Shaman Abilities
Level 1
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage to the target.
This spell deals 50% more damage if the target is poisoned.
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring 8-8 Health and granting them Mantle of Mist, restoring 6 Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.
Shaman Technique
Strike your enemy with the power of a small snake.
Damage Modifiers: WIS, DEX
Level 2
Imbue your group with the fortitude of stone, increasing Strength and Stamina by 4 for 45 min.
Amount of Strength and Stamina increase is modified by your Constitution.
Level 3
Shaman Technique
Restores 20% Mana over 10 seconds, but puts you in a Weakened state for the duration.
Inflict the target with a potent venom, dealing Poison damage every few seconds while the poison lasts.
Level 4
Cleanse the target of 1 harmful Poison effect.
Channel healing waters to your target, restoring 13 Health every second for up to 8 seconds. Drains mana per second while channeling.
Healing effectiveness multiplied based on HoT effects from the Mantle line.
Level 5
Shaman Technique
Deals minor weapon damage. Causes your next Fanged spell to cost no mana.
Damage Modifiers: WIS, DEX
Level 6
Decrease the target’s Armor Class by 15% for up to 2 min.
Level 7
Healer Technique
Puts your target in the [Opening Gap] state for 30 seconds.
(Duration impacted by diminishing returns.)
The [Opening Gap] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.
Level 8
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring between 14 and 14 Health and granting them Mantle of the Stream, restoring 12 Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.
Imbue the target with the ancestral power of the Fireclaw, increasing their Fire Resistance by 10 and outgoing Fire damage by 10% while active.
Reunite an ally with their Remnance, bringing them back to life at the location they were slain.
Causes Resurrection Sickness.
Level 9
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage to the target.
This spell deals 50% more damage if the target is poisoned.
Level 10
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
All of your active, periodic healing effects will instantly finish their durations, directly healing their targets for the remaining amount.
Primal Oath: Ancestral
Ability School: Fire
Slow an enemy, decreasing their Action Speed by 25% for 2 minutes.
Accelerate your target’s Sprinting Speed by 10 and reduce the rate of Endurance drain by 10% for 45 min.
Level 11
Shaman Technique
Bestow the Strength of the Ancients upon your target.
Increase your Wisdom while active.
Amount of Wisdom increase is modified by your Constitution.
Level 12
Fire Bane
Deals minor Fire damage and Burns target, dealing Fire damage every few seconds for 48 seconds.
Water Boon
Cast a veil of soothing rains over your group, restoring 9 Health every 2 seconds for 12 seconds.
Imbue your group with the fortitude of stone, increasing Strength and Stamina by 6 for 45 min.
Amount of Strength and Stamina increase is modified by your Constitution.
Level 14
Gift the target with Second Sight, enabling them to dodge the next source of incoming Physical damage for 5 sec.
Players may only receive the Dodge effect of Second Sight once every 30 sec.
Empower your group with the speed of the Skymane, increasing attack speed by 20% for 45 min.
Level 15
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Shaman Technique
Bathe your target in soothing water, restoring minor Health every second for 10 seconds.
Level 16
Reunite an ally with their Remnance, bringing them back to life at the location they were slain and restoring 25% of lost experience.
Causes Resurrection Sickness.
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring between 21 and 21 Health and granting them Mantle of the River, restoring 20 Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.
Ability School: Poison
Deals minor Poison damage and Poisons target, dealing Poison damage every 4 sec for up to 48 sec.
Level 18
Decrease the target’s Armor Class by 20% for up to 2 min.
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage to the target.
This spell deals 50% more damage if the target is poisoned.
Surround the target with resilient stones, absorbing the next source of Physical damage for 20 sec up to 150 damage.
Level 19
Shaman Technique
Surround your target in a thick hide, granting Constitution.
Level 20
Ability School: Fire
Slow an enemy, decreasing their Action Speed by 25% for 2 minutes.
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Imbue the target with the ancestral power of the Fireclaw, increasing their Fire Resistance by 15 and outgoing Fire damage by 12% while active.
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage and dehydrates the target, dealing Nature damage every few seconds for 48 seconds.
Level 22
Accelerate your target’s Sprinting Speed by {amt} and reduce the rate of Endurance drain by {amt}% for 45 min.
Level 23
Shaman Technique
Restore 250 Readiness to the group.
Level 24
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring between 38 and 38 Health and granting them Mantle of the Rapids, restoring ? Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.
Reunite an ally with their Remnance, bringing them back to life at the location they were slain and restoring 50% of lost experience.
Causes Resurrection Sickness.
Level 25
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Level 26
Fire Bane
Deals Fire damage and Burns target, dealing Fire damage every few seconds for 48 seconds.
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage to the target.
This spell deals 50% more damage if the target is poisoned.
Level 29
Shaman Technique
Bestow a cat-like spirit into your target, granting them Dexterity.
Level 30
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Erode the earthen elements in the target’s armor, reducing their Armor Class by 25% for up to 2 min.
Ability School: Fire
Slow an enemy, decreasing their Action Speed by 25% for 2 minutes.
Less likely to be resisted than previous ranks.
Mark your current location for 30 sec. When you activate this ability again, you will instantly return to the marked location. You cannot cross zone lines with this ability and a new location cannot be marked until the old location has been consumed or until the effect wears off.
When the return portion of this ability is used, has a chance to clear the Shaman of movement impairing and loss of control effects.
Level 32
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring between 53 and 53 Health and granting them Mantle of the Rapids, restoring ? Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.
Imbue your target or group with the ancestral power of the Fireclaw, increasing their Fire Resistance by 15 and outgoing Fire damage by 15% while active.
Level 33
Shaman Technique
Deals minor damage. If the target is suffering from your Poison DoT, deal additional damage.
Damage Modifiers: WIS, DEX
Level 34
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage and dehydrates the target, dealing Nature damage every few seconds for 48 seconds.
Ability School: Nature
Deals minor Nature damage to the target.
This spell deals 50% more damage if the target is poisoned.
Accelerate your target or group’s Sprinting Speed by {amt} and reduce the rate of Endurance drain by {amt}% for 45 min.
Level 35
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Level 40
Use ancestral magic to call your wolf companion to your side.
Fire Bane
Deals Fire damage and Burns target, dealing Fire damage every few seconds for 48 seconds.
Water Boon
Cast a soothing mist over your target, restoring immediate Health and granting them Mantle of the Deep, restoring Health every 3 sec for 30 sec.