Halnir Cave
Goblin Caves
Dire Lord
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Choose a base item and up to 6 other items to compare stats.
Base Item
A Dusty Hat
A Mysterious Letter
A Recovered Map
A Runed Coffer
A Sigiled Pendant
A Suspicious Message
A fresh-baked cookie
A locked coffer
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Bracers
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Adamant Shackles
Adjutant's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Adjutant's Blood Iron Chain Pauldrons
Adjutant's Blood Iron Plated Coat
Adjutant's Chain Iron Bracers
Adjutant's Iron Chain Coat
Adjutant's Iron Chain Coif
Adjutant's Iron Chain Gauntlets
Adjutant's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Adjutant's Iron Plate Gauntlets
Adjutant's Iron Vambraces
Adjutants Iron Chain Coat
Adventurer's Backpack
Aged Brass Key
Aged Stonehide Belt
Aged Stonehide Skullcap
Aged Wood Shortbow
Alchemical Flux
Amulet of Energized Crystal
Amulet of the Venom Lair
An Unfortunate Boot
Ancient Claymore
Ancient Griffin Feather
Ancient Mining Pick
Ancient Wolf Coat
Antidote of Nightbane
Any T1 Gemstone
Any T1 Uncut Gemstone
Apple-glazed Trout
Applenut Mix
Applenut-stuffed Mushrooms
Apprentice's Boots
Apprentice's Garment
Apprentice's Pants
Arcanery Brew
Arm Of The Bloodsworn
Armor Reinforcement
Ash Arrow Shafts
Ash Basic Shield Handle
Ash Basic Wooden Endcaps
Ash Bow Reinforcement
Ash Carved Weapon Haft
Ash Club Blank
Ash Cudgel
Ash Fighting Staff
Ash Focus Carving
Ash Healer's Staff
Ash Log
Ash Longbow Limbs
Ash Lumber
Ash Round Shield
Ash Round Shield Face
Ash Simple Storage Chest
Ash Staff Blank
Ash Staff of the Mountain
Ash Stave
Ash Striker's Bow
Ash Tannin
Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements
Ashen Bronze Armor Scales
Ashen Bronze Axe Blade
Ashen Bronze Bar
Ashen Bronze Barbed Arrows
Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Hilt
Ashen Bronze Battle Axe
Ashen Bronze Battle Blade
Ashen Bronze Bodkin Arrows
Ashen Bronze Broadhead Arrows
Ashen Bronze Chain Belt
Ashen Bronze Chain Boots
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat Basis
Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Ashen Bronze Chain Links
Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Boots Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Coif Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Gauntlets Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Leggings Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Pauldrons Basis
Ashen Bronze Champion's Greathammer
Ashen Bronze Dagger
Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade
Ashen Bronze Dueling Blade
Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade
Ashen Bronze Greatsword Blade
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Greataxe
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Longspear
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Mace
Ashen Bronze Hammer Head
Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade
Ashen Bronze Heavy Greatsword
Ashen Bronze Impact Arrows
Ashen Bronze Knuckle Bar
Ashen Bronze Long Hunting Spear
Ashen Bronze Mace Head
Ashen Bronze Maul Head
Ashen Bronze Nails
Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head
Ashen Bronze Pike Head
Ashen Bronze Plate
Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Blade
Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight
Ashen Bronze Rivets
Ashen Bronze Scout's Shortblade
Ashen Bronze Shield Reinforcement
Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade
Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife Blade
Ashen Bronze Spear Head
Ashen Bronze Sword Blade
Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding
Ashen Bronze Weapon Studs
Ashen Polish
Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Asherium Armor Scales
Asherium Bar
Asherium Basic Shield Brace
Asherium Basic Tool Haft
Asherium Brawler's Cestus
Asherium Brigandine Boots
Asherium Brigandine Bracers
Asherium Brigandine Gauntlets
Asherium Brigandine Helm
Asherium Brigandine Pauldrons
Asherium Brigandine Tunic
Asherium Brute's Crusher
Asherium Field Point Arrowheads
Asherium Field Point Arrows
Asherium Footman's Lance
Asherium Foreman's Hammer
Asherium Greataxe Blade
Asherium Guardian's Blade
Asherium Hammer Head
Asherium Hatchet Blade
Asherium Heavy War Hammer
Asherium Hunter's Javelin
Asherium Kite Shield
Asherium Kite Shield Blank
Asherium Knuckle Bar
Asherium Maul Head
Asherium Nails
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Bracers Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Helm Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Leggings Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Tunic Basis
Asherium Pickaxe Head
Asherium Plate
Asherium Poleaxe Blade
Asherium Raider's Axe
Asherium Reaver's Axe
Asherium Rivets
Asherium Sickle Blade
Asherium Skinning Knife Blade
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets
Asherium Splinted Leather Helm
Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings
Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons
Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic
Asherium Stalker's Dagger
Asherium Watchguard's Shortsword
Asherium Woodcutter Hatchet
Avendyr Trout
Band Of The Outcast
Band of Battle
Bandit's Bear Hide Gloves
Barkbitten Club
Barkbitten Staff
Barnacle-Crusted Boots
Barnacle-Crusted Bracers
Barnacle-Crusted Gloves
Barnacle-Crusted Helm
Barnacle-Crusted Leggings
Barnacle-Crusted Tunic
Basic Harvesting Sickle
Basic Mining Pick
Basic Salvaging Tools
Basic Skinning Knife
Basic Woodcutter Hatchet
Bat Fur
Bat Fur Leggings
Bat Meat
Bat Wing
Batmeat Skewers
Battered Round Shield
Battle-Tested Shortbow
Bear Blood
Bear Chops
Bear Hide
Bear Jerky
Bear Meat
Bear Paw
Bear Skull Helmet
Bear Tallow
Bearded Axe
Bearskin Gloves
Bearskin Leggings
Bee Honey
Beetle Eye
Beetle Legs
Beetle Pincher
Beetle Shell Helmet
Belt of the Icebound
Berry Glue
Bird Beak Necklace
Bird Skin
Bismuth Flakes
Black Iron Bar
Black Iron Basic Shield Brace
Black Iron Basic Tool Haft
Black Iron Breastplate
Black Iron Breastplate Basis
Black Iron Breastplate Mold
Black Iron Chain Belt
Black Iron Chain Boots
Black Iron Chain Coat
Black Iron Chain Coif
Black Iron Chain Gauntlets
Black Iron Chain Leggings
Black Iron Chain Pauldrons
Black Iron Combatant's Heavy Axe
Black Iron Dagger
Black Iron Great Axe
Black Iron Hatchet Blade
Black Iron Kite Shield
Black Iron Kite Shield Blank
Black Iron Pickaxe Head
Black Iron Plate
Black Iron Plate Boots
Black Iron Plate Boots Basis
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets Basis
Black Iron Plate Girdle
Black Iron Plate Girdle Basis
Black Iron Plate Greaves
Black Iron Plate Greaves Basis
Black Iron Plate Helm
Black Iron Plate Helm Basis
Black Iron Plate Spaulders
Black Iron Plate Spaulders Basis
Black Iron Pommel Weight
Black Iron Rivets
Black Iron Sickle Blade
Black Iron Skinning Knife Blade
Black Iron Weapon Studs
Black Leather Tunic
Black Leatherr Tunic
Black Onyx Ring
Black Tea Leaves
Black Tear Idol
Black Temper
Blackback Venom Gland
Blackberry Sparkle
Blackblood Tea
Blackened Wood Club
Blackened Wood Staff
Blade of Carnage
Bladed Earring
Bleached Bone Club
Blistered Leather Sleeves
Blood Dipped Amulet
Blood Iron Bar
Blood Iron Breastplate
Blood Iron Combatant's Knuckles
Blood Iron Enchanter's Battleknife
Blood Iron Gladiator's Battle Axe
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Axe
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Gloves
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Hammer
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Great Axe
Blood Iron Plate Boots
Blood Iron Plate Gauntlets
Blood Iron Plate Girdle
Blood Iron Plate Greaves
Blood Iron Plate Helm
Blood Iron Plate Spaulders
Blood Iron Plate Vambraces
Blood Iron Seer's Javelin
Blood Iron Shadower's Short Lance
Blood Iron Shadower's Smallblade
Blood Iron Skycaller's Dagger
Blood Iron Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Blood Iron Weapon Studs
Blood Soaked Arrow
Blood Soaked Shield
Blood Temper
Blood-Etched Corpus Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Blood-Inlaid War Gavel
Blood-Soaked Coat
Blood-Soaked Shield
Blood-Splattered Pauldrons
Bloodshot Bat Eye
Bloodstained Handwraps
Bloodstone Amulet
Bloody Mail Boots
Bloody Mail Bracers
Bloody Mail Gloves
Bloody Mail Hauberk
Bloody Mail Helm
Bloody Mail Leggings
Bloody Mail Shoulderguards
Boal's Choppin' Axe
Boar Blood
Boar Fur
Boar Hide
Boar Meat
Boar Tusk
Boar Tusk Spear
Bone Fragments
Bone Necklace
Bone-Handled Axe
Bone-Handled Battle Axe
Bone-Handled Hammer
Bone-Handled Quickblade
Bone-Inlaid Leather Brachers
Bone-Inlaid Leather Leggings
Bone-Tipped Knuckles
Bonemail Legguards
Bonewoven Cloth Handwraps
Bonewoven Cloth Headband
Bonewoven Cloth Legwraps
Boots of Escape
Boots of Whispers
Boreal Shoulderpads
Brace Of Claws
Braced Hide Belt
Braced Hide Cap
Braced Hide Cloak
Braced Hide Gloves
Braced Hide Jerkin
Braced Hide Leggings
Braced Hide Wristguards
Braided Cloth Belt
Braided Needle
Branch of Ulthiros
Brass Buckle
Brass Buttons
Brass Ingot
Brass Set Round-Cut Zircon
Brass Signet Of Insight
Brass Zircon Band
Brass Zircon Earring
Brass Zircon Necklace
Brass Zircon Scepter
Bright Metal Greaves
Brightcap Mushroom
Brightfire Sap
Brightweave Cord
Brightweave Hood
Brightweave Pants
Brightweave Robe
Brineclaw Totem
Brittle Dagger
Brittle Hatchet
Brittle Shortbow
Broadhead Arrows
Bronze Barbed Arrowheads
Bronze Bodkin Arrowheads
Bronze Broadhead Arrowheads
Bundle Of Furs
Bundle of Carved Sticks
Burglar's Gloves
Buried Longsword
Burlap Belt
Burlap Cloth Bandage
Burlap Cloth Belt Basis
Burlap Cloth Bolt
Burlap Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Burlap Cloth Gi Basis
Burlap Cloth Gloves Basis
Burlap Cloth Headband Basis
Burlap Cloth Hood Basis
Burlap Cloth Leggings Basis
Burlap Cloth Legwraps Basis
Burlap Cloth Panel
Burlap Cloth Robe Basis
Burlap Cloth Sandals Basis
Burlap Cloth Sash Basis
Burlap Cloth Scarf Basis
Burlap Cloth Shawl Basis
Burlap Cloth Shoes Basis
Burlap Cloth Sleeves Basis
Burlap Cloth Tunic Basis
Burlap Cloth Wristbands Basis
Burlap Elementalist's Tunic
Burlap Fighting Gloves
Burlap Gi
Burlap Gloves
Burlap Headband
Burlap Hood
Burlap Leggings
Burlap Legwraps
Burlap Manathread Leggings
Burlap Manathread Sleeves
Burlap Noble Gloves
Burlap Noble Shawl
Burlap Noble Tunic
Burlap Quickfoot Slippers
Burlap Robe
Burlap Sandals
Burlap Sash
Burlap Scarf
Burlap Shawl
Burlap Shoes
Burlap Sleeves
Burlap Spider Fang Necklace
Burlap Student's Shawl
Burlap Thinking Cap
Burlap Thread
Burlap Tunic
Burlap Twine
Burlap Wristbands
Burnt Leather Skullcap
Cabbage Wraps
Campfire Brewing Kit
Campfire Brewing Set
Campfire Cooking Set
Campfire Roasting Pan
Carmine Loop
Carved Ash Tool Haft
Carved Bone Ring
Carved Cedar Tool Haft
Carved Lotus Baton
Carved Lotus Bo Staff
Carved Wood Pipe
Caveling Hide Boots
Caveling Hide Bracers
Caveling Hide Gloves
Caveling Hide Jerkin
Caveling Hide Leggings
Caveling Hide Skullcap
Cedar Adept's Fighting Staff
Cedar Arrow Shafts
Cedar Basic Shield Handle
Cedar Basic Wooden Endcaps
Cedar Buckler Plate
Cedar Channeler's Staff
Cedar Club Blank
Cedar Enchanter's Battlestaff
Cedar Focus Carving
Cedar Large Storage Chest
Cedar Log
Cedar Lumber
Cedar Medium Storage Chest
Cedar Seer's Staff
Cedar Shadower's Bow
Cedar Shadower's Cudgel
Cedar Shadower's Longbow
Cedar Simple Storage Chest
Cedar Skycaller's Staff
Cedar Staff Blank
Cedar Stave
Cedar Sturdy Battle Bow
Cedar Sturdy Warbow
Cedar Tannin
Cedar Windshot Shortbow
Cedar Windsong Battlebow
Celestium Band
Celestium Dust
Celestium Dust of Acuity
Celestium Dust of Eloquence
Celestium Dust of Fleetness
Celestium Dust of Health
Celestium Dust of Insight
Celestium Dust of Magic
Celestium Dust of Might
Celestium Dust of Precision
Celestium Dust of Prowess
Celestium Dust of Resilience
Celestium Dust of Vitality
Celestium Dust of the Tireless
Celestium Shards of Inferno
Celestium Shards of Nimbleness
Celestium Shards of Shadow
Celestium Shards of the Blizzard
Celestium Shards of the Chimera
Celestium Shards of the Dryad
Celestium Shards of the Faith
Celestium Shards of the Grave
Celestium Shards of the Inferno
Celestium Shards of the Mystic
Celestium Shards of the Thunder
Celestium Shards of the Viper
Celestium Shards of the Wisp
Celis-Infused Robe
Centipede Antennae
Centipede Mandible
Ceremonial Collar
Ceremonial Harvesting Sickle
Ceremonial Headwrap
Chain of the Watch
Chapped Wood Baton
Chapped Wood Bo Staff
Chapped Wood Club
Chapped Wood Staff
Charged Battleglove
Chicken Bone
Chief's Satchel
Chillstrike Longbow
Chipped Bone Ring
Chunk of Asherite Ore
Chunk of Caspilrite Ore
Chunk of Glittering Slytheril Ore
Chunk of Hardened Caspilrite Ore
Chunk of Padrium Ore
Chunk of Slytheril Ore
Chunk of Tascium Ore
Cinder Lance
Climbing Spikes
Cloth Handwrap
Clothier's Sewing Needle
Coldstone Lantern
Coldweave Gloves
Coldweave Hood
Coldweave Mantle
Coldweave Pants
Coldweave Robe
Coldweave Slippers
Coldweave Wristbands
Condensed Mana Crystal
Conjured Blackberries
Consecrated Shield
Copper Buckle
Copper Buttons
Copper Ingot
Copper Night Fang Earring
Copper Nugget
Copper Plate
Copper Set Duo (Gemstone)
Copper Set Duo Citrine
Copper Set Duo Jade
Copper Set Duo Spinel
Copper Set Duo Topaz
Copper Set Partner (Gemstone)
Copper Set Partner Citrine
Copper Set Partner Jade
Copper Set Partner Spinel
Copper Set Partner Topaz
Copper Signet Of Magic
Copper Signet of Health
Copper Unit Insignia Ring
Copper Zircon Amulet
Copper Zircon Ring
Copper Zircon Wizard Figurine
Copper set Round-cut Spinel
Copper set Square-cut Zircon
Coral Ring
Corroded Key
Corrupted Stone Ring
Cotton Basic Cloth Cord
Cotton Belt
Cotton Bolls
Cotton Channeler's Robe
Cotton Channeler's Sleeves
Cotton Cloak
Cotton Cloak Basis
Cotton Cloth Belt Basis
Cotton Cloth Bolt
Cotton Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Cotton Cloth Gi Basis
Cotton Cloth Gloves Basis
Cotton Cloth Headband Basis
Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Cotton Cloth Legwraps Basis
Cotton Cloth Panel
Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Cotton Cloth Sandals Basis
Cotton Cloth Sash Basis
Cotton Cloth Scarf Basis
Cotton Cloth Shawl Basis
Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Cotton Cloth Sleeves Basis
Cotton Cloth Tunic Basis
Cotton Cloth Wristbands Basis
Cotton Gatherer's Sack
Cotton Gloves
Cotton Grizzleclaw Necklace
Cotton Hood
Cotton Prowess-Infused Cloth Sleeves Basis
Cotton Robe
Cotton Sage's Hood
Cotton Sage's Leggings
Cotton Sage's Robe
Cotton Sage's Shawl
Cotton Sage's Shoes
Cotton Sage's Tunic
Cotton Scholar's Gloves
Cotton Scholar's Hood
Cotton Scholar's Leggings
Cotton Scholar's Robe
Cotton Scholar's Shawl
Cotton Scholar's Shoes
Cotton Scholar's Sleeves
Cotton Scholar's Tunic
Cotton Shawl
Cotton Shoes
Cotton Temple Fighting Gloves
Cotton Temple Gi
Cotton Temple Headband
Cotton Temple Legwraps
Cotton Temple Sandals
Cotton Temple Sash
Cotton Temple Scarf
Cotton Temple Wristbands
Cotton Tireless-Infused Cloth Leggings Basis
Cotton Twine
Cotton Vitality-Infused Cloth Shawl Basis
Cotton Whisperscale Ring
Cotton Yarn
Cowl Of The Outcast
Cracked Staff
Crafting Apprenticeship Token
Craven Earring
Crawler Stew
Creeper Carapace Helm
Crescent Fang Gi
Crescent Fang Handwraps
Crescent Fang Headband
Crescent Fang Legwraps
Crescent Fang Mantle
Crocodile Heart
Crocodile Meat
Crow Feather
Crud-Covered Boots
Crud-Covered Gloves
Crud-Covered Jerkin
Crud-Covered Pants
Crude Array
Crude Arrows
Crude Asherium Broadsword
Crude Asherium Dagger
Crude Asherium Great Axe
Crude Asherium Greatsword
Crude Asherium Hand Axe
Crude Asherium Harvesting Sickle
Crude Asherium Knuckles
Crude Asherium Mace
Crude Asherium Maul
Crude Asherium Mining Pick
Crude Asherium Pike
Crude Asherium Poleaxe
Crude Asherium Short Spear
Crude Asherium Skinning Knife
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Boots
