
| |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Coif Basis | Armorsmithing | 39 | 2x Ashen Bronze Chain Links, Cotton Cloth Panel, Flameseed Oil, Ashen Bronze Rivets | Armor +13
| |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Gauntlets Basis | Armorsmithing | 42 | 2x Ashen Bronze Chain Links, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil, Cotton Cloth Panel | Armor +20
| |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Leggings Basis | Armorsmithing | 51 | 2x Cotton Cloth Panel, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil, 3x Ashen Bronze Chain Links | Armor +26
| |
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Pauldrons Basis | Armorsmithing | 54 | 2x Ashen Bronze Chain Links, Cotton Cloth Panel, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Flameseed Oil | Armor +20
| |
Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons | Armorsmithing | 54 | Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements, Cured Leather Armor Harness, Ashen Bronze Rivets, Ashen Bronze Chainmail Pauldrons Basis | Armor +22
| |
Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 57 | 5x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Celestium Dust, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Greatsword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 57 | 4x Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil, Simple Grinding Stone, Celestium Dust | | |
Ashen Bronze Hammer Head | Weaponsmithing | 36 | 3x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Celestium Dust, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade | Blacksmithing | 36 | Simple Grinding Stone, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Knuckle Bar | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Mace Head | Weaponsmithing | 51 | 3x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust | | |
Ashen Bronze Maul Head | Weaponsmithing | 51 | 5x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Celestium Dust, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Nails | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head | Blacksmithing | 36 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Pike Head | Weaponsmithing | 51 | 4x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust | | |
Ashen Bronze Plate | Blacksmithing | 36 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 57 | 6x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust | | |
Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Tattered Leather Strips | | |
3x Ashen Bronze Rivets | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil | Armor +1
| |
Ashen Bronze Shield Reinforcement | Blacksmithing | 36 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone | Armor +1
| |
Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade | Blacksmithing | 36 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil | | |
Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife Blade | Blacksmithing | 36 | Flameseed Oil, Simple Grinding Stone, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Ashen Bronze Spear Head | Weaponsmithing | 45 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust, Simple Grinding Stone | | |
Ashen Bronze Sword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 51 | 3x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone, Flameseed Oil, Celestium Dust | | |
Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding | Blacksmithing | 36 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Resin Glue | | |
Asherium Armor Scales | Armorsmithing | 1 | Tattered Leather Strips, Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Bar | Smelting | 1 | 3x Lump of Asherium | | |
Asherium Basic Shield Brace | Blacksmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Tattered Leather Strips, Asherium Rivets | Armor +2 Block Value +8 Block Rating +3
| |
Asherium Basic Tool Haft | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Brawler's Cestus | Weaponsmithing | 12 | Asherium Knuckle Bar, Celestium Dust of Might, Improved Knuckle Wrapping | Delay +2.6 Damage +4 Strength +1
| |
Asherium Brigandine Boots | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Celestium Dust of Health, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis | Armor +14 Health +5
| |
Asherium Brigandine Gauntlets | Armorsmithing | 18 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis, Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Prowess | Armor +10 Dexterity +1
| |
Asherium Brigandine Helm | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Precision, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis | Armor +10 Hit Rating +18
| |
Asherium Brigandine Pauldrons | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of the Tireless, Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis | Armor +14 Endurance +5
| |
Asherium Brigandine Tunic | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Might, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis | Armor +18 Strength +1
| |
