About Shalazam

This is Shalazam, a project to catalogue everything we can about the game world of Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen. It was known as the Pantheon Database for a short time while we settled on a real name.

We're trying to create a knowledgebase of mobs, NPCs, items (dropped, crafted, etc), crafting recipes, camps/dungeons, and more. Soon we'll have player-written guides about Pantheon, and eventually we hope to track the quest system too.

Thanks to the tireless mapping efforts of @Loban, @Semper and @Oukbok we also have an interactive map.

How to Help

This database is generously populated by contributions from players in Petrichor EU Guild and friends.

If you'd like to help, pop into our Discord and let us know what you found. If you'd like your name listed on this page as a contributor also let us know!

Regular contributors can be given access to some simple forms to update the database themselves (but this is still WIP so a bit rough around the edges!).


Huge thanks to all our contributors (if you've been missed or don't want to be listed here please shout at @Caesium)

@Achoo, @Azraell, @Dux, @Extralarge, @Final, @Gottbeard, @Kalieni, @klaumbaz, @Loban, @Lethal (Shadow), @Ralph, @Rimidal, @Sey, @SkoobieDoobie, @SolitarySigma/IP, @Spof, @Zawisza, @Zosu

What are we looking for?


Screenshots of the item information panel are best - most of the information we need is on there (the higher resolution the better so they're readable), along with the name of the mob who dropped it.

If possible, having a merchant window open while taking the screenshot will show us how much the item sells for to a merchant which is also good to know.


For now we're mostly focused on nameds, there's just too much trash to catalogue and it will probably change a lot before launch anyway.

Screenshots of mobs are welcomed - ideally before you engage, with the screenshot free of visual clutter like other players and mobs. Try to take them during game daytime - they look so much better, nighttime shorts can be very dark. We can deal with resizing and cropping as required.

We collect:

  • /loc coordinates
  • whether the mob is an "elite" (the chevron on the left of their nameplate).
  • their level (when they con white - but a close estimate is good enough)


We're collecting name and location of NPCs, along with whether they're a vendor or not. Screenshots are awesome for NPCs too; we need screenshots for most NPCs at the moment.

Eventually we'll catalogue which quests they offer and details of those quests but at this early stage of the game it's likely quests will change a lot, so we're holding off on that for now.


Something like Mad Run or Goblin Caves would be a dungeon. Smaller areas like Spirit Manor aren't really a dungeon but we want to track it anyway, so we'll call that a "camp".

We'd like the dungeon pages to be a resource with the following sorts of things, if you have any please let us know.

  • Entrance locs
  • Nameds inside
  • Level range of mobs inside
  • Screenshots!
  • Hand-drawn maps
  • Strategy guides


We're cataloguing a few miscellaneous things too, and mostly we just need /loc for these:

  • Bindstones
  • Campfires
  • Crafting Stations