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Bracers
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Helm
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic
Crude Asherium War Hammer
Crude Asherium Woodcutting Hatchet
Crude Bindings
Crude Burlap Headband
Crude Burlap Legwraps
Crude Burlap Scarf
Crude Burlap Wristbands
Crude Core
Crude Gauntlets
Crude Grinding Stone
Crude Guard
Crude Maple Buckler
Crude Maple Cudgel
Crude Maple Fighting Staff
Crude Maple Longbow
Crude Maple Shortbow
Crude Maple Small Shield
Crude Maple Staff
Crude Salvaging Tools
Crude Support
Crude Tattered Leather Boots
Crude Tattered Leather Bracers
Crude Tattered Leather Breeches
Crude Tattered Leather Cap
Crude Tattered Leather Gloves
Crude Tattered Leather Jerkin
Crude Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Crudely Forged Blade
Crunchy Frog Legs
Crusader's Iron Scale Gauntlets
Cryptweave Gloves
Cryptweave Pants
Crystalline Coat
Crystalline Legplates
Crystalline Plate Helm
Crystalline Twin-Fang
Crystalline Veil
Crystallized Silver Coif
Cured Boarskin Boots
Cured Leather
Cured Leather Armor Harness
Cured Leather Belt
Cured Leather Belt Basis
Cured Leather Boots
Cured Leather Boots Basis
Cured Leather Bow Grip
Cured Leather Bracers
Cured Leather Bracers Basis
Cured Leather Breeches
Cured Leather Breeches Basis
Cured Leather Cap
Cured Leather Cap Basis
Cured Leather Clasp
Cured Leather Gloves
Cured Leather Gloves Basis
Cured Leather Jerkin
Cured Leather Jerkin Basis
Cured Leather Merchant's Satchel
Cured Leather Orphan Woven Ring
Cured Leather Panel
Cured Leather Pauldrons
Cured Leather Pauldrons Basis
Cured Leather Straps
Cured Leather Strips
Cured Metal Hatchet
Cured Metal Quickblade
Cured Silk Gi
Cured Silk Handwraps
Cured Silk Mantle
Cured Silk Sash
Cured Silk Wristbands
Cursed Cape
Dagger Of Crimson Eyes
Damaged Acuity Rune
Damaged Eloquence Rune
Damaged Endurance Rune
Damaged Fleetness Rune
Damaged Health Rune
Damaged Insight Rune
Damaged Magic Rune
Damaged Might Rune
Damaged Precision Rune
Damaged Prowess Rune
Damaged Resilience Rune
Damaged Seal Of Adlair
Damaged Vitality Rune
Dark Chain Mantle
Dark Ichor
Dark Linen Robes
Dark Linen Shroud
Dark Runed Chain Gauntlets
Dark Silk Shawl
Dark-Threaded Gloves
Darkblood Wood Stain
Darkmetal Maul
Deacon's Blood Iron Cuirass
Deacon's Blood Iron Spaulders
Deacon's Iron Cuirass
Deacon's Iron Greaves
Deacon's Iron Plate Gauntlets
Deacon's Iron Scale Boots
Deacon's Iron Scale Leggings
Deacon's Iron Spaulders
Deacon's Iron Vambraces
Dead Man's Spear
Deer Skin
Defender's Iron Breastplate
Defender's Iron Ringmail Pauldrons
Defender's Iron Sabatons
Defender's Iron Vambraces
Demith Baked Potato
Diamondhead Fang
Dirt-Ridden Belt
Dirt-Ridden Boots
Dirt-Ridden Gloves
Dirt-Ridden Jerkin
Dirt-Ridden Pants
Dirt-Stained Ringmail Helm
Disciple's Burlap Fighting Gloves
Disciple's Burlap Gi
Disciple's Burlap Headband
Disciple's Burlap Legwraps
Disciple's Burlap Sandals
Disciple's Burlap Scarf
Disciple's Burlap Wristbands
Dockside Delight
Drakescale Shield
Driftwood Baton
Driftwood Buckler
Driftwood Club
Driftwood Staff
Dripwood Baton
Dripwood Bo Staff
Dripwood Buckler
Dripwood Staff
Dull Garnet Ear Stud
Dull Iron Axe
Dull Iron Bastard Sword
Dull Iron Dagger
Dull Iron Great Hammer
Dull Iron Hammer
Dull Iron Knuckles
Dull Iron Short Spear
Dull Iron War Hammer
Dusk Claws
Dusk Fang
Duskwood Log
Dust Covered Cloak
Dustspun Pantaloons
Dusty Map
Dusty Satchel
Earring Of Living Stone
Elder Caveling Mantle
Eloquence-Infused Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Elvaran's Token
Emblazoned Dobok
Emblazoned Hoop
Emblem of the Tusk
Emerald Spider Silk
Empty Bottle
Enchanted Quill
Enforcer's Black Iron Breastplate
Enforcer's Iron Ringmail Gauntlets
Enforcer's Thick Leather Boots
Enforcer's Thick Leather Cap
Entangle Flask
Essence of the Golem
Etched Bone Longbow
Etched Bronze Key
Ethereal Axe
Ethereal Bo Staff
Ethereal Chain Boots
Ethereal Chain Gauntlets
Ethereal Chain Hauberk
Ethereal Chain Helm
Ethereal Chain Leggings
Ethereal Cloth Handwraps
Ethereal Cloth Hood
Ethereal Cloth Manacles
Ethereal Cloth Mantle
Ethereal Cloth Pantaloons
Ethereal Cloth Robe
Ethereal Cloth Slippers
Ethereal Club
Ethereal Dagger
Ethereal Great Axe
Ethereal Hammer
Ethereal Handwraps
Ethereal Leather Boots
Ethereal Leather Cap
Ethereal Leather Footwraps
Ethereal Leather Gloves
Ethereal Leather Handwraps
Ethereal Leather Jerkin
Ethereal Leather Leggings
Ethereal Leather Pants
Ethereal Leather Skullcap
Ethereal Leather Tunic
Ethereal Longsword
Ethereal Manacles
Ethereal Maul
Ethereal Morning Star
Ethereal Staff
Ever-Frozen Skull
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Boots
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Coat
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Coif
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Gauntlets
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Expeditionary's Iron Helm
Expeditionary's Iron Plated Coat
Explorer's Cured Leather Cap
Explorer's Cured Leather Pauldrons
Fadecloth Cloak
Faded Battlewraps
Faded Black Tome
Faded Ringmail Boots
Faded Ringmail Bracers
Faded Ringmail Gloves
Faded Ringmail Hauberk
Faded Ringmail Helm
Faded Ringmail Leggings
Faded Ringmail Shoulderguards
Fadesteel Bastard Sword
Fadesteel Battle Axe
Fadesteel Chain Belt
Fadesteel Chain Bracers
Fadesteel Chain Coat
Fadesteel Chain Gauntlets
Fadesteel Chain Leggings
Fadesteel Crusher
Fadesteel Dirk
Fadesteel Falchion
Fadesteel Greatblade
Fadesteel Key
Fadesteel Morning Star
Fadesteel Plate Faulds
Fadesteel Plate Pauldrons
Fadesteel Plate Vambraces
Fadesteel Reaver
Fadesteel Shield
Fadesteel War Hammer
Fadesteel Warhammer
Fadetorn Club
Fadetorn Dagger
Fadetorn Great Hammer
Fadetorn Great Mace
Fadetorn Hammer
Fadetorn Handwraps
Fadetorn Leather Belt
Fadetorn Leather Boots
Fadetorn Leather Bracers
Fadetorn Leather Cap
Fadetorn Leather Gloves
Fadetorn Leather Leggings
Fadetorn Leather Mantle
Fadetorn Leather Tunic
Fadetorn Leggings
Fadetorn Longsword
Fadetorn Shawl
Fadetorn Shoes
Fadetorn Sleeves
Fadeweave Handwraps
Fadewood Fighting Staff
Fadewood Scepter
Fadewood Truncheon
Faintly Glowing Feather
Falcon Feather
Fang of Aganocht
Fang of the Shade Spider
Fang-Lined Cowl
Fang-Tipped Arrow
Fang-Tipped Spear
Fanged Girdle
Feathered Wind Blade
Fenstalker Bracers
Fenstalker Gloves
Fenstalker Leggings
Fenstalker Skullcap
Fenstalker Tunic
Feral Moon Boots
Feral Moon Bracers
Feral Moon Gloves
Feral Moon Helm
Feral Moon Jerkin
Feral Moon Leggings
Feral Moon Mantle
Fernfury Hide Boots
Fernfury Hide Bracers
Fernfury Hide Cap
Fernfury Hide Gloves
Fernfury Hide Leggings
Fernfury Hide Tunic
Fire Beetle Gland
Fisher's Revenge
Fisherman's Lucky Hook
Fitted Bandit Belt
Fitted Bandit Boots
Fitted Bandit Gloves
Fitted Bandit Jerkin
Fitted Bandit Leggings
Flame Lily Petals
Flameseed Oil
Flanged Mace
Flask of Water
Flayed Gatorskin Gloves
Flayed Raptorhide Shoulderpads
Fleetness-Infused Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Fleetness-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Fleetness-Runed Iron Sword Blade
Flint Powder
Flux Distillation Kit
Fool's Stud
Forest Gumbo
Forest Kebabs
Forestwalker's Thick Leather Cap
Forestwalker's Thick Leather Gloves
Forgotten Explorer's Backpack
Forgotten Heirloom
Forgotten Knight's Shield
Forgotten Master's Gi
Forgotten Stave
Foul Smelling Gloves
Fox Blood
Fox Fur
Fox Meat
Fox Tail
Fox in the Henhouse
Foxfoot Dumplings
Frayed Gossamer Cord
Fresh Apple
Fresh Water Swig
Frog Meat
Frog Skin
Frog Tongue
Frost-Bitten Spiked Mace
Frost-Rimmed Shield
Frostchant Leather Boots
Frostchant Leather Bracers
Frostchant Leather Gloves
Frostchant Leather Helm
Frostchant Leather Leggings
Frostchant Leather Mantle
Frostchant Leather Tunic
Frosthowl Raiders Greaves
Gadai Insignia
Gallfang's Belt
Gem-Encrusted Mace
Ghostly Robes
Ghostscale Boots
Ghostscale Tunic
Ghoul Blood
Giant Axe
Gilded Chain Boots
Gilded Chain Gloves
Gilded Chain Helm
Gilded Chain Leggings
Gilded Chain Tunic
Girdle Of Petrified Ichor
Glacial War Axe
Gladiator's Guard
Glazed Trout Fillet
Glazed Wolf Skewers
Glider Wing
Glimwort Pulp
Globe of Water
Glowshard Belt
Glue Pot
Gnarled Magician's Staff
Gnarled Quarterstaff
Gnossa's Walking Stick
Goblin Punch
Goggham Amulet
Goggham Bone
Goggham's Fur Blanket
Gold Nugget
Golden Fife Of Travel
Golden Potato
Golden Walnut
Gossamer Basic Cloth Cord
Gossamer Belt
Gossamer Black Lotus Legwraps
Gossamer Cloth Belt Basis
Gossamer Cloth Bolt
Gossamer Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Gi Basis
Gossamer Cloth Gloves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Headband Basis
Gossamer Cloth Hood Basis
Gossamer Cloth Leggings Basis
Gossamer Cloth Legwraps Basis
Gossamer Cloth Panel
Gossamer Cloth Robe Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sandals Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sash Basis
Gossamer Cloth Scarf Basis
Gossamer Cloth Shawl Basis
Gossamer Cloth Shoes Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sleeves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Tunic Basis
Gossamer Cloth Wristbands Basis
Gossamer Earthbreaker's Dobok
Gossamer Earthbreaker's Headband
Gossamer Erudite's Gloves
Gossamer Erudite's Hood
Gossamer Erudite's Leggings
Gossamer Erudite's Robe
Gossamer Erudite's Shawl
Gossamer Erudite's Shoes
Gossamer Gloves of Incantations
Gossamer Illusionist's Shoes
Gossamer Landstrider's Dobok
Gossamer Leggings of Incantations
Gossamer Leggings of Percipience
Gossamer Monastic Sandals
Gossamer Monastic Wristbands
Gossamer Philosopher's Hood
Gossamer Philosopher's Tunic
Gossamer Polymath's Hood
Gossamer Polymath's Leggings
Gossamer Prestidigitator's Hood
Gossamer Proficient's Hood
Gossamer Pugilist's Legwraps
Gossamer Pugilist's Sandals
Gossamer Pugilist's Shawl
Gossamer Scholar's Gloves
Gossamer Scholar's Hood
Gossamer Scholar's Leggings
Gossamer Scholar's Robe
Gossamer Scholar's Shawl
Gossamer Scholar's Shoes
Gossamer Scholar's Sleeves
Gossamer Scholar's Tunic
Gossamer Shoes of Percipience
Gossamer Spellbinder's Shoes
Gossamer Spellbinder's Sleeves
Gossamer Temple Fighting Gloves
Gossamer Temple Gi
Gossamer Temple Headband
Gossamer Temple Legwraps
Gossamer Temple Sandals
Gossamer Temple Sash
Gossamer Temple Scarf
Gossamer Temple Wristbands
Gossamer Thaumaturge's Hood
Gossamer Thaumaturge's Robe
Gossamer Thread
Gossamer Traveler's Sandals
Gossamer Twine
Gossamer White Lotus Sandals
Gossamer's Pugilist's Legwraps
Grak-Gor's Battlestaff
Grassweave Cloak
Grassweave Gloves
Grassweave Hood
Grassweave Pants
Grassweave Sandals
Grassweave Shirt
Grave Moss
Grave-Wrapped Slippers
Grazer Meat
Greenmyst Cloth Crown
Greenmyst Cloth Gloves
Greenmyst Cloth Pants
Greenmyst Cloth Robe
Greenmyst Cloth Slippers
Greenmyst Cloth Wristbands
Grilled Raptor
Grime-Coated Hammer
Grimewood Club
Grimewood Staff
Grimey Metal Hatchet
Grimy Leather Jerkin
Grizzleback Claw
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Boots
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Guardian's Blood Iron Sabatons
Guardian's Iron Greaves
Guardian's Iron Helm
Guardian's Iron Sabatons
Guardian's Iron Vambraces
Guardsman's Bulwark
Gusler's Enchanted Toenail
Hairless Ringed Raccoon Tail
Halfling Blood
Halfling Skin Cloak
Hallowed Lycan Band
Hardened Amber Gloves
Hardened Amber Leggings
Hardened Leather Strips
Haster's Hauler
Headband of Woven Crystal
Health-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Heart of a Nightbane Toad
Heart of the White Wyvern
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Bracers
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Gauntlets
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Helm
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Leggings
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Pauldrons
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Tunic
Heavy Driftwood Shield
Heavy Fur Cloak
Heavy Iron Claymore
Hobgoblin Rock Crusher
Hobgoblin Shield Brace
Hobgoblin Tool Haft
Hobgoblin Weapon Reinforcements
Hollowed Bone Tonfa
Honed Arrows
Hopper Soup
Howling Stew
Human Blood
Hunter's Brisket
Hunter's Thick Leather Bracers
Ice-Encased Scale
Icebone Blade
Icebone Pummeler
Icebone Skewer
Icebone War Spike
Icebone War Sword
Icefang Mail Boots
Icefang Mail Bracers
Icefang Mail Gloves
Icefang Mail Hauberk
Icefang Mail Helm
Icefang Mail Leggings
Ichor-Coated Fang
Ichor-Coated Gloves
Ichor-Scorched Partisan
Icy Plate Cuirass
Improved Alchemy Kit
Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Improved Asherium Large Weapon Haft
Improved Asherium Weapon Haft
Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt
Improved Burlap Cloth Cord
Improved Maple Bow Reinforcement
Improved Maple Wooden Endcaps
Improved Tattered Leather Knuckle Wrapping
Improved Tattered Leather Straps
Initiate's Tattered Leather Boots
Initiate's Tattered Leather Bracers
Initiate's Tattered Leather Breeches
Initiate's Tattered Leather Cap
Initiate's Tattered Leather Gloves
Initiate's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Initiate's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Insight-Infused Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Insight-Infused Cured Leather Cap Basis
Insight-Runed Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Insulated Fur Mask
Intact Femur
Iron Adept's Blade
Iron Arena Battle Blade
Iron Arena Fighting Gloves
Iron Axe Blade
Iron Bar
Iron Barbed Arrowheads
Iron Barbed Arrows
Iron Basic Large Weapon Haft
Iron Basic Weapon Haft
Iron Basic Weapon Hilt
Iron Captain's Halberd
Iron Captain's Poniard
Iron Captain's Ponlard
Iron Chain Belt
Iron Chain Boots
Iron Chain Leggings
Iron Champion's Battle Axe
Iron Champion's Broadsword
Iron Champion's Mace
Iron Champion's Warhammer
Iron Champion's Zweihander
Iron Combatant's Guisarme
Iron Combatant's Knuckles
Iron Dagger
Iron Dagger Blade
Iron Earthcaller's Dagger
Iron Enchanter's Battleknife
Iron Gladiator's Greataxe
Iron Great Axe
Iron Greataxe Blade
Iron Greatsword Blade
Iron Hammer
Iron Hammer Head
Iron Hunting Arrowheads
Iron Impact Arrows
Iron Keen Longspear
Iron Knuckle Bar
Iron Knuckles
Iron Light Battle Mace
Iron Mace Head
Iron Maul Head
Iron Myrmidon's Battle Axe
Iron Myrmidon's Battle Gloves
Iron Myrmidon's Broadsword
Iron Myrmidon's Dagger
Iron Myrmidon's Great Axe
Iron Myrmidon's Greatsword
Iron Nails
Iron Outrider's Battleblade
Iron Parrying Hatchet
Iron Pickaxe Head
Iron Pike Head
Iron Plate Boots
Iron Plate Gauntlets
Iron Plate Girdle
Iron Plate Helm
Iron Plate Vambraces
Iron Poleaxe Blade
Iron Polish
Iron Pommel Weight
Iron Rivets
Iron Shadower's Greatspear
Iron Shadower's Montet
Iron Shadower's Smallblade
Iron Shield Reinforcement
Iron Sickle Blade
Iron Skinning Knife Blade
Iron Skirmish Blade
Iron Skirmish Knife
Iron Skirmish Leafblade
Iron Skirmish Spear
Iron Skycaller's Dagger
Iron Skycaller's Greatspear
Iron Soulcaller's Mace
Iron Soulcaller's Mallet
Iron Spear Head
Iron Spiritcaller's Battlespear
Iron Spiritcaller's Hammer
Iron Spiritist's Mace
Iron Strategist's Greathammer
Iron Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Iron Sword Blade
Iron Tactician's Voulge
Iron Thunderous Blade
Iron Thunderous Greataxe
Iron Weapon Cladding
Iron Weapon Studs
Iron Windsong Fighting Gloves
Iron Windsong Longblade
Iron-Braced Shortbow
Iron-Fired Ringmail Bracers
Iron-Fired Ringmail Gloves
Iron-Fired Ringmail Helm
Iron-Fired Ringmail Leggings
Iron-Fired Ringmail Tunic
Ironclad Boots
Ironclad Bracers
Ironclad Chestplate
Ironclad Gauntlets
Ironclad Greaves
Ironclad Helmet
Ironclad Shoulderguards
Ivory-Handled Shortbow
Jagged Band
Joryn's Ledger
Jungle Goulash
Jungle Reed Bracers
Jungle Reed Skullcap
Jungle-Forged Broadsword
Jungle-Forged Hatchet
Jungle-Forged Knife
Jungle-Forged Spear
Jute Fibers
Keep-Issued Mail Boots
Keep-Issued Mail Coat
Keep-Issued Mail Gloves
Keep-Issued Mail Helm
Keep-Issued Mail Leggings
Keep-Issued Mail Mantle
Keep-Issued Mail Wristguards