5x Asherium Field Point Arrowheads | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Asherium Foreman's Hammer | Weaponsmithing | 12 | Celestium Dust of Vitality, Novice Asherium Great Hammer Head, Improved Asherium Large Weapon Haft | Delay +4.1 Damage +14 Stamina +1
| |
Asherium Greataxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 30 | Crude Grinding Stone, 5x Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Guardian's Blade | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Novice Asherium Greatsword Blade, Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt, Celestium Dust of Vitality | Delay +3.7 Damage +13 Stamina +1
| |
Asherium Hammer Head | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Crude Grinding Stone, 3x Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Hatchet Blade | Blacksmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Asherium Hunter's Javelin | Weaponsmithing | 12 | Novice Asherium Spear Head, Celestium Dust of Prowess, Improved Asherium Weapon Haft | Delay +2.8 Damage +5 Dexterity +1
| |
Asherium Kite Shield Blank | Armorsmithing | 1 | 3x Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel, 2x Asherium Rivets | Armor +4 Block Value +20 Block Rating +40
| |
Asherium Knuckle Bar | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Asherium Maul Head | Weaponsmithing | 18 | 5x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
3x Asherium Nails | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel | Armor +11
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel | Armor +7
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Tattered Leather Panel, Asherium Plate | Armor +7
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Tattered Leather Panel, Asherium Plate | Armor +7
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel | Armor +15
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Tattered Leather Panel, Asherium Plate | Armor +11
| |
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | 3x Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel | Armor +15
| |
Asherium Pickaxe Head | Blacksmithing | 1 | Crude Grinding Stone, 2x Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Plate | Blacksmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Poleaxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 30 | 6x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
3x Asherium Rivets | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar | | |
Asherium Sickle Blade | Blacksmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Asherium Skinning Knife Blade | Blacksmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Basis, Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets | Armor +7
| |
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Basis | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Plate, Asherium Rivets, Tattered Leather Panel | Armor +6
| |
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots | Armorsmithing | 6 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Basis | Armor +18
| |
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Basis | Armorsmithing | 6 | 2x Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel, Asherium Rivets | Armor +17
| |
Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis | Armorsmithing | 30 | 2x Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Panel, Asherium Rivets | Armor +17
| |
Asherium Stalker's Dagger | Weaponsmithing | 12 | Novice Asherium Dagger Blade, Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt, Celestium Dust of Fleetness | Delay +2.4 Damage +4 Agility +1
| |
Asherium Watchguard's Shortsword | Weaponsmithing | 12 | Novice Asherium Sword Blade, Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt, Celestium Dust of Fleetness | Delay +2.8 Damage +5 Agility +1
| |
Black Iron Bar | Smelting | 72 | 4x Lump of Iron, Black Temper, Coal | | |
Black Iron Basic Shield Brace | Blacksmithing | 45 | 2x Black Iron Bar | Armor +3
| |
Black Iron Basic Tool Haft | Blacksmithing | 63 | Black Iron Bar, Cured Leather Strips | | |
Black Iron Breastplate | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Breastplate Mold, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +18
| |
Black Iron Breastplate Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | 2x Black Iron Plate | Armor +16
| |
Black Iron Hatchet Blade | Blacksmithing | 63 | 2x Black Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal | | |
Black Iron Kite Shield | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Kite Shield Blank, Black Iron Basic Shield Brace | Armor +9 Block Value +26 Block Rating +262
| |
Black Iron Kite Shield Blank | Armorsmithing | 45 | 3x Black Iron Plate | Armor +6 Block Value +3 Block Rating +27
| |
Black Iron Pickaxe Head | Blacksmithing | 63 | 2x Black Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal | | |
Black Iron Plate | Blacksmithing | 45 | 2x Black Iron Bar | | |
Black Iron Plate Boots | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate Boots Basis, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +11
| |
Black Iron Plate Boots Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate | Armor +10
| |
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate Gauntlets Basis, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +24