Khibera's Fang
Krane's Skinning Knife
Large Bat Fang
Large Rat Tail
Large Spider Venom Gland
Large Wolf Claw
Leather Satchel
Lesser Acid Flask
Lesser Essence of Flames
Lesser Essence of Health
Lesser Essence of Snow
Lesser Essence of the Forest
Lesser Essence of the Serpent
Lesser Essence of the Shadow
Lesser Essence of the Sun
Lesser Essence of the Toad
Lesser Essence of the Wisp
Lesser Fire Flask
Lesser Freezing Flask
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Arms)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Feet)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Hands)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Head)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Legs)
Lesser Shocking Flask
Lesser Toxic Flask
Lesser Verdalian Bracchium Glyph (Arms)
Lesser Verdalian Corpus Glyph (Chest)
Lesser Verdalian Crus Glyph (Legs)
Lesser Verdalian Infusion
Lesser Verdalian Logis Glyph (Head)
Lesser Verdalian Manus Glyph (Hands)
Lesser Verdalian Pes Glyph (Feet)
Lightshroom Buckler
Lion-Marked Blade
Lizard Meat
Lizard Tongue
Lost Lotus Geta
Lost Lotus Gi
Lost Lotus Handwraps
Lost Lotus Headband
Lost Lotus Legwraps
Lost Lotus Mantle
Lost Lotus Wristbands
Lost Orc Bone
Lost Orc Ear
Low-Quality Bear Hide
Low-Quality Boar Hide
Low-Quality Cat Skin
Low-Quality Deer Skin
Low-Quality Hide
Low-Quality Scaled Hide
Low-Quality Snakeskin
Low-Quality Wolf Pelt
Luminous Celestium Crystal
Lump of Asherium
Lump of Iron
Magic-Infused Ash Wooden Endcaps
Magic-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Mantle of the Forest
Mantle of the Tundra Stalker
Maple Apprentice's Staff
Maple Arrow Shafts
Maple Basic Shield Handle
Maple Buckler
Maple Buckler Plate
Maple Focus Carving
Maple Hunter's Longbow
Maple Lidded Storage Box
Maple Log
Maple Lumber
Maple Medium Storage Box
Maple Round Shield Face
Maple Sap
Maple Seeker's Staff
Maple Shortbow Limbs
Maple Small Storage Box
Maple Staff Blank
Maple Stave
Maple Tracker's Shortbow
Maple Watchguard's Truncheon
Mark of the Ooshaavan
Marrow Saw
Mask of the Sun
Master Bushu's Tonfa
Mastery Shard
Medium Cedar Box Frame
Mender's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Mender's Blood Iron Plated Coat
Mender's Iron Chain Coat
Mender's Iron Plated Coat
Mender's Iron Spaulders
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Bracers
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Metal Bolts
Metal Nails
Might-Infused Ash Fighting Staff Blank
Might-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Might-Runed Thick Leather Boot Basis
Mild Antidote
Militia Longsword
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Arms)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Feet)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Hands)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Head)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Legs)
Minor Frostifor Infusion
Minor Verdalian Bracchium Glyph (Arms)
Minor Verdalian Corpus Glyph (Chest)
Minor Verdalian Crus Glyph (Legs)
Minor Verdalian Infusion
Minor Verdalian Logis Glyph (Head)
Minor Verdalian Manus Glyph (Hands)
Minor Verdalian Pes Glyph (Feet)
Misshapen Bag
Mixing Pan
Moldy Boots
Moldy Bracer
Moldy Bracers
Moldy Cloth Battlewraps
Moldy Gloves
Moldy Vest
Moon Lily Petals
Mooncloth Satchel
Moonhowler Paws
Moonlight Wand
Moonlit Mixture
Moonlit Spark
Moonseed Oil
Moonshadow Cloak
Mossclaw Leather Boots
Mossclaw Leather Bracers
Mossclaw Leather Cap
Mossclaw Leather Gloves
Mossclaw Leather Jerkin
Mossclaw Leather Leggings
Mossweave Chestwraps
Mossweave Handwraps
Mossweave Headband
Mossweave Legwraps
Mossweave Sandals
Mossweave Wristbands
Mountain Lion Blood
Mountain Lion Meat
Muck-Covered Sledge
Muck-Stained Bracers
Muck-Stained Stompers
Mud Covered Gloves
Mycelia-Lined Shirt
Naturalists Thick Leather Boots
Naturalists Thick Leather Jerkin
Netted Mesh Boots
Netted Mesh Cap
Netted Mesh Gloves
Netted Mesh Leggings
Netted Mesh Wristbands
Nickel Buckle
Nickel Frostcoil Rattle Earring
Nickel Ingot
Nickel Nugget
Nickel Set Duo (Gemstone)
Nickel Set Partner (Gemstone)
Nickel Spinel Warrior Figurine [Duo Set]
Nickel Spinel Warrior Figurine [Partner Set]
Nickel Zircon Ear Cuff
Nickel Zircon Warrior Figurine
Night Warden's Jerkin
Nightbane Robe
Nightwalker Cloak
Normal-Quality Snakeskin
North Tusk Kamcha
Notched Great Axe
Novice Asherium Axe Blade
Novice Asherium Dagger Blade
Novice Asherium Great Hammer Head
Novice Asherium Greathammer Head
Novice Asherium Greatsword Blade
Novice Asherium Kite Shield
Novice Asherium Knuckle Bar
Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft
Novice Asherium Mace Head
Novice Asherium Pike Head
Novice Asherium Spear Head
Novice Asherium Sword Blade
Novice Asherium Weapon Haft
Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt
Novice Burlap Cloth Cord
Novice Copper Hoop Earring Of Magic
Novice Copper Jade Amulet
Novice Copper Jade Ring
Novice Copper Pendant of Health
Novice Copper Turquoise Earring
Novice Fighting Gloves Basis
Novice Maple Bow Reinforcement
Novice Maple Buckler Plate
Novice Maple Club Blank
Novice Maple Fighting Staff Blank
Novice Maple Longbow Limbs
Novice Maple Wooden Endcaps
Novice Pewter Circlet of Eloquence
Novice Shawl Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Boots Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Bracers Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Breeches Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Cap Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Gloves Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Jerkin Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Pauldrons Basis
Nutty Shroom Salad
Nylem Ichor
Oath of the Valiant
Oil Press
Oiled Metal Chopper
Oiled Metal Great Axe
Oiled Metal Great Mace
Oiled Metal Hammer
Oiled Metal Knife
Oiled Metal Longsword
Old Wagon Wheel
Orc Blood
Orc Fang Earring
Orc Tooth
Orcish Reaver
Outcast's Shiv
Outlaw's Bloodband
Outrider's Thick Leather Bracers
Outrider's Thick Leather Cap
Outrider's Thick Leather Gloves
Outrider's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Oversized Backpack
Padded Wolf Hide Boots
Padded Wolf Hide Gloves
Padded Wolf Hide Jerkin
Padded Wolf Hide Leggings
Padded Wolf Hide Skullcap
Painted Cloth Cloak
Painted Cloth Gloves
Painted Cloth Hood
Painted Cloth Pants
Painted Cloth Robe
Palebone Leather Bracers
Palebone Leather Gloves
Palebone Leather Jerkin
Pan-fried Bear Brisket
Patch of Bear Fur
Patch of Orc Flesh
Patch of Wolf Fur
Patch-Hide Belt
Patch-Hide Boots
Patch-Hide Bracers
Patch-Hide Cap
Patch-Hide Gloves
Patch-Hide Leggings
Patch-Hide Mantle
Patch-Hide Tunic
Patched Cloth Cord
Patched Cloth Gloves
Patched Cloth Hood
Patched Cloth Pants
Patched Cloth Robe
Patched Cloth Shawl
Patched Cloth Shoes
Patched Cloth Sleeves
Patched Cloth Tunic
Pendant Of The Frostwind
Petrified Sagewood Club
Pewter (Gemstone) Warrior Figurine
Pewter Ingot
Pewter Set Duo (Gemstone)
Pewter Set Partner (Gemstone)
Pewter Set Round-Cut Citrine
Pewter Set Square-Cut Citrine
Pewter Signet
Pewter Signet of Eloquence
Pewter Spinel Warrior Figurine
Pewter Wolf Fang Earring
Pewter set Round-cut Quartz
Pitted Brass Axe
Pitted Brass Dagger
Pitted Brass Short Spear
Pitted Brass Shortsword
Polish Kit
Polished Amber
Polished Bone Ring
Polished Citrine Gemstone
Polished Fighting Stick
Polished Iron Great Hammer
Polished Iron Knuckles
Polished Iron War Hammer
Polished Jade Gemstone
Polished Quartz Gemstone
Polished Spinel Gemstone
Polished Stone Beads
Polished Topaz Gemstone
Polished Turquoise Gemstone
Polished Zircon Gemstone
Pondskipper Stew
Poppywig Ichor
Poppywig Legs
Portable Alchemy Kit
Potion of Rapid Egress
Potion of Weak Healing
Pouch Of Polished Gemstones
Pouch of Frost Crystals
Pouch of Grey Celestium Dust
Powerful Antidote
Praetoras Blade
Praetoras Shield
Precision-Runed Cedar Bow Reinforcement
Precision-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Precision-Runed Iron Weapon Hilt
Pride Of The Oosha
Pristine Bear Hide
Prized Pig's Nose Ring
Prowess-Runed Cedar Shortbow Limbs
Prowess-Runed Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Prowess-Runed Thick Leather Straps
Quickblade's Thick Leather Boots
Quickblade's Thick Leather Bracers
Rabbit Blood
Rabbit Foot
Rabbit Meat
Rabbit Salad
Rabbit Skillet
Ragged Boots
Ragged Chain Shirt
Ragged Pants
Ragged Shirt
Ragifus's Fang
Raptor Blood
Raptor Meat
Raptor Scales
Rat Blood
Rat Caps
Rat Meat
Rat Whiskers
Ratkin Blood
Raw Spiral Amber
Reaver Of The Outcast
Resilience-Infused Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Resilience-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Resilience-Runed Thick Leather Straps
Resilient Silk Footwraps
Resilient Silk Gi
Resilient Silk Headband
Resilient Silk Legwraps
Resin Glue
Rib of Rattlecage
Ridgeback Bear Paw
Ring of Glowing Rock
Ring of Minor Protection
Ring of Riddles
Ring of the Drawn
Ring of the Investigator (Caster)
Ring of the Investigator (Healer)
Ring of the Investigator (Melee)
Ring of the Investigator (Tank)
Ring of the Lunar Cycle
Ringleader's Lock Box Key
Ringmail Belt
Ringmail Boots
Ringmail Coat
Ringmail Coif
Ringmail Gauntlets
Ringmail Leggings
Ringmail Mantle
Rippling Rabbithide Boots
Ritual Clobberer
Roasted Boar Meat
Robe Of Dark Intentions
Robe of the Moon Witch
Rock Salt
Rockbone Pickaxe
Rockbone Skullcap
Rod Of Thistles
Rootbound Shoulderpads
Rotten Flesh Fistwraps
Rough Grinding Stone
Roughspun Belt
Roughspun Gloves
Roughspun Hood
Roughspun Leggings
Roughspun Robe
Roughspun Shawl
Roughspun Shoes
Roughspun Sleeves
Royal Honey
Royal Sting
Ruddy Mushroom
Ruknar's Chain Leggings
Rune of Living Stone
Rune-Carved Hammer
Runed Bo Staff
Runed Staff
Rusted Axe
Rusted Chain Coat
Rusted Dagger
Rusted Hammer
Rusted Hoop
Rusted Longsword
Rusted Ring
Rusted Short Spear
Sack of Rations
Sage's Philter
Salt-Rusted Great Mace
Salt-Rusted Hammer
Salt-Rusted Hatchet
Salt-Rusted Knife
Sanguine Staff
Sapwood Club
Sapwood Staff
Sash of Ice Prowess
Scale Glue
Scarred Husk Belt
Scarred Husk Boots
Scarred Husk Chest
Scarred Husk Gloves
Scarred Husk Leggings
Scarred Husk Skullcap
Scatterweave Cloak
Scatterweave Gloves
Scatterweave Pants
Scatterweave Robe
Scatterweave Sandals
Scatterweave Scarf
Scavenged Wand
Scavenger's Bag
Schematic Gadai Patchwork Belt
Schematic Whisperscale Ring
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Boots
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Bracers
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Coif
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Acolyte's Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Hood Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Leather Cap Basis -
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Robe Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Staff Blank
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Tunic Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Chain Coif Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Hood Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Staff Blank
Schematic: Adept's Blade
Schematic: Adept's Fighting Staff
Schematic: Adept's Gloves
Schematic: Adept's Greatblade
Schematic: Adept's Headband
Schematic: Adept's Legwraps
Schematic: Adept's Longbow
Schematic: Adept's Sandals
Schematic: Adept's Scarf
Schematic: Adept's Shortbow
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Boots
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Coat
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Coif
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Adjutant's Greaves
Schematic: Adjutant's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Agent's Boots
Schematic: Agent's Bracers
Schematic: Agent's Breeches
Schematic: Agent's Gloves
Schematic: Agent's Pauldrons
Schematic: Agent's Tunic
Schematic: Apprentice's Staff
Schematic: Arena Greatsword
Schematic: Ash Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Ash Carved Tool Haft
Schematic: Ash Focus Carving
Schematic: Ash Lumber
Schematic: Ash Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ash Stave
Schematic: Ash Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Armor Scales
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Axe Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Blade Hilt
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Hammer Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Knife Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Mace Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Maul Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pike Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Smelting
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Smelting (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Spear Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Sword Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Tool Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding
Schematic: Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Asherium Armor Scales
Schematic: Asherium Field Point Arrowheads
Schematic: Asherium Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Asherium Hammer Head
Schematic: Asherium Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Asherium Mace Head
Schematic: Asherium Maul Head
Schematic: Asherium Nails
Schematic: Asherium Pike Head
Schematic: Asherium Plate
Schematic: Asherium Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Asherium Refining
Schematic: Asherium Refining (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Asherium Rivets
Schematic: Asherium Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Asherium Spear Head
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Bracers Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Helm Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Sword Blade
Schematic: Asherium-tipped Arrows
Schematic: Battle Axe
Schematic: Battle Halberd
Schematic: Battle Sage's Cleaver
Schematic: Battle Spear
Schematic: Battledance Bo Staff
Schematic: Battledance Polearm
Schematic: Battlepriest's Cudgel
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Boots
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Battlesong Longbow
Schematic: Battlesong Shortbow
Schematic: Battlesong Shortsword
Schematic: Battlesong Truncheon
Schematic: BattlesongDirk
Schematic: Black Lotus Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Black Lotus Gi
Schematic: Black Lotus Legwraps
Schematic: Black Lotus Sandals
Schematic: Black Lotus Wristbands
Schematic: Brawler's Cestus
Schematic: Brigandine Belt
Schematic: Brigandine Boots
Schematic: Brigandine Bracers
Schematic: Brigandine Gauntlets
Schematic: Brigandine Helm
Schematic: Brigandine Leggings
Schematic: Brigandine Pauldrons
Schematic: Brigandine Tunic
Schematic: Brute's Crusher
Schematic: Burlap Bandage Pattern
Schematic: Burlap Belt Basis
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Panel
Schematic: Burlap Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Burlap Sash Basis
Schematic: Burlap Thinking Cap
Schematic: Burlap Thread
Schematic: Burlap Thread (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Burlap Twine
Schematic: Captain's Halberd
Schematic: Captain's Longsword
Schematic: Cedar Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Cedar Club Blank
Schematic: Cedar Endcaps
Schematic: Cedar Focus Carving
Schematic: Cedar Lumber
Schematic: Cedar Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Cedar Staff Blank
Schematic: Cedar Stave
Schematic: Cedar Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ceremonial Faulds
Schematic: Ceremonial Gauntlets
Schematic: Champion's Dagger
Schematic: Champion's Greathammer
Schematic: Channeler's Gloves
Schematic: Channeler's Hood
Schematic: Channeler's Leggings
Schematic: Channeler's Robe
Schematic: Channeler's Shawl
Schematic: Channeler's Shoes
Schematic: Channeler's Sleeves
Schematic: Channeler's Staff
Schematic: Climbing Claws Design
Schematic: Combatant's Greathammer
Schematic: Combatant's Heavy Axe
Schematic: Combatants's Heavy Maul
Schematic: Copper Band
Schematic: Copper Buckles
Schematic: Copper Buttons
Schematic: Copper Duo Setting
Schematic: Copper Figurine
Schematic: Copper Ingot
Schematic: Copper Ingot (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Copper Partner Setting
Schematic: Copper Plate
Schematic: Copper Round Gem Setting
Schematic: Copper Scepter
Schematic: Copper Signet
Schematic: Copper Square Gem Setting
Schematic: Cotton Belt Basis
Schematic: Cotton Cloak Basis
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Panel
Schematic: Cotton Cord
Schematic: Cotton Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Gi Basis
Schematic: Cotton Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Headband Basis
Schematic: Cotton Hood Basis
Schematic: Cotton Leggings Basis
Schematic: Cotton Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Cotton Robe Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sandals Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sash Basis
Schematic: Cotton Scarf Basis
Schematic: Cotton Shawl Basis
Schematic: Cotton Shoes Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Tunic Basis
Schematic: Cotton Twine
Schematic: Cotton Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Cotton Yarn
Schematic: Cotton Yarn (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Crude Axe
Schematic: Crude Belt
Schematic: Crude Circlet
Schematic: Crude Cudgel
Schematic: Crude Dagger
Schematic: Crude Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Crude Fighting Staff
Schematic: Crude Gemstone Earring
Schematic: Crude Gi
Schematic: Crude Gloves
Schematic: Crude Greataxe
Schematic: Crude Greatsword
Schematic: Crude Hammer
Schematic: Crude Headband
Schematic: Crude Hood
Schematic: Crude Hoop Earring
Schematic: Crude Knuckles
Schematic: Crude Leather Belt
Schematic: Crude Leather Boots
Schematic: Crude Leather Bracers
Schematic: Crude Leather Breeches
Schematic: Crude Leather Cap
Schematic: Crude Leather Gloves
Schematic: Crude Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Crude Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Crude Leggings
Schematic: Crude Legwraps
Schematic: Crude Longbow
Schematic: Crude Mace
Schematic: Crude Maul
Schematic: Crude Pendant
Schematic: Crude Pike
Schematic: Crude Poleaxe
Schematic: Crude Robe
Schematic: Crude Sandals
Schematic: Crude Scarf
Schematic: Crude Shawl
Schematic: Crude Shoes
Schematic: Crude Shortbow
Schematic: Crude Signet Ring
Schematic: Crude Sleeves
Schematic: Crude Spear
Schematic: Crude Splinted Belt
Schematic: Crude Splinted Boots
Schematic: Crude Splinted Bracers
Schematic: Crude Splinted Gauntlets
Schematic: Crude Splinted Helm
Schematic: Crude Splinted Leggings
Schematic: Crude Splinted Pauldrons
Schematic: Crude Splinted Tunic
Schematic: Crude Staff
Schematic: Crude Sword
Schematic: Crude Training Sash
Schematic: Crude Tunic
Schematic: Crude Wristbands
Schematic: Crusader's Greaves
Schematic: Crusader's Sabotons
Schematic: Crusader's Scale Boots
Schematic: Crusader's Spaulders
Schematic: Crusader's Vambraces
Schematic: Cured Leather
Schematic: Cured Leather Armor Harness
Schematic: Cured Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Bow Grip
Schematic: Cured Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Clasp
Schematic: Cured Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Panel
Schematic: Cured Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Straps
Schematic: Cured Leather Strips
Schematic: Deacon's Cuirass
Schematic: Deacon's Sabotons
Schematic: Deacon's Scale Bracers
Schematic: Deacon's Scale Leggings
Schematic: Deacon's Spaulders
Schematic: Deacon's Vambraces
Schematic: Defender's Combat Staff
Schematic: Defender's Greathammer
Schematic: Defender's Greatmaul
Schematic: Defender's Guisarme
Schematic: Defender's Helm
Schematic: Defender's Pike
Schematic: Defender's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Defender's Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Defender's Ringmail Pauldrons
Schematic: Defender's Spaulders
Schematic: Disciple's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Disciple's Gi
Schematic: Disciple's Headband
Schematic: Disciple's Legwraps
Schematic: Disciple's Sandals
Schematic: Disciple's Scarf
Schematic: Disciple's Wristbands
Schematic: Diviner's Gloves
Schematic: Diviner's Hood
Schematic: Diviner's Sleeves
Schematic: Dueling Blade
Schematic: Earthbreaker's Sandals
Schematic: Earthbreaker's Wristbands
Schematic: Elementalist's Tunic
Schematic: Eloquence-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Gloves Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Hoop Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Robe Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Shawl Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Tunic Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Encahnter's Battleknife
Schematic: Enchanter's Battlestaff
Schematic: Enforcer's Boots
Schematic: Enforcer's Breastplate
Schematic: Enforcer's Cap
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Gauntlets
Schematic: Enforcer's Vambraces
Schematic: Entrancer's Hood
Schematic: Entrancer's Robe
Schematic: Entrancer's Shawl
Schematic: Entrancer's Shoes
Schematic: Entrancer's Sleeves
Schematic: Erudite Gloves
Schematic: Erudite Hood
Schematic: Erudite Shoes
Schematic: Erudite Sleeves
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Boots
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Coat
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Expeditionary's Greaves
Schematic: Expeditionary's Plated Coat
Schematic: Expeditionary's Sabotons
Schematic: Expeditionary's Spaulders
Schematic: Explorer's Boots
Schematic: Explorer's Bracers
Schematic: Explorer's Breeches
Schematic: Explorer's Cap
Schematic: Explorer's Gloves
Schematic: Explorer's Pauldrons
Schematic: Explorer's Tunic
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Cord
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leggings Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Sandals Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Shoes Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Sword Blade
Schematic: Foefeller Greatmaul
Schematic: Footman's Glaive
Schematic: Footman's Lance
Schematic: Foreman's Hammer
Schematic: Forestwalker's Breeches
Schematic: Forestwalker's Cap
Schematic: Forestwalker's Gloves
Schematic: Forestwalker's Pauldrons
Schematic: Forestwalker's Tunic
Schematic: Foxfur Paintbrush
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Belt
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Boots
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Bracers
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Pauldrons
Schematic: Gatherer's Sack
Schematic: Gladiator's Battle Axe
Schematic: Gladiator's Halberd
Schematic: Gladiator's Longspear
Schematic: Gloves of Incantations
Schematic: Gossamer Belt Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Panel
Schematic: Gossamer Cord
Schematic: Gossamer Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Gi Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Gloves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Headband Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Hood Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Leggings Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Robe Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sandals Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sash Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Scarf Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Shawl Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Shoes Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Thread
Schematic: Gossamer Thread (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Gossamer Tunic Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Twine
Schematic: Gossamer Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Grizzleclaw Necklace
Schematic: Guardian's Blade
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Bracers
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Coif
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Guardian's Greaves
Schematic: Guardian's Helm
Schematic: Guardian's Sabotons
Schematic: Guardian's Vambraces
Schematic: Guardsman's Bardiche
Schematic: Guardsman's Battle Maul
Schematic: Guardsman's Greataxe
Schematic: Guardsman's Longspear
Schematic: Hardened Warhammer
Schematic: Healer's Staff
Schematic: Health-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Health-Runed Cord
Schematic: Heavy Greataxe
Schematic: Heavy Greatsword
Schematic: Heavy Maul
Schematic: Heavy Scale Boots
Schematic: Heavy Scale Bracers
Schematic: Heavy Scale Gauntlets
Schematic: Heavy Scale Helm
Schematic: Heavy Scale Leggings
Schematic: Heavy Scale Pauldrons
Schematic: Heavy Scale Tunic
Schematic: Heavy War Hammer
Schematic: Hermit's Cleaver
Schematic: Hermit's Cudgel
Schematic: Hood of Percipience
Schematic: Hunter's Javelin
Schematic: Hunter's Longbow
Schematic: Hunting Longbow
Schematic: Illusionist's Gloves
Schematic: Improved Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Improved Blade Hilt
Schematic: Improved Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Improved Cord
Schematic: Improved Endcaps
Schematic: Improved Knuckle Wrapping
Schematic: Improved Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Improved Leather Straps
Schematic: Improved Reinforcements
Schematic: Improved Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Boots
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Bracers
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Cap
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Staff Blank
Schematic: Insight-Runed Hood Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Staff Blank
Schematic: Iron Alloys
Schematic: Iron Alloys (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Iron Armor Scales
Schematic: Iron Axe Blade
Schematic: Iron Blade Hilt
Schematic: Iron Chain Links
Schematic: Iron Dagger Blade
Schematic: Iron Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Iron Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Iron Hammer Head
Schematic: Iron Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Iron Knife Blade
Schematic: Iron Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Iron Mace Head
Schematic: Iron Maul Head
Schematic: Iron Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Iron Pike Head
Schematic: Iron Plate
Schematic: Iron Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Iron Pommel Weight
Schematic: Iron Refining
Schematic: Iron Refining (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Iron Rivets
Schematic: Iron Shield Reinforcement
Schematic: Iron Sickle Blade
Schematic: Iron Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Iron Spear Head
Schematic: Iron Sword Blade
Schematic: Iron Tool Haft
Schematic: Iron Weapon Cladding
Schematic: Iron-tipped Arrows
Schematic: Keen Longspear
Schematic: Landstrider's Dobok
Schematic: Landstrider's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Landstrider's Headband
Schematic: Large Asherium Weapon Haft
Schematic: Large Iron Weapon Haft
Schematic: Leggings Of Incantations
Schematic: Leggings of Percipience
Schematic: Lidded Storage Box
Schematic: Light Battle Axe
Schematic: Light Battle Hammer
Schematic: Light Lance
Schematic: Long Hunting Spear
Schematic: Lookout's Breeches
Schematic: Lookout's Cap
Schematic: Lookout's Gloves
Schematic: Magic-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Magic-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Magic-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Magic-Runed Cord
Schematic: Magic-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Manathread Leggings
Schematic: Manathread Sleeves
Schematic: Maple Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Maple Focus Carving
Schematic: Maple Lumber
Schematic: Maple Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Maple Stave
Schematic: Maple Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Medium Storage Box
Schematic: Mender's Chain Boots
Schematic: Mender's Chain Coat
Schematic: Mender's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Mender's Sabotons
Schematic: Mender's Spaulders
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Boots
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Coif
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Mercenary's Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Merchant's Satchel
Schematic: Might-Enhanced Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Might-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Might-Runed Cord
Schematic: Might-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Vambraces Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Monastic Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Monastic Sandals
Schematic: Myrmidon's Broadsword
Schematic: Myrmidon's Dagger
Schematic: Myrmidon's Heavy Maul
Schematic: Myrmidon's Spear
Schematic: Myrmidon's Staff
Schematic: Naturalist's Boots
Schematic: Naturalist's Jerkin
Schematic: Nickel Buckles
Schematic: Night Fang Earring
Schematic: Nimble Hunting Knife
Schematic: Noble Gloves
Schematic: Noble Shawl
Schematic: Noble Tunic
Schematic: Novice Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Novice Axe Blade
Schematic: Novice Blade Hilt
Schematic: Novice Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Novice Buckler
Schematic: Novice Buckler Plate
Schematic: Novice Circlet
Schematic: Novice Cord
Schematic: Novice Cudgel Blank
Schematic: Novice Dagger Blade
Schematic: Novice Endcaps
Schematic: Novice Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Amulet
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Earring
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Ring
Schematic: Novice Gi Basis
Schematic: Novice Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Greathammer Head
Schematic: Novice Greatmaul Head
Schematic: Novice Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Novice Hammer Head
Schematic: Novice Harvesting Sickle
Schematic: Novice Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Novice Headband Basis
Schematic: Novice Hood Basis
Schematic: Novice Hoop Earring
Schematic: Novice Kite Shield
Schematic: Novice Kite Shield Blank
Schematic: Novice Knife Blade
Schematic: Novice Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Novice Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Novice Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Straps
Schematic: Novice Leggings Basis
Schematic: Novice Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Novice Longbow Limbs
Schematic: Novice Mace Head
Schematic: Novice Mining Pickaxe
Schematic: Novice Pendant
Schematic: Novice Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Novice Pike Head
Schematic: Novice Robe Basis
Schematic: Novice Sandals Basis
Schematic: Novice Scarf Basis
Schematic: Novice Shawl Basis
Schematic: Novice Shield Brace
Schematic: Novice Shield Handle
Schematic: Novice Shoes Basis
Schematic: Novice Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Novice Sickle Blade
Schematic: Novice Signet Ring
Schematic: Novice Skinning Knife
Schematic: Novice Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Novice Small Shield
Schematic: Novice Small Shield Blank
Schematic: Novice Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Novice Spear Head
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Pattern
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Staff Blank
Schematic: Novice Sword Blade
Schematic: Novice Tool Haft
Schematic: Novice Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Novice Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Oath of the Defender
Schematic: Observer's Breeches
Schematic: Observer's Gloves
Schematic: Observer's Pauldrons
Schematic: Observer's Tunic
Schematic: Ore Smelting Basics
Schematic: Orphan Woven Ring