| |
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate | Armor +10
| |
Black Iron Plate Girdle | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Rivets, Black Iron Plate Girdle Basis | Armor +8
| |
Black Iron Plate Girdle Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate | Armor +7
| |
Black Iron Plate Greaves | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate Greaves Basis, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +16
| |
Black Iron Plate Greaves Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | 2x Black Iron Plate | Armor +14
| |
Black Iron Plate Helm | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate Helm Basis, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +24
| |
Black Iron Plate Helm Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate | Armor +10
| |
Black Iron Plate Spaulders | Armorsmithing | 45 | Black Iron Plate Spaulders Basis, Black Iron Rivets | Armor +12
| |
Black Iron Plate Spaulders Basis | Armorsmithing | 45 | 2x Black Iron Plate | Armor +10
| |
Black Iron Rivets | Blacksmithing | 45 | Black Iron Bar | Armor +1
| |
Black Iron Sickle Blade | Blacksmithing | 63 | 2x Black Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal | | |
Black Iron Skinning Knife Blade | Blacksmithing | 63 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, 2x Black Iron Bar | | |
Blood Iron Bar | Smelting | 72 | 4x Lump of Iron, Coal, Blood Temper | | |
Brass Ingot | Smelting | 36 | 3x Copper Nugget, Zinc | | |
Bronze Barbed Arrowheads | Blacksmithing | 48 | Simple Grinding Stone, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Bronze Bodkin Arrowheads | Blacksmithing | 48 | 2x Ashen Bronze Bar, Simple Grinding Stone | | |
Bronze Broadhead Arrowheads | Blacksmithing | 36 | Simple Grinding Stone, 2x Ashen Bronze Bar | | |
Burlap Spider Fang Necklace | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 3x Spider Fangs, Burlap Twine, Alchemical Flux | Poison Resistance +2
| |
3x Copper Buckle | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 2x Copper Ingot | | |
5x Copper Buttons | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 2x Copper Ingot | | |
Copper Ingot | Smelting | 12 | 3x Copper Nugget | | |
Copper Nugget | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Asherite Ore | | |
Copper Nugget | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Tascium Ore | | |
Copper Plate | Jewelcrafting | 18 | 5x Copper Ingot | | |
Copper Unit Insignia Ring | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 2x Copper Ingot | | |
Cotton Grizzleclaw Necklace | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 2x Cotton Twine, 2x Copper Ingot, Resin Glue, 3x Grizzleback Claw | Block Rating +18 Constitution +1
| |
Crude Asherium Broadsword | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Sword Blade, Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt | Delay +2.9 Damage +4
| |
Crude Asherium Dagger | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt, Novice Asherium Dagger Blade | Delay +2.5 Damage +3
| |
Crude Asherium Great Axe | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft, Asherium Greataxe Blade | Delay +3.2 Damage +7
| |
Crude Asherium Greatsword | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Greatsword Blade, Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt | Delay +3.8 Damage +12
| |
Crude Asherium Hand Axe | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Axe Blade, Novice Asherium Weapon Haft | Delay +3.2 Damage +4
| |
Crude Asherium Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Sickle Blade, Asherium Basic Tool Haft | Tool Effectiveness +11
| |
Crude Asherium Knuckles | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Asherium Knuckle Bar, Simple Wrapping | Delay +2.7 Damage +2
| |
Crude Asherium Mace | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Mace Head, Novice Asherium Weapon Haft | Delay +2.9 Damage +4
| |
Crude Asherium Maul | Weaponsmithing | 18 | Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft, Asherium Maul Head | Delay +3.2 Damage +8
| |
Crude Asherium Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Pickaxe Head, Asherium Basic Tool Haft | Tool Effectiveness +11
| |
Crude Asherium Pike | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft, Novice Asherium Pike Head | Delay +3.8 Damage +11
| |
Crude Asherium Poleaxe | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Asherium Poleaxe Blade, Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft | Delay +4.2 Damage +12
| |
Crude Asherium Short Spear | Weaponsmithing | 9 | Novice Asherium Spear Head, Novice Asherium Weapon Haft | Delay +1.8 Damage +4
| |
Crude Asherium Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Basic Tool Haft, Asherium Skinning Knife Blade | Tool Effectiveness +11
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Boots | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis, Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets | Armor +13
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Bracers | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis | Armor +9