Schematic: Outrider's Boots
Schematic: Outrider's Gloves
Schematic: Outrider's Greatblade
Schematic: Oversized Backpack
Schematic: Parrying Hatchet
Schematic: Pewter Duo Setting
Schematic: Pewter Figurine
Schematic: Pewter Ingot
Schematic: Pewter Ingot (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Pewter Partner Setting
Schematic: Pewter Round Gem Setting
Schematic: Pewter Signet
Schematic: Pewter Square Gem Setting
Schematic: Philosopher's Hood
Schematic: Philosopher's Leggings
Schematic: Philosopher's Shawl
Schematic: Philosopher's Tunic
Schematic: Polished Bone Ring
Schematic: Polymath's Leggings
Schematic: Precision-Enhanced Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Precision-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Precision-Infused Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Precision-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Precision-Runed Blade Hilt
Schematic: Precision-Runed Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Precision-Runed Cord
Schematic: Precison-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Precison-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Gloves
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Hood
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Tunic
Schematic: Proficient's Hood
Schematic: Proficient's Robe
Schematic: Proficient's Shawl
Schematic: Proficient's Shoes
Schematic: Proficient's Sleeves
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Sleeves
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Straps
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Longbow Limbs
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Pugilist's Headband
Schematic: Pugilist's Tunic
Schematic: Pugilist's Wristbands
Schematic: Quickblade's Bracers
Schematic: Quickblade's Pauldrons
Schematic: Quickfoot Slippers
Schematic: Quickstrike Cudgel
Schematic: Raider's Axe
Schematic: Reaver's Axe
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Shoes Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Cord
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Leather Straps
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Sabotons Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Shoes Basis
Schematic: Restored Seal of Adlair
Schematic: Robe of Incantations
Schematic: Runic Truncheon
Schematic: Runner's Belt Pouch
Schematic: Sage's Gloves
Schematic: Sage's Hood
Schematic: Sage's Leggings
Schematic: Sage's Robe
Schematic: Sage's Shawl
Schematic: Sage's Shoes
Schematic: Sage's Sleeves
Schematic: Sage's Tunic
Schematic: Scholar's Gloves
Schematic: Scholar's Hood
Schematic: Scholar's Leggings
Schematic: Scholar's Robe
Schematic: Scholar's Shawl
Schematic: Scholar's Shoes
Schematic: Scholar's Sleeves
Schematic: Scholar's Tunic
Schematic: Scout's Gloves
Schematic: Scout's Javelin
Schematic: Scout's Longbow
Schematic: Scout's Shortblade
Schematic: Scout's Shortsword
Schematic: Scraps of Burlap Cloth Pattern
Schematic: Seeker's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Seeker's Gi
Schematic: Seeker's Headband
Schematic: Seeker's Legwraps
Schematic: Seeker's Sandals
Schematic: Seeker's Scarf
Schematic: Seeker's Staff
Schematic: Seeker's Wristbands
Schematic: Seer's Scepter
Schematic: Seer's Staff
Schematic: Seer's War Mallet
Schematic: Sellsword's Boots
Schematic: Sellsword's Bracers
Schematic: Sellsword's Breeches
Schematic: Sellsword's Cap
Schematic: Sellsword's Gloves
Schematic: Sellsword's Pauldrons
Schematic: Sellsword's Tunic
Schematic: Sentinel's Bracers
Schematic: Sentinel's Breeches
Schematic: Sentinel's Cap
Schematic: Sentinel's Glaive
Schematic: Sentinel's Gloves
Schematic: Shadower's Bow
Schematic: Shadower's Cudgel
Schematic: Shadower's Longsword
Schematic: Shadower's Short Lance
Schematic: Shawl of Percipience
Schematic: Shoes of Percipience
Schematic: Short Hunting Spear
Schematic: Shrine Keeper's Hammer
Schematic: ShrineProtectors Scepter
Schematic: Simple Armor Scales
Schematic: Simple Axe
Schematic: Simple Belt
Schematic: Simple Buckler
Schematic: Simple Buckler Plate
Schematic: Simple Cloak
Schematic: Simple Cord
Schematic: Simple Cudgel
Schematic: Simple Dagger
Schematic: Simple Endcaps
Schematic: Simple Focus Staff
Schematic: Simple Gemstone Polishing Kit
Schematic: Simple Gi
Schematic: Simple Gi Basis
Schematic: Simple Gloves
Schematic: Simple Gloves Basis
Schematic: Simple Greataxe
Schematic: Simple Greatsword
Schematic: Simple Hammer
Schematic: Simple Harvesting Sickle
Schematic: Simple Hood
Schematic: Simple Hood Basis
Schematic: Simple Knuckles
Schematic: Simple Leather Belt
Schematic: Simple Leather Boots
Schematic: Simple Leather Bracers
Schematic: Simple Leather Breeches
Schematic: Simple Leather Cap
Schematic: Simple Leather Clasp
Schematic: Simple Leather Gloves
Schematic: Simple Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Simple Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Simple Leggings
Schematic: Simple Leggings Basis
Schematic: Simple Longbow
Schematic: Simple Mace
Schematic: Simple Maul
Schematic: Simple Mining Pickaxe
Schematic: Simple Pike
Schematic: Simple Poleaxe
Schematic: Simple Robe
Schematic: Simple Robe Basis
Schematic: Simple Rucksack
Schematic: Simple Shawl
Schematic: Simple Shawl Basis
Schematic: Simple Shoes
Schematic: Simple Shoes Basis
Schematic: Simple Skinning Knife
Schematic: Simple Sleeves
Schematic: Simple Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Simple Small Shield
Schematic: Simple Small Shield Blank
Schematic: Simple Spear
Schematic: Simple Staff Blank
Schematic: Simple Storage Box Frame
Schematic: Simple Sword
Schematic: Simple Training Gi
Schematic: Simple Training Gloves
Schematic: Simple Training Headband
Schematic: Simple Training Legwraps
Schematic: Simple Training Sandals
Schematic: Simple Training Sash
Schematic: Simple Training Scarf
Schematic: Simple Training Wristbands
Schematic: Simple Tunic
Schematic: Simple Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Skirmish Blade
Schematic: Skirmish Bow
Schematic: Skirmish Greataxe
Schematic: Skirmish Spear
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Boots
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Bracers
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Cap
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Skycaller's Staff
Schematic: Small Grappling Hook Design
Schematic: Small Storage Box
Schematic: Small Storage Chest Frame
Schematic: Soldier's Insignia Ring
Schematic: Solid Cudgel
Schematic: Sorceror's Staff
Schematic: Soulcaller's Mallet
Schematic: Spellbinder's Robe
Schematic: Spellbinder's Shawl
Schematic: Spellbinder's Shoes
Schematic: Spellbinder's Sleeves
Schematic: Spider Fang Necklace
Schematic: Spiritist's Greathammer
Schematic: Spiritist's Longspear
Schematic: Spiritist's Staff
Schematic: Spiritist's Warhammer
Schematic: Staff Of The Earth
Schematic: Staff Of The Mountain
Schematic: Stalker's Bracers
Schematic: Stalker's Breeches
Schematic: Stalker's Dagger
Schematic: Stalker's Gloves
Schematic: Stalker's Tunic
Schematic: Stalwart's Chain Coat
Schematic: Stalwart's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Stalwart's Helm
Schematic: Stalwart's Plated Coat
Schematic: Stalwart's Sabotons
Schematic: Standard Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Standard Breastplate
Schematic: Standard Breastplate Basis
Schematic: Standard Buckler Plate
Schematic: Standard Chain Boots
Schematic: Standard Chain Boots Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Bracers
Schematic: Standard Chain Bracers Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Coat Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Coif
Schematic: Standard Chain Coif Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Standard Chain Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Leggings
Schematic: Standard Chain Leggings Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Standard Chain Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Standard Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Standard Focus Staff
Schematic: Standard Greaves
Schematic: Standard Greaves Basis
Schematic: Standard Helm
Schematic: Standard Helm Basis
Schematic: Standard Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Standard Plate Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Standard Sabotons
Schematic: Standard Sabotons Basis
Schematic: Standard Spaulders
Schematic: Standard Spaulders Basis
Schematic: Standard Staff Blank
Schematic: Standard Vambraces
Schematic: Standard Vambraces Basis
Schematic: Standard Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Strategist's Lance
Schematic: Striker's Bow
Schematic: Student's Shawl
Schematic: Sturdy Battle Hatchet
Schematic: Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Schematic: SturdyBattleBow
Schematic: Survivor's Claymore
Schematic: Tattered Leather
Schematic: Tattered Leather (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Tattered Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Tattered Leather Panel
Schematic: Tattered Leather Strips
Schematic: Temple Greaves
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Pauldrons
Schematic: Temple Spaulders
Schematic: Temple Vambraces
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Hood
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Robe
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Shawl
Schematic: Thick Leather
Schematic: Thick Leather Armor Harness
Schematic: Thick Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Bow Grip
Schematic: Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Clasp
Schematic: Thick Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Panel
Schematic: Thick Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Straps
Schematic: Thick Leather Strips
Schematic: Thinking Cap
Schematic: Thunderous Greathammer
Schematic: Thunderous Halberd
Schematic: Thunderous Lance
Schematic: Thunderous Mace
Schematic: Thunderous Shortspear
Schematic: Thunderous Staff
Schematic: Tireless-Infused Leggings Basis
Schematic: Tireless-Infused Shoes Basis
Schematic: Tireless-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Tireless-Runed Leggings Basis
Schematic: Tracker's Cap
Schematic: Tracker's Shortbow
Schematic: Traveler's Sandals
Schematic: Ulthirian Gloves
Schematic: Ulthirian Hood
Schematic: Ulthirian Robe
Schematic: Vanguard's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Vanguard's Greaves
Schematic: Vanguard's Plated Coat
Schematic: Vanguard's Sabotons
Schematic: Vanguard's Vambraces
Schematic: Vicar's Breastplate
Schematic: Vicar's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Vicar's Sabotons
Schematic: Vicar's Vambraces
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Chain Coat Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Cord
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Gi Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Wanderer's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Wanderer's Gi
Schematic: Wanderer's Legwraps
Schematic: Wanderer's Sandals
Schematic: Wanderer's Scarf
Schematic: Wanderer's Wristbands
Schematic: Watchguard's Shortsword
Schematic: Watchguard's Truncheon
Schematic: White Lotus Sandals
Schematic: White Lotus Scarf
Schematic: White Lotus Wristbands
Schematic: Windshot Longbow
Schematic: Windshot Shortbow
Schematic: Windsong Battlebow
Schematic: Windsong Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Windsong Greatblade
Schematic: Windsong Longblade
Schematic: Windsong Shortbow
Schematic: Windsong Staff
Schematic: Windwalker Sash
Schematic: Windwalker's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Windwalker's Legwraps
Schematic: Windwalker's Scarf
Schematic: Wolf Fang Earring
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Boots
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Cap
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Pauldrons
Scorpion Claws
Scorpion Stinger
Scout's Thick Leather Breeches
Scout's Thick Leather Jerkin
Scout's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Scrap Metal
Scraps of Burlap Cloth
Scroll Of Blood Fiend
Scroll Of Lifetap
Scroll Of Sanguine Shield
Scroll Of Touch Of Blood
Scroll Of Vital Cage
Scroll of Boil Blood
Scroll of Devour Constitution
Scroll of Devour Dexterity
Scroll of Gift of the Five Feathers
Scroll of Provoking Phantoms
Scroll of Sanguine Cloak
Scroll of Torment
Scroll: Absorb Strength
Scroll: Arc of Light
Scroll: Arcane Cords
Scroll: Assemble Bones
Scroll: Awaken Courage
Scroll: Backflip
Scroll: Backstab II
Scroll: Banner of Onslaught II
Scroll: Blessed Barrier
Scroll: Bolster
Scroll: Calm Undeath
Scroll: Chaotic Imbuement
Scroll: Conviction
Scroll: Corrosive Brew
Scroll: Cranial Pressure
Scroll: Crippling Terror
Scroll: Curse of Pain
Scroll: Deafening Whisper
Scroll: Divine Weakening
Scroll: Drain Charisma
Scroll: Drain Intellect
Scroll: Drain Stamina
Scroll: Drain Strength
Scroll: Edict of Stillness
Scroll: Elixir of Opportunity
Scroll: Evasive Maneuvers
Scroll: Fixate
Scroll: Flash Bomb
Scroll: Flux
Scroll: Frail Shielding
Scroll: Gate
Scroll: Ghastly Corpse
Scroll: Ghaven's Wild Display
Scroll: Greater Ward of Light
Scroll: Grip of the Boulder
Scroll: Healing Flicker
Scroll: Heat Blood
Scroll: Hush
Scroll: Ice Volley
Scroll: Invisibility
Scroll: Lesser Shielding
Scroll: Life Draw
Scroll: Like a Ghost
Scroll: Master Trap-Maker
Scroll: Mesmerize
Scroll: Minor Divine Healing
Scroll: Radiate Heat
Scroll: Rebuke
Scroll: Remedy
Scroll: Renew Bones
Scroll: Revive
Scroll: Runeskin
Scroll: Second Sight
Scroll: Shackle Bones
Scroll: Shackle Death
Scroll: Shadow Step
Scroll: Shadowfall
Scroll: Shock and Awe
Scroll: Sicken
Scroll: Spell Turn
Scroll: Spook the Dead
Scroll: Sprint to the Shadows
Scroll: Stab the Mind
Scroll: Startle
Scroll: Summon Corpse
Scroll: Thought Thief
Scroll: Unstable Mixture
Scroll: Valeguard's Stride
Scroll: Wall Climber
Scroll: Ward Undeath
Scroll: Waylay II
Scroll: Weak Shielding
Scroll: Wrack Bones
Scuffed Boots
Scuffed Bracers
Scuffed Gloves
Scuffed Jerkin
Scuffed Leggings
Scuffed Pendant
Sea Shell Necklace
Seared Serpent Skewers
Seaweed Laced Sandals
Seeker's Fighting Gi
Seeker's Fighting Gloves
Seeping Boots
Seeping Cap
Seeping Cloak
Seeping Gloves
Seeping Pants
Seeping Shoulders
Seeping Tunic
Sentinel's Thick Leather Bracers
Sentinel's Thick Leather Gloves
Sentinel's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Serpent Scale Boots
Serpent Surprise
Serrated Point Arrows
Shade-Threaded Cloth Gloves
Shade-Threaded Cloth Hood
Shade-Threaded Cloth Pants
Shadesilk Mask
Shadow Flux
Shadow's Kiss
Shardstaff of Sorrows
Sharp Skinning Knife
Sharpened Bronze Axe
Sharpened Bronze Dagger
Sharpened Bronze Short Spear
Sharpened Flint Knife
Sharpened Harvesting Sickle
Sharpened Iron Bastard Sword
Sharpened Short Blade
Sharpened Woodcutting Hatchet
Shield Of Petrified Wood
Shielded Band
Shimmering Celestium
Shimmering Silk Cloak
Shimmering Silk Hood
Shimmering Silk Robe
Shimmering Silk Wristbands
Shining Halberd
Shiny Steel Claws
Shroud of Stars
Shrunken Skull Earring
Sightweaver's Robe
Silent Battlewraps
Silken Treaders
Silver Fang Trousers
Silver Ingot
Silver Nugget
Silver Plated Bracers
Silver Set Duo (Gemstone)
Silver Set Partner (Gemstone)
Silver Signet Of Magic
Silver Signet Ring Of Insight
Silver Spoon
Silver Stud Earring Of Insight
Silver Stud Earring Of Magic
Silver Stud Earring Of Vitality
Silver Zircon Ear Cuff
Silver Zircon Scepter
Silver Zircon Wizard Figurine
Silver-Threaded Pantaloons
Silverpelt Leather Boots
Silverpelt Leather Bracers
Silverpelt Leather Gloves
Silverpelt Leather Helm
Silverpelt Leather Leggings
Silverpelt Leather Tunic
Simple Array
Simple Arrows
Simple Ash Longbow
Simple Ash Longbow of Precision
Simple Ash Staff
Simple Ashen Bronze Broadsword
Simple Ashen Bronze Dagger
Simple Ashen Bronze Defender's Pike
Simple Ashen Bronze Great Axe
Simple Ashen Bronze Greatsword
Simple Ashen Bronze Hand Axe
Simple Ashen Bronze Harvesting Sickle
Simple Ashen Bronze Knuckles
Simple Ashen Bronze Mace
Simple Ashen Bronze Maul
Simple Ashen Bronze Mining Pick
Simple Ashen Bronze Pike
Simple Ashen Bronze Poleaxe
Simple Ashen Bronze Short Hunting Spear
Simple Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife
Simple Ashen Bronze Tower Shield
Simple Ashen Bronze War Hammer
Simple Ashen Bronze Woodcutting Hatchet
Simple Bindings
Simple Black Iron Broadsword
Simple Black Iron Dagger
Simple Black Iron Dagger of Precision
Simple Black Iron Great Axe of Might
Simple Black Iron Harvesting Sickle
Simple Black Iron Mining Pick
Simple Black Iron Short Spear
Simple Black Iron Skinning Knife
Simple Black Iron Woodcutters Hatchet
Simple Blood Iron Dagger
Simple Blood Iron Knuckles
Simple Blood Iron Knuckles of Precision
Simple Blood Iron Tower Shield of Vitality
Simple Blood Iron War Hammer
Simple Blood Iron War Hammer of Insight
Simple Brass Signet Ring Of Insight
Simple Brass Zircon Band
Simple Cedar Buckler
Simple Cedar Cudgel
Simple Cedar Longbow
Simple Cedar Longbow of Prowess
Simple Cedar Shortbow
Simple Cedar Shortbow of Dexterity
Simple Cedar Staff
Simple Club
Simple Core
Simple Cotton Cloth Cord
Simple Cotton Cloth Gloves Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Shawl Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Sleeves Basis
Simple Cotton Gi
Simple Cotton Gi Basis
Simple Cotton Gloves
Simple Cotton Hood
Simple Cotton Leggings
Simple Cotton Robe
Simple Cotton Shawl
Simple Cotton Shoes
Simple Cotton Sleeves
Simple Gauntlets
Simple Grinding Stone
Simple Guard
Simple Handwraps
Simple Health Draught
Simple Iron Broadsword
Simple Iron Dagger
Simple Iron Dagger Of Prowess
Simple Iron Great Axe
Simple Iron Greatsword
Simple Iron Hand Axe
Simple Iron Harvesting Sickle
Simple Iron Kite Shield
Simple Iron Knuckles
Simple Iron Knuckles of Might
Simple Iron Mace
Simple Iron Maul
Simple Iron Mining Pick
Simple Iron Pike
Simple Iron Poleaxe
Simple Iron Short Spear
Simple Iron Skinning Knife
Simple Iron Tower Shield
Simple Iron War Hammer
Simple Leather Clasp
Simple Longbow
Simple Mana Draught
Simple Salvaging Tools
Simple Shortbow
Simple Staff
Simple Stick
Simple Support
Simple Thick Leather Armor Harness
Simple Wrapping
Skin of Milk
Skulker's Tattered Leather Boots
Skulker's Tattered Leather Bracers
Skulker's Tattered Leather Gloves
Skulker's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Skulker's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Slagwood Bo Staff
Slagwood Club
Slatehide Boar Pelt
Sleek Iron Dirk
Small Grappling Hook
Small Health Draught
Small Mana Draught
Small Maple Box Frame
Small Sack
Small Snake Fang
Small Spider Venom Gland
Snake Blood
Snake Meat
Snake Scales
Snakebite Stir-Fry
Snow Lily Petals
Snow Treaders
Snowbeast Hide Boots
Snowbeast Hide Bracers
Snowbeast Hide Gloves
Snowbeast Hide Helm
Snowbeast Hide Jerkin
Snowbeast Hide Leggings
Snowbeast Hide Mantle
Snowseed Oil
Soft Leather Belt
Soft Leather Boots
Soft Leather Bracers
Soft Leather Cap
Soft Leather Gloves
Soft Leather Leggings
Soft Leather Mantle
Soft Leather Tunic
Soggy Wing Membrane
Soldier's Philter
Spark Toad Oil
Spear of Endless Frost
Spectral Axe
Spectral Bo Staff
Spectral Club
Spectral Essence
Spectral Great Axe
Spectral Lantern
Spectral Longsword
Spectral Robe
Spectral Staff
Spicy Apple Fritters
Spider Fangs
Spider Silk
Spider Venom Gland
Splintered Round Shield
Splintering Axe
Splintering Club
Splitneck Axe
Spool of Rope
Spore-Infested Cord
Spore-Stained Slippers
Springwood Baton
Springwood Clubber
Staff of the Craven
Stained Shortsword
Stale Bread
Stalker Sinew
Stalker Steaks
Stalker's Arrows
Stalker's Pie
Stalker's Thick Leather Boots
Stalker's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Stalwart's Blood Iron Spaulders
Stalwart's Iron Chain Bracers
Stalwart's Iron Chain Coat
Stalwart's Iron Sabatons
Stalwart's Iron Vambraces
Standard Armor Padding
Standard Bindings
Standard Gauntlets
Standard Hatchet Blade
Standard Iron Woodcutting Hatchet
Standard Knuckle Wrapping
Standard Large Weapon Haft
Standard Mana Shield
Standard Reinforcements
Standard Small Weapon Haft
Standard Tool Haft
Stitched Cloth Belt
Stitched Cloth Cap
Stitched Cloth Gloves
Stitched Cloth Pants
Stitched Cloth Robe
Stitched Cloth Shawl
Stitched Cloth Shoes
Stitched Cloth Sleeves
Stolen Artifact
Stone Fragment
Stonebraced Boots
Stonebraced Cudgel
Stonehide Footguards
Stonelinked Bracelet
Stoneweave Gloves
Stoneweave Hood
Stoneweave Pants
Stoneweave Robe
Stoneweave Shoes
Studded Fish Hook
Stuffed Trout
Sturdy Axe
Sturdy Buckler
Sturdy Club
Sturdy Great Sword
Sturdy Hammer
Sturdy Leather Belt
Sturdy Leather Bracers
Sturdy Leather Cap
Sturdy Leather Gloves
Sturdy Leather Leggings
Sturdy Leather Mantle
Sturdy Leather Tunic
Sturdy Longbow
Sturdy Longsword
Sturdy Maul
Sturdy Mining Pick
Sturdy Short Spear
Sturdy Shortbow
Sturdy Spiked Mace
Sturdy Stick
Sturdy Tree Branch
Swamp Sentinel Mail Boots
Swamp Sentinel Mail Bracers
Swamp Sentinel Mail Coat
Swamp Sentinel Mail Gloves
Swamp Sentinel Mail Helm
Swamp Sentinel Mail Leggings
Swamproot Baton
Tandoa's Carryall
Tangy Appleshrooms
Tarnished Axe
Tarnished Band
Tarnished Dagger
Tarnished Hammer
Tarnished Longsword
Tarnished Ring
Tarnished Short Spear
Tarnished Spiked Mace
Tattered Cloak
Tattered Hide
Tattered Leather
Tattered Leather Belt
Tattered Leather Belt Basis
Tattered Leather Panel
Tattered Leather Rucksack
Tattered Leather Rucksack (1 AC)
Tattered Leather Straps
Tattered Leather Strips
Tattered Pelt
Tattered Snakeskin
Telo's Ankle Bracelet
Temple Blood Iron Spaulders
Temple Iron Breastplate
Temple Iron Ringmail Pauldrons
Temple Iron Spaulders
The Basis For Splinted Leather Boots
The Hurt Stick
The Rocksplitter
The Warden's Blade
Thick Leather
Thick Leather Armor Harness
Thick Leather Basic Straps
Thick Leather Belt
Thick Leather Belt Basis
Thick Leather Boots
Thick Leather Boots Basis
Thick Leather Bow Grip
Thick Leather Bracers
Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Thick Leather Breeches
Thick Leather Breeches Basis
Thick Leather Cap
Thick Leather Cap Basis
Thick Leather Gloves
Thick Leather Gloves Basis
Thick Leather Jerkin
Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Thick Leather Oversized Backpack
Thick Leather Panel
Thick Leather Pauldrons
Thick Leather Pauldrons Basis
Thick Leather Strips
Thick Wolf Fur
Thornsteel Blade
Thornsteel Great Hammer
Thornsteel Hatchet
Thornsteel Knife
Thornsteel Mace
Thornsteel Spear
Threaded Hemp Gloves
Thronefast Cider
Tiger Hide Handwraps
Tiger Hide Headband
Tiger Hide Sandals
Tiger Hide Wristbands
Tightly Woven Silk Patch
Time Twister Solution
Tiny Bell
Torn Map Fragment
Tracker's Thick Leather Bracers
Trainee's Spiked Mace
Trait: Cleric5
Trait: Enchanter5
Trait: Necromancer5
Trait: Rogue20
Trait: Summoner15
Trait: Summoner20
Trap Parts
Traveler's Tea
Tundra-Forged Bracers
Tundra-Forged Cuirass
Tundra-Forged Gauntlets
Tundra-Forged Greaves
Tundra-Forged Helm
Tundra-Forged Pauldrons
Tundra-Forged Sabatons
Tunic of Bitter Flame
Twin Fang Amulet
Tyrassura's Hoop
Unadorned Shawl
Uncut Amethyst Gemstone
Uncut Aquamarine Gemstone
Uncut Citrine Gemstone
Uncut Diamond Gemstone
Uncut Emerald Gemstone
Uncut Jade Gemstone
Uncut Opal Gemstone
Uncut Peridot Gemstone
Uncut Quartz Gemstone
Uncut Ruby Gemstone
Uncut Sapphire Gemstone
Uncut Spinel Gemstone
Uncut Topaz Gemstone
Uncut Tourmaline Gemstone
Uncut Turquoise Gemstone
Uncut Zircon Gemstone
Unmortal Cloak
Unmortal Sash
Uzhead's Hunting Spear
Vanguard's Black Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Boots
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Bracers
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Velvet Coin Purse
Venison Platter
Vesperhide Boots
Vesperhide Bracers
Vesperhide Gloves
Vesperhide Headdress
Vesperhide Leggings
Vesperhide Shoulderpads
Vesperhide Tunic
Vicar's Blood Iron Spaulders
Vicar's Iron Ringmail Leggings
Vicar's Iron Sabatons
Vinebrute Mail Boots
Vinebrute Mail Bracers
Vinebrute Mail Gloves
Vinebrute Mail Hauberk
Vinebrute Mail Helm
Vinebrute Mail Leggings
Vitality-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Vitality-Runed Thick Leather Bracer Basis
Walnut Bear Brisket
Walnut Wood Stain
Wand Of Creeping Vine
Wanderer's Burlap Fighting Gloves
Wanderer's Burlap Gi
Wanderer's Burlap Sandals
Wanderer's Burlap Scarf
Wanderer's Burlap Wristbands
Warden's Lost Ring
Warguard's Chain Gloves
Warguard's Chain Helm
Warguard's Chain Leggings
Warguard's Chain Tunic
Warhorn Necklace
Warmonger's Totem
Water Reed Fibers
Weathered Baton
Weathered Bo Staff
Weathered Club
Webless Fang
Weeping Silk Gloves
Weevil Staff
Well-Made Harvesting Sickle
Well-Made Mining Pick
Well-Made Skinning Knife
Well-Made Woodcutting Hatchet
Whisperwind Scales
White Dire Wolf Fur
White Wolf Fur
Whittled Femur
Wild Onion
Wind Griffin Feather
Wind Griffin Talon
Winter Boar Platter
Wisp-Woven Leather Boots
Wisp-Woven Leather Bracers
Wisp-Woven Leather Braces
Wisp-Woven Leather Gloves
Wisp-Woven Leather Helm
Wisp-Woven Leather Shoulderpads
Wisp-Woven Leather Tunic
Wispmetal Bracers
Wispmetal Breastplate
Wispmetal Gauntlets
Wispmetal Helm
Wispmetal Legplates
Wispmetal Loop
Wispmetal Pauldrons
Wispmetal Sabatons
Wispweave Gloves
Wispweave Hood
Wispweave Mantle
Wispweave Pants
Wispweave Robe
Wispweave Slippers
Wispweave Wristbands
Wispwood Fighting Staff
Wispwood Staff
Wispwood Truncheon
Wizard's Stave
Wolf Blood
Wolf Claws
Wolf Fang
Wolf Meat
Wolf Pelt
Wolf Tail
Wolfhead Ring
Wolfsbane Leaf
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Boots
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Bracers
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Breeches
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Cap
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Gloves
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Worm-Eaten Gloves
Worm-Eaten Pants
Worm-Eaten Sandals
Worm-Eaten Shawl
Worm-Eaten Shirt
Worm-Eaten Wristband
Worn Axe
Worn Bo Staff
Worn Club
Worn Dagger
Worn Hammer
Worn Handwraps
Worn Leather Strap
Worn Longbow
Worn Longsword
Worn Maul
Worn Pickaxe
Worn Short Spear
Worn Shortbow
Worn Spiked Mace
Worn Staff
Writhing Staff
XGrimy Leather JerkinX
Young Fox Tail
Compare Items
A Dusty Hat
A Mysterious Letter
A Recovered Map
A Runed Coffer
A Sigiled Pendant
A Suspicious Message
A fresh-baked cookie
A locked coffer
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Bracers
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Acolyte's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Adamant Shackles
Adjutant's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Adjutant's Blood Iron Chain Pauldrons
Adjutant's Blood Iron Plated Coat
Adjutant's Chain Iron Bracers
Adjutant's Iron Chain Coat
Adjutant's Iron Chain Coif
Adjutant's Iron Chain Gauntlets
Adjutant's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Adjutant's Iron Plate Gauntlets
Adjutant's Iron Vambraces
Adjutants Iron Chain Coat
Adventurer's Backpack
Aged Brass Key
Aged Stonehide Belt
Aged Stonehide Skullcap
Aged Wood Shortbow
Alchemical Flux
Amulet of Energized Crystal
Amulet of the Venom Lair
An Unfortunate Boot
Ancient Claymore
Ancient Griffin Feather
Ancient Mining Pick
Ancient Wolf Coat
Antidote of Nightbane
Any T1 Gemstone
Any T1 Uncut Gemstone
Apple-glazed Trout
Applenut Mix
Applenut-stuffed Mushrooms
Apprentice's Boots
Apprentice's Garment
Apprentice's Pants
Arcanery Brew
Arm Of The Bloodsworn
Armor Reinforcement
Ash Arrow Shafts
Ash Basic Shield Handle
Ash Basic Wooden Endcaps
Ash Bow Reinforcement
Ash Carved Weapon Haft
Ash Club Blank
Ash Cudgel
Ash Fighting Staff
Ash Focus Carving
Ash Healer's Staff
Ash Log
Ash Longbow Limbs
Ash Lumber
Ash Round Shield
Ash Round Shield Face
Ash Simple Storage Chest
Ash Staff Blank
Ash Staff of the Mountain
Ash Stave
Ash Striker's Bow
Ash Tannin
Ashen Bronze Armor Reinforcements
Ashen Bronze Armor Scales
Ashen Bronze Axe Blade
Ashen Bronze Bar
Ashen Bronze Barbed Arrows
Ashen Bronze Basic Large Weapon Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Tool Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Haft
Ashen Bronze Basic Weapon Hilt
Ashen Bronze Battle Axe
Ashen Bronze Battle Blade
Ashen Bronze Bodkin Arrows
Ashen Bronze Broadhead Arrows
Ashen Bronze Chain Belt
Ashen Bronze Chain Boots
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Ashen Bronze Chain Coat Basis
Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Ashen Bronze Chain Links
Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Boots Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Coif Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Gauntlets Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Leggings Basis
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Pauldrons Basis
Ashen Bronze Champion's Greathammer
Ashen Bronze Dagger
Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade
Ashen Bronze Dueling Blade
Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade
Ashen Bronze Greatsword Blade
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Greataxe
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Longspear
Ashen Bronze Guardsman's Mace
Ashen Bronze Hammer Head
Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade
Ashen Bronze Heavy Greatsword
Ashen Bronze Impact Arrows
Ashen Bronze Knuckle Bar
Ashen Bronze Long Hunting Spear
Ashen Bronze Mace Head
Ashen Bronze Maul Head
Ashen Bronze Nails
Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head
Ashen Bronze Pike Head
Ashen Bronze Plate
Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Blade
Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight
Ashen Bronze Rivets
Ashen Bronze Scout's Shortblade
Ashen Bronze Shield Reinforcement
Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade
Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife Blade
Ashen Bronze Spear Head
Ashen Bronze Sword Blade
Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding
Ashen Bronze Weapon Studs
Ashen Polish
Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Asherium Armor Scales
Asherium Bar
Asherium Basic Shield Brace
Asherium Basic Tool Haft
Asherium Brawler's Cestus
Asherium Brigandine Boots
Asherium Brigandine Bracers
Asherium Brigandine Gauntlets
Asherium Brigandine Helm
Asherium Brigandine Pauldrons
Asherium Brigandine Tunic
Asherium Brute's Crusher
Asherium Field Point Arrowheads
Asherium Field Point Arrows
Asherium Footman's Lance
Asherium Foreman's Hammer
Asherium Greataxe Blade
Asherium Guardian's Blade
Asherium Hammer Head
Asherium Hatchet Blade
Asherium Heavy War Hammer
Asherium Hunter's Javelin
Asherium Kite Shield
Asherium Kite Shield Blank
Asherium Knuckle Bar
Asherium Maul Head
Asherium Nails
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Asherium Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Bracers Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Helm Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Leggings Basis
Asherium NoviceSplinted Leather Tunic Basis
Asherium Pickaxe Head
Asherium Plate
Asherium Poleaxe Blade
Asherium Raider's Axe
Asherium Reaver's Axe
Asherium Rivets
Asherium Sickle Blade
Asherium Skinning Knife Blade
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt
Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots
Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets
Asherium Splinted Leather Helm
Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings
Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons
Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic
Asherium Stalker's Dagger
Asherium Watchguard's Shortsword
Asherium Woodcutter Hatchet
Avendyr Trout
Band Of The Outcast
Band of Battle
Bandit's Bear Hide Gloves
Barkbitten Club
Barkbitten Staff
Barnacle-Crusted Boots
Barnacle-Crusted Bracers
Barnacle-Crusted Gloves
Barnacle-Crusted Helm
Barnacle-Crusted Leggings
Barnacle-Crusted Tunic
Basic Harvesting Sickle
Basic Mining Pick