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis, Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets | Armor +9
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Helm | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis, Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets | Armor +9
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis | Armor +17
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis | Armor +13
| |
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic | Armorsmithing | 1 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis, Asherium Rivets, Asherium Armor Reinforcements | Armor +17
| |
Crude Asherium War Hammer | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Asherium Hammer Head, Novice Asherium Weapon Haft | Delay +2.9 Damage +4
| |
Crude Asherium Woodcutting Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Hatchet Blade, Asherium Basic Tool Haft | Tool Effectiveness +11
| |
Fleetness-Runed Iron Sword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 66 | Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Celestium Dust of Fleetness, Coal, Damaged Fleetness Rune | Agility +3
| |
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Bracers | Armorsmithing | 18 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis, Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Health | Armor +10 Health +5
| |
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Gauntlets | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Might, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis | Armor +10 Strength +1
| |
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Helm | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of the Tireless, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis | Armor +10 Endurance +5
| |
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Leggings | Armorsmithing | 18 | Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Resilience, Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements | Armor +18 Constitution +1
| |
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Tunic | Armorsmithing | 18 | Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements, Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis, Asherium Rivets, Celestium Dust of Vitality | Armor +18 Stamina +1
| |
Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Plate, Tattered Leather Strips, Asherium Rivets | Armor +3
| |
Improved Asherium Large Weapon Haft | Weaponsmithing | 24 | 3x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | Delay +1.4 Damage +4
| |
Improved Asherium Weapon Haft | Weaponsmithing | 24 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | Delay +0.9 Damage +2
| |
Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt | Blacksmithing | 12 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Adept's Blade | Weaponsmithing | 66 | Precision-Runed Iron Weapon Hilt, Scale Glue, Bear Blood, Fleetness-Runed Iron Sword Blade, Simple Pommel Weight | Delay +2.8 Damage +8 Agility +3 Hit Rating +15
| |
Iron Axe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 72 | 3x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Bar | Smelting | 63 | 4x Lump of Iron, Coal | | |
Iron Combatant's Guisarme | Weaponsmithing | 66 | Scale Glue, Might-Runed Poleaxe Head, Prowess-Runed Large Weapon Haft, Cladding | Delay +4.1 Damage +20 Strength +3 Dexterity +2
| |
Iron Dagger Blade | Weaponsmithing | 63 | 2x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Greataxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 87 | 5x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Greatsword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 87 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, 4x Iron Bar | | |
Iron Hammer Head | Weaponsmithing | 63 | 3x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Knuckle Bar | Weaponsmithing | 63 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, 2x Iron Bar | | |
Iron Mace Head | Weaponsmithing | 72 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, 3x Iron Bar | | |
Iron Maul Head | Weaponsmithing | 78 | 5x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Nails | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Bar | | |
Iron Pickaxe Head | Blacksmithing | 63 | 2x Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal | | |
Iron Pike Head | Weaponsmithing | 78 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, 4x Iron Bar | | |
Iron Poleaxe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 87 | 6x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Rivets | Blacksmithing | 45 | Iron Bar | | |
Iron Skinning Knife Blade | Blacksmithing | 63 | 2x Iron Bar, Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal | | |
Iron Spear Head | Weaponsmithing | 72 | 2x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
Iron Spiritcaller's Battlespear | Weaponsmithing | 66 | Scale Glue, Insight-Runed Spearhead, Fleetness-Runed Small Weapon Haft, Pommel | Delay +2.8 Damage +8 Wisdom +3 Agility +2
| |
Iron Sword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 78 | 3x Iron Bar, Moonseed Oil, Coal, Celestium Dust, Rough Grinding Stone | | |