Basic Salvaging Tools
Basic Skinning Knife
Basic Woodcutter Hatchet
Bat Fur
Bat Fur Leggings
Bat Meat
Bat Wing
Batmeat Skewers
Battered Round Shield
Battle-Tested Shortbow
Bear Blood
Bear Chops
Bear Hide
Bear Jerky
Bear Meat
Bear Paw
Bear Skull Helmet
Bear Tallow
Bearded Axe
Bearskin Gloves
Bearskin Leggings
Bee Honey
Beetle Eye
Beetle Legs
Beetle Pincher
Beetle Shell Helmet
Belt of the Icebound
Berry Glue
Bird Beak Necklace
Bird Skin
Bismuth Flakes
Black Iron Bar
Black Iron Basic Shield Brace
Black Iron Basic Tool Haft
Black Iron Breastplate
Black Iron Breastplate Basis
Black Iron Breastplate Mold
Black Iron Chain Belt
Black Iron Chain Boots
Black Iron Chain Coat
Black Iron Chain Coif
Black Iron Chain Gauntlets
Black Iron Chain Leggings
Black Iron Chain Pauldrons
Black Iron Combatant's Heavy Axe
Black Iron Dagger
Black Iron Great Axe
Black Iron Hatchet Blade
Black Iron Kite Shield
Black Iron Kite Shield Blank
Black Iron Pickaxe Head
Black Iron Plate
Black Iron Plate Boots
Black Iron Plate Boots Basis
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets Basis
Black Iron Plate Girdle
Black Iron Plate Girdle Basis
Black Iron Plate Greaves
Black Iron Plate Greaves Basis
Black Iron Plate Helm
Black Iron Plate Helm Basis
Black Iron Plate Spaulders
Black Iron Plate Spaulders Basis
Black Iron Pommel Weight
Black Iron Rivets
Black Iron Sickle Blade
Black Iron Skinning Knife Blade
Black Iron Weapon Studs
Black Leather Tunic
Black Leatherr Tunic
Black Onyx Ring
Black Tea Leaves
Black Tear Idol
Black Temper
Blackback Venom Gland
Blackberry Sparkle
Blackblood Tea
Blackened Wood Club
Blackened Wood Staff
Blade of Carnage
Bladed Earring
Bleached Bone Club
Blistered Leather Sleeves
Blood Dipped Amulet
Blood Iron Bar
Blood Iron Breastplate
Blood Iron Combatant's Knuckles
Blood Iron Enchanter's Battleknife
Blood Iron Gladiator's Battle Axe
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Axe
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Gloves
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Battle Hammer
Blood Iron Myrmidon's Great Axe
Blood Iron Plate Boots
Blood Iron Plate Gauntlets
Blood Iron Plate Girdle
Blood Iron Plate Greaves
Blood Iron Plate Helm
Blood Iron Plate Spaulders
Blood Iron Plate Vambraces
Blood Iron Seer's Javelin
Blood Iron Shadower's Short Lance
Blood Iron Shadower's Smallblade
Blood Iron Skycaller's Dagger
Blood Iron Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Blood Iron Weapon Studs
Blood Soaked Arrow
Blood Soaked Shield
Blood Temper
Blood-Etched Corpus Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Blood-Inlaid War Gavel
Blood-Soaked Coat
Blood-Soaked Shield
Blood-Splattered Pauldrons
Bloodshot Bat Eye
Bloodstained Handwraps
Bloodstone Amulet
Bloody Mail Boots
Bloody Mail Bracers
Bloody Mail Gloves
Bloody Mail Hauberk
Bloody Mail Helm
Bloody Mail Leggings
Bloody Mail Shoulderguards
Boal's Choppin' Axe
Boar Blood
Boar Fur
Boar Hide
Boar Meat
Boar Tusk
Boar Tusk Spear
Bone Fragments
Bone Necklace
Bone-Handled Axe
Bone-Handled Battle Axe
Bone-Handled Hammer
Bone-Handled Quickblade
Bone-Inlaid Leather Brachers
Bone-Inlaid Leather Leggings
Bone-Tipped Knuckles
Bonemail Legguards
Bonewoven Cloth Handwraps
Bonewoven Cloth Headband
Bonewoven Cloth Legwraps
Boots of Escape
Boots of Whispers
Boreal Shoulderpads
Brace Of Claws
Braced Hide Belt
Braced Hide Cap
Braced Hide Cloak
Braced Hide Gloves
Braced Hide Jerkin
Braced Hide Leggings
Braced Hide Wristguards
Braided Cloth Belt
Braided Needle
Branch of Ulthiros
Brass Buckle
Brass Buttons
Brass Ingot
Brass Set Round-Cut Zircon
Brass Signet Of Insight
Brass Zircon Band
Brass Zircon Earring
Brass Zircon Necklace
Brass Zircon Scepter
Bright Metal Greaves
Brightcap Mushroom
Brightfire Sap
Brightweave Cord
Brightweave Hood
Brightweave Pants
Brightweave Robe
Brineclaw Totem
Brittle Dagger
Brittle Hatchet
Brittle Shortbow
Broadhead Arrows
Bronze Barbed Arrowheads
Bronze Bodkin Arrowheads
Bronze Broadhead Arrowheads
Bundle Of Furs
Bundle of Carved Sticks
Burglar's Gloves
Buried Longsword
Burlap Belt
Burlap Cloth Bandage
Burlap Cloth Belt Basis
Burlap Cloth Bolt
Burlap Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Burlap Cloth Gi Basis
Burlap Cloth Gloves Basis
Burlap Cloth Headband Basis
Burlap Cloth Hood Basis
Burlap Cloth Leggings Basis
Burlap Cloth Legwraps Basis
Burlap Cloth Panel
Burlap Cloth Robe Basis
Burlap Cloth Sandals Basis
Burlap Cloth Sash Basis
Burlap Cloth Scarf Basis
Burlap Cloth Shawl Basis
Burlap Cloth Shoes Basis
Burlap Cloth Sleeves Basis
Burlap Cloth Tunic Basis
Burlap Cloth Wristbands Basis
Burlap Elementalist's Tunic
Burlap Fighting Gloves
Burlap Gi
Burlap Gloves
Burlap Headband
Burlap Hood
Burlap Leggings
Burlap Legwraps
Burlap Manathread Leggings
Burlap Manathread Sleeves
Burlap Noble Gloves
Burlap Noble Shawl
Burlap Noble Tunic
Burlap Quickfoot Slippers
Burlap Robe
Burlap Sandals
Burlap Sash
Burlap Scarf
Burlap Shawl
Burlap Shoes
Burlap Sleeves
Burlap Spider Fang Necklace
Burlap Student's Shawl
Burlap Thinking Cap
Burlap Thread
Burlap Tunic
Burlap Twine
Burlap Wristbands
Burnt Leather Skullcap
Cabbage Wraps
Campfire Brewing Kit
Campfire Brewing Set
Campfire Cooking Set
Campfire Roasting Pan
Carmine Loop
Carved Ash Tool Haft
Carved Bone Ring
Carved Cedar Tool Haft
Carved Lotus Baton
Carved Lotus Bo Staff
Carved Wood Pipe
Caveling Hide Boots
Caveling Hide Bracers
Caveling Hide Gloves
Caveling Hide Jerkin
Caveling Hide Leggings
Caveling Hide Skullcap
Cedar Adept's Fighting Staff
Cedar Arrow Shafts
Cedar Basic Shield Handle
Cedar Basic Wooden Endcaps
Cedar Buckler Plate
Cedar Channeler's Staff
Cedar Club Blank
Cedar Enchanter's Battlestaff
Cedar Focus Carving
Cedar Large Storage Chest
Cedar Log
Cedar Lumber
Cedar Medium Storage Chest
Cedar Seer's Staff
Cedar Shadower's Bow
Cedar Shadower's Cudgel
Cedar Shadower's Longbow
Cedar Simple Storage Chest
Cedar Skycaller's Staff
Cedar Staff Blank
Cedar Stave
Cedar Sturdy Battle Bow
Cedar Sturdy Warbow
Cedar Tannin
Cedar Windshot Shortbow
Cedar Windsong Battlebow
Celestium Band
Celestium Dust
Celestium Dust of Acuity
Celestium Dust of Eloquence
Celestium Dust of Fleetness
Celestium Dust of Health
Celestium Dust of Insight
Celestium Dust of Magic
Celestium Dust of Might
Celestium Dust of Precision
Celestium Dust of Prowess
Celestium Dust of Resilience
Celestium Dust of Vitality
Celestium Dust of the Tireless
Celestium Shards of Inferno
Celestium Shards of Nimbleness
Celestium Shards of Shadow
Celestium Shards of the Blizzard
Celestium Shards of the Chimera
Celestium Shards of the Dryad
Celestium Shards of the Faith
Celestium Shards of the Grave
Celestium Shards of the Inferno
Celestium Shards of the Mystic
Celestium Shards of the Thunder
Celestium Shards of the Viper
Celestium Shards of the Wisp
Celis-Infused Robe
Centipede Antennae
Centipede Mandible
Ceremonial Collar
Ceremonial Harvesting Sickle
Ceremonial Headwrap
Chain of the Watch
Chapped Wood Baton
Chapped Wood Bo Staff
Chapped Wood Club
Chapped Wood Staff
Charged Battleglove
Chicken Bone
Chief's Satchel
Chillstrike Longbow
Chipped Bone Ring
Chunk of Asherite Ore
Chunk of Caspilrite Ore
Chunk of Glittering Slytheril Ore
Chunk of Hardened Caspilrite Ore
Chunk of Padrium Ore
Chunk of Slytheril Ore
Chunk of Tascium Ore
Cinder Lance
Climbing Spikes
Cloth Handwrap
Clothier's Sewing Needle
Coldstone Lantern
Coldweave Gloves
Coldweave Hood
Coldweave Mantle
Coldweave Pants
Coldweave Robe
Coldweave Slippers
Coldweave Wristbands
Condensed Mana Crystal
Conjured Blackberries
Consecrated Shield
Copper Buckle
Copper Buttons
Copper Ingot
Copper Night Fang Earring
Copper Nugget
Copper Plate
Copper Set Duo (Gemstone)
Copper Set Duo Citrine
Copper Set Duo Jade
Copper Set Duo Spinel
Copper Set Duo Topaz
Copper Set Partner (Gemstone)
Copper Set Partner Citrine
Copper Set Partner Jade
Copper Set Partner Spinel
Copper Set Partner Topaz
Copper Signet Of Magic
Copper Signet of Health
Copper Unit Insignia Ring
Copper Zircon Amulet
Copper Zircon Ring
Copper Zircon Wizard Figurine
Copper set Round-cut Spinel
Copper set Square-cut Zircon
Coral Ring
Corroded Key
Corrupted Stone Ring
Cotton Basic Cloth Cord
Cotton Belt
Cotton Bolls
Cotton Channeler's Robe
Cotton Channeler's Sleeves
Cotton Cloak
Cotton Cloak Basis
Cotton Cloth Belt Basis
Cotton Cloth Bolt
Cotton Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Cotton Cloth Gi Basis
Cotton Cloth Gloves Basis
Cotton Cloth Headband Basis
Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Cotton Cloth Legwraps Basis
Cotton Cloth Panel
Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Cotton Cloth Sandals Basis
Cotton Cloth Sash Basis
Cotton Cloth Scarf Basis
Cotton Cloth Shawl Basis
Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Cotton Cloth Sleeves Basis
Cotton Cloth Tunic Basis
Cotton Cloth Wristbands Basis
Cotton Gatherer's Sack
Cotton Gloves
Cotton Grizzleclaw Necklace
Cotton Hood
Cotton Prowess-Infused Cloth Sleeves Basis
Cotton Robe
Cotton Sage's Hood
Cotton Sage's Leggings
Cotton Sage's Robe
Cotton Sage's Shawl
Cotton Sage's Shoes
Cotton Sage's Tunic
Cotton Scholar's Gloves
Cotton Scholar's Hood
Cotton Scholar's Leggings
Cotton Scholar's Robe
Cotton Scholar's Shawl
Cotton Scholar's Shoes
Cotton Scholar's Sleeves
Cotton Scholar's Tunic
Cotton Shawl
Cotton Shoes
Cotton Temple Fighting Gloves
Cotton Temple Gi
Cotton Temple Headband
Cotton Temple Legwraps
Cotton Temple Sandals
Cotton Temple Sash
Cotton Temple Scarf
Cotton Temple Wristbands
Cotton Tireless-Infused Cloth Leggings Basis
Cotton Twine
Cotton Vitality-Infused Cloth Shawl Basis
Cotton Whisperscale Ring
Cotton Yarn
Cowl Of The Outcast
Cracked Staff
Crafting Apprenticeship Token
Craven Earring
Crawler Stew
Creeper Carapace Helm
Crescent Fang Gi
Crescent Fang Handwraps
Crescent Fang Headband
Crescent Fang Legwraps
Crescent Fang Mantle
Crocodile Heart
Crocodile Meat
Crow Feather
Crud-Covered Boots
Crud-Covered Gloves
Crud-Covered Jerkin
Crud-Covered Pants
Crude Array
Crude Arrows
Crude Asherium Broadsword
Crude Asherium Dagger
Crude Asherium Great Axe
Crude Asherium Greatsword
Crude Asherium Hand Axe
Crude Asherium Harvesting Sickle
Crude Asherium Knuckles
Crude Asherium Mace
Crude Asherium Maul
Crude Asherium Mining Pick
Crude Asherium Pike
Crude Asherium Poleaxe
Crude Asherium Short Spear
Crude Asherium Skinning Knife
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Boots
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Bracers
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Helm
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons
Crude Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic
Crude Asherium War Hammer
Crude Asherium Woodcutting Hatchet
Crude Bindings
Crude Burlap Headband
Crude Burlap Legwraps
Crude Burlap Scarf
Crude Burlap Wristbands
Crude Core
Crude Gauntlets
Crude Grinding Stone
Crude Guard
Crude Maple Buckler
Crude Maple Cudgel
Crude Maple Fighting Staff
Crude Maple Longbow
Crude Maple Shortbow
Crude Maple Small Shield
Crude Maple Staff
Crude Salvaging Tools
Crude Support
Crude Tattered Leather Boots
Crude Tattered Leather Bracers
Crude Tattered Leather Breeches
Crude Tattered Leather Cap
Crude Tattered Leather Gloves
Crude Tattered Leather Jerkin
Crude Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Crudely Forged Blade
Crunchy Frog Legs
Crusader's Iron Scale Gauntlets
Cryptweave Gloves
Cryptweave Pants
Crystalline Coat
Crystalline Legplates
Crystalline Plate Helm
Crystalline Twin-Fang
Crystalline Veil
Crystallized Silver Coif
Cured Boarskin Boots
Cured Leather
Cured Leather Armor Harness
Cured Leather Belt
Cured Leather Belt Basis
Cured Leather Boots
Cured Leather Boots Basis
Cured Leather Bow Grip
Cured Leather Bracers
Cured Leather Bracers Basis
Cured Leather Breeches
Cured Leather Breeches Basis
Cured Leather Cap
Cured Leather Cap Basis
Cured Leather Clasp
Cured Leather Gloves
Cured Leather Gloves Basis
Cured Leather Jerkin
Cured Leather Jerkin Basis
Cured Leather Merchant's Satchel
Cured Leather Orphan Woven Ring
Cured Leather Panel
Cured Leather Pauldrons
Cured Leather Pauldrons Basis
Cured Leather Straps
Cured Leather Strips
Cured Metal Hatchet
Cured Metal Quickblade
Cured Silk Gi
Cured Silk Handwraps
Cured Silk Mantle
Cured Silk Sash
Cured Silk Wristbands
Cursed Cape
Dagger Of Crimson Eyes
Damaged Acuity Rune
Damaged Eloquence Rune
Damaged Endurance Rune
Damaged Fleetness Rune
Damaged Health Rune
Damaged Insight Rune
Damaged Magic Rune
Damaged Might Rune
Damaged Precision Rune
Damaged Prowess Rune
Damaged Resilience Rune
Damaged Seal Of Adlair
Damaged Vitality Rune
Dark Chain Mantle
Dark Ichor
Dark Linen Robes
Dark Linen Shroud
Dark Runed Chain Gauntlets
Dark Silk Shawl
Dark-Threaded Gloves
Darkblood Wood Stain
Darkmetal Maul
Deacon's Blood Iron Cuirass
Deacon's Blood Iron Spaulders
Deacon's Iron Cuirass
Deacon's Iron Greaves
Deacon's Iron Plate Gauntlets
Deacon's Iron Scale Boots
Deacon's Iron Scale Leggings
Deacon's Iron Spaulders
Deacon's Iron Vambraces
Dead Man's Spear
Deer Skin
Defender's Iron Breastplate
Defender's Iron Ringmail Pauldrons
Defender's Iron Sabatons
Defender's Iron Vambraces
Demith Baked Potato
Diamondhead Fang
Dirt-Ridden Belt
Dirt-Ridden Boots
Dirt-Ridden Gloves
Dirt-Ridden Jerkin
Dirt-Ridden Pants
Dirt-Stained Ringmail Helm
Disciple's Burlap Fighting Gloves
Disciple's Burlap Gi
Disciple's Burlap Headband
Disciple's Burlap Legwraps
Disciple's Burlap Sandals
Disciple's Burlap Scarf
Disciple's Burlap Wristbands
Dockside Delight
Drakescale Shield
Driftwood Baton
Driftwood Buckler
Driftwood Club
Driftwood Staff
Dripwood Baton
Dripwood Bo Staff
Dripwood Buckler
Dripwood Staff
Dull Garnet Ear Stud
Dull Iron Axe
Dull Iron Bastard Sword
Dull Iron Dagger
Dull Iron Great Hammer
Dull Iron Hammer
Dull Iron Knuckles
Dull Iron Short Spear
Dull Iron War Hammer
Dusk Claws
Dusk Fang
Duskwood Log
Dust Covered Cloak
Dustspun Pantaloons
Dusty Map
Dusty Satchel
Earring Of Living Stone
Elder Caveling Mantle
Eloquence-Infused Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Elvaran's Token
Emblazoned Dobok
Emblazoned Hoop
Emblem of the Tusk
Emerald Spider Silk
Empty Bottle
Enchanted Quill
Enforcer's Black Iron Breastplate
Enforcer's Iron Ringmail Gauntlets
Enforcer's Thick Leather Boots
Enforcer's Thick Leather Cap
Entangle Flask
Essence of the Golem
Etched Bone Longbow
Etched Bronze Key
Ethereal Axe
Ethereal Bo Staff
Ethereal Chain Boots
Ethereal Chain Gauntlets
Ethereal Chain Hauberk
Ethereal Chain Helm
Ethereal Chain Leggings
Ethereal Cloth Handwraps
Ethereal Cloth Hood
Ethereal Cloth Manacles
Ethereal Cloth Mantle
Ethereal Cloth Pantaloons
Ethereal Cloth Robe
Ethereal Cloth Slippers
Ethereal Club
Ethereal Dagger
Ethereal Great Axe
Ethereal Hammer
Ethereal Handwraps
Ethereal Leather Boots
Ethereal Leather Cap
Ethereal Leather Footwraps
Ethereal Leather Gloves
Ethereal Leather Handwraps
Ethereal Leather Jerkin
Ethereal Leather Leggings
Ethereal Leather Pants
Ethereal Leather Skullcap
Ethereal Leather Tunic
Ethereal Longsword
Ethereal Manacles
Ethereal Maul
Ethereal Morning Star
Ethereal Staff
Ever-Frozen Skull
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Boots
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Coat
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Coif
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Gauntlets
Expeditionary's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Expeditionary's Iron Helm
Expeditionary's Iron Plated Coat
Explorer's Cured Leather Cap
Explorer's Cured Leather Pauldrons
Fadecloth Cloak
Faded Battlewraps
Faded Black Tome
Faded Ringmail Boots
Faded Ringmail Bracers
Faded Ringmail Gloves
Faded Ringmail Hauberk
Faded Ringmail Helm
Faded Ringmail Leggings
Faded Ringmail Shoulderguards
Fadesteel Bastard Sword
Fadesteel Battle Axe
Fadesteel Chain Belt
Fadesteel Chain Bracers
Fadesteel Chain Coat
Fadesteel Chain Gauntlets
Fadesteel Chain Leggings
Fadesteel Crusher
Fadesteel Dirk
Fadesteel Falchion
Fadesteel Greatblade