4x Lump of Asherium | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Asherite Ore | | |
Lump of Iron | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Padrium Ore | | |
Lump of Iron | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Tascium Ore | | |
Mender's Iron Chain Coat | Armorsmithing | 66 | Iron Rivets, Insight-Runed Chain Coat Basis, Magic-Runed Reinforcements, Simple Armor Harness | Mana +15 Armor +27 Wisdom +3
| |
Nickel Ingot | Smelting | 63 | 4x Nickel Nugget, Coal | | |
Nickel Nugget | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Padrium Ore | | |
Novice Asherium Axe Blade | Weaponsmithing | 1 | Crude Grinding Stone, 3x Asherium Bar | | |
Novice Asherium Dagger Blade | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Novice Asherium Great Hammer Head | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 5x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Novice Asherium Greatsword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 4x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | Delay +2.7 Damage +11
| |
Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft | Blacksmithing | 18 | 2x Asherium Bar | | |
Novice Asherium Mace Head | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 3x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Novice Asherium Pike Head | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 4x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Novice Asherium Spear Head | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 2x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | Delay +1.8 Damage +3
| |
Novice Asherium Spear Head | Weaponsmithing | 9 | Crude Grinding Stone, 2x Asherium Bar | Delay +1.8 Damage +3
| |
Novice Asherium Sword Blade | Weaponsmithing | 1 | 3x Asherium Bar, Crude Grinding Stone | | |
Novice Asherium Weapon Haft | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar | | |
Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt | Blacksmithing | 1 | Asherium Bar | Delay +1.1 Damage +1
| |
Novice Copper Jade Amulet | Jewelcrafting | 1 | Pewter Ingot, Pewter Set Round-Cut Citrine, Beeswax, Ashen Polish | Mana +5 Disease Resistance +3
| |
Novice Pewter Circlet of Eloquence | Jewelcrafting | 1 | Pewter Signet of Eloquence, 2x Beeswax, 2x Ashen Polish, 3x Pewter Ingot | Health +5 Charisma +1
| |
Pewter Ingot | Smelting | 1 | 2x Lump of Asherium, Bismuth Flakes | | |
Pewter Set Round-Cut Citrine | Gemcutting | 1 | Pewter Ingot, Any T1 Gemstone, Beeswax, Ashen Polish | Poison Resistance +3
| |
Pewter set Square-cut Citrine | Jewelcrafting | 1 | Pewter Ingot, Beeswax, Ashen Polish, Any T1 Gemstone | Fire Resistance +3
| |
Pewter Wolf Fang Earring | Jewelcrafting | 1 | Wolf Fang, Berry Glue, Pewter Ingot | Health +5 Spell Crit Rating +5 Physical Crit Rating +5
| |
Polished Bone Ring | Jewelcrafting | 1 | 3x Bone Fragments, Alchemical Flux, Beeswax | Curse Resistance +2
| |
Precision-Runed Iron Weapon Hilt | Blacksmithing | 66 | Iron Bar, Cured Leather Strips, Damaged Precision Rune, Celestium Dust of Precision | Hit Rating +15
| |
Rock Salt | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Asherite Ore | | |
Rock Salt | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Padrium Ore | | |
Silver Nugget | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Padrium Ore | | |
Silver Nugget | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Asherite Ore | | |
Simple Ashen Bronze Broadsword | Weaponsmithing | 51 | Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Hilt, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Sword Blade | Delay +2.8 Damage +7
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Dagger | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade, Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Hilt | Delay +2.4 Damage +6 Intellect +2
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Great Axe | Weaponsmithing | 57 | Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade, Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft, Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding, Resin Glue | Delay +3.3 Damage +14
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Greatsword | Weaponsmithing | 57 | Resin Glue, Simple Greatsword Blade, Simple Small Weapon Hilt | Delay +3.7 Damage +16
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Hand Axe | Weaponsmithing | 45 | Schematic: Ashen Bronze Axe Blade, Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +3.1 Damage +7
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade, Carved Ash Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +20
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight | Tool Effectiveness +20
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Knuckles | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Resin Glue, Simple Knuckle Bar, Simple Knuckle Brace | Delay +2.6 Damage +6
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Mace | Weaponsmithing | 51 | Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Mace Head | Delay +2.8 Damage +8 Wisdom +2
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Maul | Weaponsmithing | 51 | Ashen Bronze Maul Head, Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding | Delay +3.3 Damage +14
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head, Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +7 Tool Effectiveness +21
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head, Carved Ash Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +7 Tool Effectiveness +21
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Pike | Weaponsmithing | 51 | Ashen Bronze Pike Head, Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft | Delay +2.9 Damage +14
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Poleaxe | Weaponsmithing | 57 | Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Blade, Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding | Delay +3.3 Damage +14
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Short Hunting Spear | Weaponsmithing | 45 | Ashen Bronze Spear Head, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft | Delay +2.8 Damage +8 Wisdom +2
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife Blade, Carved Ash Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +7 Tool Effectiveness +21
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife Blade | Delay +1.8 Damage +7 Tool Effectiveness +21
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze War Hammer | Weaponsmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Hammer Head, Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft, Resin Glue | Delay +2.8 Damage +8
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Woodcutting Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade, Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight | Delay +1.8 Damage +6 Tool Effectiveness +20
| |
Simple Ashen Bronze Woodcutting Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 36 | Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade, Carved Ash Tool Haft, Resin Glue, Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight | Delay +1.8 Damage +6 Tool Effectiveness +20
| |
Simple Black Iron Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 63 | Black Iron Sickle Blade, Black Iron Basic Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +35
| |
Simple Black Iron Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 63 | Black Iron Pickaxe Head, Black Iron Basic Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +36
| |
Simple Black Iron Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 63 | Black Iron Skinning Knife Blade, Black Iron Basic Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +35
| |
Simple Black Iron Woodcutters Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 63 | Black Iron Hatchet Blade, Black Iron Basic Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +35
| |
Simple Iron Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Sickle Blade, Standard Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Simple Iron Harvesting Sickle | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Sickle Blade, Carved Cedar Tool Haft, Resin Glue, Standard Iron Pommel Weight | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Simple Iron Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Pickaxe Head, Carved Cedar Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Simple Iron Mining Pick | Blacksmithing | 63 | Resin Glue, Iron Pickaxe Head, Standard Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Simple Iron Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Skinning Knife Blade, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue, Standard Tool Haft | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Simple Iron Skinning Knife | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Skinning Knife Blade, Carved Cedar Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Delay +1.8 Damage +9 Tool Effectiveness +29
| |
Standard Hatchet Blade | Blacksmithing | 63 | Rough Grinding Stone, Moonseed Oil, Coal, 2x Iron Bar | | |
Standard Iron Pommel Weight | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Bar, Cured Leather Strips, Simple Grinding Stone | | |
Standard Iron Woodcutting Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 60 | Standard Hatchet Blade, Standard Tool Haft, Scale Glue, Simple Pommel Weight | Tool Effectiveness +32
| |
Standard Iron Woodcutting Hatchet | Blacksmithing | 63 | Standard Hatchet Blade, Carved Cedar Tool Haft, Standard Iron Pommel Weight, Resin Glue | Tool Effectiveness +32
| |
Standard Tool Haft | Blacksmithing | 63 | Iron Bar, Cured Leather Strips | | |
Sulfur | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Asherite Ore | | |
Sulfur | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Caspilrite Ore | | |
Sulfur | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Tascium Ore | | |
Temple Iron Spaulders | Armorsmithing | 60 | Iron Rivets, Insight-Runed Spaulders Basis, Fleetness-Runed Reinforcements, Simple Armor Harness | Armor +27 Wisdom +3 Agility +2
| |
Topaz Restored Seal of Adlair | Jewelcrafting | 24 | Damaged Seal of Adlair, Copper Plate, Damaged Seal of Adlair | | |
Zinc | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Caspilrite Ore | | |
Zinc | Smelting | 1 | 2x Chunk of Tascium Ore | | |