Fadesteel Key
Fadesteel Morning Star
Fadesteel Plate Faulds
Fadesteel Plate Pauldrons
Fadesteel Plate Vambraces
Fadesteel Reaver
Fadesteel Shield
Fadesteel War Hammer
Fadesteel Warhammer
Fadetorn Club
Fadetorn Dagger
Fadetorn Great Hammer
Fadetorn Great Mace
Fadetorn Hammer
Fadetorn Handwraps
Fadetorn Leather Belt
Fadetorn Leather Boots
Fadetorn Leather Bracers
Fadetorn Leather Cap
Fadetorn Leather Gloves
Fadetorn Leather Leggings
Fadetorn Leather Mantle
Fadetorn Leather Tunic
Fadetorn Leggings
Fadetorn Longsword
Fadetorn Shawl
Fadetorn Shoes
Fadetorn Sleeves
Fadeweave Handwraps
Fadewood Fighting Staff
Fadewood Scepter
Fadewood Truncheon
Faintly Glowing Feather
Falcon Feather
Fang of Aganocht
Fang of the Shade Spider
Fang-Lined Cowl
Fang-Tipped Arrow
Fang-Tipped Spear
Fanged Girdle
Feathered Wind Blade
Fenstalker Bracers
Fenstalker Gloves
Fenstalker Leggings
Fenstalker Skullcap
Fenstalker Tunic
Feral Moon Boots
Feral Moon Bracers
Feral Moon Gloves
Feral Moon Helm
Feral Moon Jerkin
Feral Moon Leggings
Feral Moon Mantle
Fernfury Hide Boots
Fernfury Hide Bracers
Fernfury Hide Cap
Fernfury Hide Gloves
Fernfury Hide Leggings
Fernfury Hide Tunic
Fire Beetle Gland
Fisher's Revenge
Fisherman's Lucky Hook
Fitted Bandit Belt
Fitted Bandit Boots
Fitted Bandit Gloves
Fitted Bandit Jerkin
Fitted Bandit Leggings
Flame Lily Petals
Flameseed Oil
Flanged Mace
Flask of Water
Flayed Gatorskin Gloves
Flayed Raptorhide Shoulderpads
Fleetness-Infused Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Fleetness-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Fleetness-Runed Iron Sword Blade
Flint Powder
Flux Distillation Kit
Fool's Stud
Forest Gumbo
Forest Kebabs
Forestwalker's Thick Leather Cap
Forestwalker's Thick Leather Gloves
Forgotten Explorer's Backpack
Forgotten Heirloom
Forgotten Knight's Shield
Forgotten Master's Gi
Forgotten Stave
Foul Smelling Gloves
Fox Blood
Fox Fur
Fox Meat
Fox Tail
Fox in the Henhouse
Foxfoot Dumplings
Frayed Gossamer Cord
Fresh Apple
Fresh Water Swig
Frog Meat
Frog Skin
Frog Tongue
Frost-Bitten Spiked Mace
Frost-Rimmed Shield
Frostchant Leather Boots
Frostchant Leather Bracers
Frostchant Leather Gloves
Frostchant Leather Helm
Frostchant Leather Leggings
Frostchant Leather Mantle
Frostchant Leather Tunic
Frosthowl Raiders Greaves
Gadai Insignia
Gallfang's Belt
Gem-Encrusted Mace
Ghostly Robes
Ghostscale Boots
Ghostscale Tunic
Ghoul Blood
Giant Axe
Gilded Chain Boots
Gilded Chain Gloves
Gilded Chain Helm
Gilded Chain Leggings
Gilded Chain Tunic
Girdle Of Petrified Ichor
Glacial War Axe
Gladiator's Guard
Glazed Trout Fillet
Glazed Wolf Skewers
Glider Wing
Glimwort Pulp
Globe of Water
Glowshard Belt
Glue Pot
Gnarled Magician's Staff
Gnarled Quarterstaff
Gnossa's Walking Stick
Goblin Punch
Goggham Amulet
Goggham Bone
Goggham's Fur Blanket
Gold Nugget
Golden Fife Of Travel
Golden Potato
Golden Walnut
Gossamer Basic Cloth Cord
Gossamer Belt
Gossamer Black Lotus Legwraps
Gossamer Cloth Belt Basis
Gossamer Cloth Bolt
Gossamer Cloth Fighting Gloves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Gi Basis
Gossamer Cloth Gloves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Headband Basis
Gossamer Cloth Hood Basis
Gossamer Cloth Leggings Basis
Gossamer Cloth Legwraps Basis
Gossamer Cloth Panel
Gossamer Cloth Robe Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sandals Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sash Basis
Gossamer Cloth Scarf Basis
Gossamer Cloth Shawl Basis
Gossamer Cloth Shoes Basis
Gossamer Cloth Sleeves Basis
Gossamer Cloth Tunic Basis
Gossamer Cloth Wristbands Basis
Gossamer Earthbreaker's Dobok
Gossamer Earthbreaker's Headband
Gossamer Erudite's Gloves
Gossamer Erudite's Hood
Gossamer Erudite's Leggings
Gossamer Erudite's Robe
Gossamer Erudite's Shawl
Gossamer Erudite's Shoes
Gossamer Gloves of Incantations
Gossamer Illusionist's Shoes
Gossamer Landstrider's Dobok
Gossamer Leggings of Incantations
Gossamer Leggings of Percipience
Gossamer Monastic Sandals
Gossamer Monastic Wristbands
Gossamer Philosopher's Hood
Gossamer Philosopher's Tunic
Gossamer Polymath's Hood
Gossamer Polymath's Leggings
Gossamer Prestidigitator's Hood
Gossamer Proficient's Hood
Gossamer Pugilist's Legwraps
Gossamer Pugilist's Sandals
Gossamer Pugilist's Shawl
Gossamer Scholar's Gloves
Gossamer Scholar's Hood
Gossamer Scholar's Leggings
Gossamer Scholar's Robe
Gossamer Scholar's Shawl
Gossamer Scholar's Shoes
Gossamer Scholar's Sleeves
Gossamer Scholar's Tunic
Gossamer Shoes of Percipience
Gossamer Spellbinder's Shoes
Gossamer Spellbinder's Sleeves
Gossamer Temple Fighting Gloves
Gossamer Temple Gi
Gossamer Temple Headband
Gossamer Temple Legwraps
Gossamer Temple Sandals
Gossamer Temple Sash
Gossamer Temple Scarf
Gossamer Temple Wristbands
Gossamer Thaumaturge's Hood
Gossamer Thaumaturge's Robe
Gossamer Thread
Gossamer Traveler's Sandals
Gossamer Twine
Gossamer White Lotus Sandals
Gossamer's Pugilist's Legwraps
Grak-Gor's Battlestaff
Grassweave Cloak
Grassweave Gloves
Grassweave Hood
Grassweave Pants
Grassweave Sandals
Grassweave Shirt
Grave Moss
Grave-Wrapped Slippers
Grazer Meat
Greenmyst Cloth Crown
Greenmyst Cloth Gloves
Greenmyst Cloth Pants
Greenmyst Cloth Robe
Greenmyst Cloth Slippers
Greenmyst Cloth Wristbands
Grilled Raptor
Grime-Coated Hammer
Grimewood Club
Grimewood Staff
Grimey Metal Hatchet
Grimy Leather Jerkin
Grizzleback Claw
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Boots
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Coif
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Gauntlets
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Guardian's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Guardian's Blood Iron Sabatons
Guardian's Iron Greaves
Guardian's Iron Helm
Guardian's Iron Sabatons
Guardian's Iron Vambraces
Guardsman's Bulwark
Gusler's Enchanted Toenail
Hairless Ringed Raccoon Tail
Halfling Blood
Halfling Skin Cloak
Hallowed Lycan Band
Hardened Amber Gloves
Hardened Amber Leggings
Hardened Leather Strips
Haster's Hauler
Headband of Woven Crystal
Health-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Heart of a Nightbane Toad
Heart of the White Wyvern
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Bracers
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Gauntlets
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Helm
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Leggings
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Pauldrons
Heavy Asherium Scaled Leather Tunic
Heavy Driftwood Shield
Heavy Fur Cloak
Heavy Iron Claymore
Hobgoblin Rock Crusher
Hobgoblin Shield Brace
Hobgoblin Tool Haft
Hobgoblin Weapon Reinforcements
Hollowed Bone Tonfa
Honed Arrows
Hopper Soup
Howling Stew
Human Blood
Hunter's Brisket
Hunter's Thick Leather Bracers
Ice-Encased Scale
Icebone Blade
Icebone Pummeler
Icebone Skewer
Icebone War Spike
Icebone War Sword
Icefang Mail Boots
Icefang Mail Bracers
Icefang Mail Gloves
Icefang Mail Hauberk
Icefang Mail Helm
Icefang Mail Leggings
Ichor-Coated Fang
Ichor-Coated Gloves
Ichor-Scorched Partisan
Icy Plate Cuirass
Improved Alchemy Kit
Improved Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Improved Asherium Large Weapon Haft
Improved Asherium Weapon Haft
Improved Asherium Weapon Hilt
Improved Burlap Cloth Cord
Improved Maple Bow Reinforcement
Improved Maple Wooden Endcaps
Improved Tattered Leather Knuckle Wrapping
Improved Tattered Leather Straps
Initiate's Tattered Leather Boots
Initiate's Tattered Leather Bracers
Initiate's Tattered Leather Breeches
Initiate's Tattered Leather Cap
Initiate's Tattered Leather Gloves
Initiate's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Initiate's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Insight-Infused Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Insight-Infused Cured Leather Cap Basis
Insight-Runed Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Insulated Fur Mask
Intact Femur
Iron Adept's Blade
Iron Arena Battle Blade
Iron Arena Fighting Gloves
Iron Axe Blade
Iron Bar
Iron Barbed Arrowheads
Iron Barbed Arrows
Iron Basic Large Weapon Haft
Iron Basic Weapon Haft
Iron Basic Weapon Hilt
Iron Captain's Halberd
Iron Captain's Poniard
Iron Captain's Ponlard
Iron Chain Belt
Iron Chain Boots
Iron Chain Leggings
Iron Champion's Battle Axe
Iron Champion's Broadsword
Iron Champion's Mace
Iron Champion's Warhammer
Iron Champion's Zweihander
Iron Combatant's Guisarme
Iron Combatant's Knuckles
Iron Dagger
Iron Dagger Blade
Iron Earthcaller's Dagger
Iron Enchanter's Battleknife
Iron Gladiator's Greataxe
Iron Great Axe
Iron Greataxe Blade
Iron Greatsword Blade
Iron Hammer
Iron Hammer Head
Iron Hunting Arrowheads
Iron Impact Arrows
Iron Keen Longspear
Iron Knuckle Bar
Iron Knuckles
Iron Light Battle Mace
Iron Mace Head
Iron Maul Head
Iron Myrmidon's Battle Axe
Iron Myrmidon's Battle Gloves
Iron Myrmidon's Broadsword
Iron Myrmidon's Dagger
Iron Myrmidon's Great Axe
Iron Myrmidon's Greatsword
Iron Nails
Iron Outrider's Battleblade
Iron Parrying Hatchet
Iron Pickaxe Head
Iron Pike Head
Iron Plate Boots
Iron Plate Gauntlets
Iron Plate Girdle
Iron Plate Helm
Iron Plate Vambraces
Iron Poleaxe Blade
Iron Polish
Iron Pommel Weight
Iron Rivets
Iron Shadower's Greatspear
Iron Shadower's Montet
Iron Shadower's Smallblade
Iron Shield Reinforcement
Iron Sickle Blade
Iron Skinning Knife Blade
Iron Skirmish Blade
Iron Skirmish Knife
Iron Skirmish Leafblade
Iron Skirmish Spear
Iron Skycaller's Dagger
Iron Skycaller's Greatspear
Iron Soulcaller's Mace
Iron Soulcaller's Mallet
Iron Spear Head
Iron Spiritcaller's Battlespear
Iron Spiritcaller's Hammer
Iron Spiritist's Mace
Iron Strategist's Greathammer
Iron Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Iron Sword Blade
Iron Tactician's Voulge
Iron Thunderous Blade
Iron Thunderous Greataxe
Iron Weapon Cladding
Iron Weapon Studs
Iron Windsong Fighting Gloves
Iron Windsong Longblade
Iron-Braced Shortbow
Iron-Fired Ringmail Bracers
Iron-Fired Ringmail Gloves
Iron-Fired Ringmail Helm
Iron-Fired Ringmail Leggings
Iron-Fired Ringmail Tunic
Ironclad Boots
Ironclad Bracers
Ironclad Chestplate
Ironclad Gauntlets
Ironclad Greaves
Ironclad Helmet
Ironclad Shoulderguards
Ivory-Handled Shortbow
Jagged Band
Joryn's Ledger
Jungle Goulash
Jungle Reed Bracers
Jungle Reed Skullcap
Jungle-Forged Broadsword
Jungle-Forged Hatchet
Jungle-Forged Knife
Jungle-Forged Spear
Jute Fibers
Keep-Issued Mail Boots
Keep-Issued Mail Coat
Keep-Issued Mail Gloves
Keep-Issued Mail Helm
Keep-Issued Mail Leggings
Keep-Issued Mail Mantle
Keep-Issued Mail Wristguards
Khibera's Fang
Krane's Skinning Knife
Large Bat Fang
Large Rat Tail
Large Spider Venom Gland
Large Wolf Claw
Leather Satchel
Lesser Acid Flask
Lesser Essence of Flames
Lesser Essence of Health
Lesser Essence of Snow
Lesser Essence of the Forest
Lesser Essence of the Serpent
Lesser Essence of the Shadow
Lesser Essence of the Sun
Lesser Essence of the Toad
Lesser Essence of the Wisp
Lesser Fire Flask
Lesser Freezing Flask
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Arms)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Feet)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Hands)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Head)
Lesser Frostifor Glyph (Legs)
Lesser Shocking Flask
Lesser Toxic Flask
Lesser Verdalian Bracchium Glyph (Arms)
Lesser Verdalian Corpus Glyph (Chest)
Lesser Verdalian Crus Glyph (Legs)
Lesser Verdalian Infusion
Lesser Verdalian Logis Glyph (Head)
Lesser Verdalian Manus Glyph (Hands)
Lesser Verdalian Pes Glyph (Feet)
Lightshroom Buckler
Lion-Marked Blade
Lizard Meat
Lizard Tongue
Lost Lotus Geta
Lost Lotus Gi
Lost Lotus Handwraps
Lost Lotus Headband
Lost Lotus Legwraps
Lost Lotus Mantle
Lost Lotus Wristbands
Lost Orc Bone
Lost Orc Ear
Low-Quality Bear Hide
Low-Quality Boar Hide
Low-Quality Cat Skin
Low-Quality Deer Skin
Low-Quality Hide
Low-Quality Scaled Hide
Low-Quality Snakeskin
Low-Quality Wolf Pelt
Luminous Celestium Crystal
Lump of Asherium
Lump of Iron
Magic-Infused Ash Wooden Endcaps
Magic-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Mantle of the Forest
Mantle of the Tundra Stalker
Maple Apprentice's Staff
Maple Arrow Shafts
Maple Basic Shield Handle
Maple Buckler
Maple Buckler Plate
Maple Focus Carving
Maple Hunter's Longbow
Maple Lidded Storage Box
Maple Log
Maple Lumber
Maple Medium Storage Box
Maple Round Shield Face
Maple Sap
Maple Seeker's Staff
Maple Shortbow Limbs
Maple Small Storage Box
Maple Staff Blank
Maple Stave
Maple Tracker's Shortbow
Maple Watchguard's Truncheon
Mark of the Ooshaavan
Marrow Saw
Mask of the Sun
Master Bushu's Tonfa
Mastery Shard
Medium Cedar Box Frame
Mender's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Mender's Blood Iron Plated Coat
Mender's Iron Chain Coat
Mender's Iron Plated Coat
Mender's Iron Spaulders
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Bracers
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Coat
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Leggings
Mercenary's Ashen Bronze Chain Pauldrons
Metal Bolts
Metal Nails
Might-Infused Ash Fighting Staff Blank
Might-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Might-Runed Thick Leather Boot Basis
Mild Antidote
Militia Longsword
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Arms)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Chest)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Feet)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Hands)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Head)
Minor Frostifor Glyph (Legs)
Minor Frostifor Infusion
Minor Verdalian Bracchium Glyph (Arms)
Minor Verdalian Corpus Glyph (Chest)
Minor Verdalian Crus Glyph (Legs)
Minor Verdalian Infusion
Minor Verdalian Logis Glyph (Head)
Minor Verdalian Manus Glyph (Hands)
Minor Verdalian Pes Glyph (Feet)
Misshapen Bag
Mixing Pan
Moldy Boots
Moldy Bracer
Moldy Bracers
Moldy Cloth Battlewraps
Moldy Gloves
Moldy Vest
Moon Lily Petals
Mooncloth Satchel
Moonhowler Paws
Moonlight Wand
Moonlit Mixture
Moonlit Spark
Moonseed Oil
Moonshadow Cloak
Mossclaw Leather Boots
Mossclaw Leather Bracers
Mossclaw Leather Cap
Mossclaw Leather Gloves
Mossclaw Leather Jerkin
Mossclaw Leather Leggings
Mossweave Chestwraps
Mossweave Handwraps
Mossweave Headband
Mossweave Legwraps
Mossweave Sandals
Mossweave Wristbands
Mountain Lion Blood
Mountain Lion Meat
Muck-Covered Sledge
Muck-Stained Bracers
Muck-Stained Stompers
Mud Covered Gloves
Mycelia-Lined Shirt
Naturalists Thick Leather Boots
Naturalists Thick Leather Jerkin
Netted Mesh Boots
Netted Mesh Cap
Netted Mesh Gloves
Netted Mesh Leggings
Netted Mesh Wristbands
Nickel Buckle
Nickel Frostcoil Rattle Earring
Nickel Ingot
Nickel Nugget
Nickel Set Duo (Gemstone)
Nickel Set Partner (Gemstone)
Nickel Spinel Warrior Figurine [Duo Set]
Nickel Spinel Warrior Figurine [Partner Set]
Nickel Zircon Ear Cuff
Nickel Zircon Warrior Figurine
Night Warden's Jerkin
Nightbane Robe
Nightwalker Cloak
Normal-Quality Snakeskin
North Tusk Kamcha
Notched Great Axe
Novice Asherium Axe Blade
Novice Asherium Dagger Blade
Novice Asherium Great Hammer Head
Novice Asherium Greathammer Head
Novice Asherium Greatsword Blade
Novice Asherium Kite Shield
Novice Asherium Knuckle Bar
Novice Asherium Large Weapon Haft
Novice Asherium Mace Head
Novice Asherium Pike Head
Novice Asherium Spear Head
Novice Asherium Sword Blade
Novice Asherium Weapon Haft
Novice Asherium Weapon Hilt
Novice Burlap Cloth Cord
Novice Copper Hoop Earring Of Magic
Novice Copper Jade Amulet
Novice Copper Jade Ring
Novice Copper Pendant of Health
Novice Copper Turquoise Earring
Novice Fighting Gloves Basis
Novice Maple Bow Reinforcement
Novice Maple Buckler Plate
Novice Maple Club Blank
Novice Maple Fighting Staff Blank
Novice Maple Longbow Limbs
Novice Maple Wooden Endcaps
Novice Pewter Circlet of Eloquence
Novice Shawl Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Boots Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Bracers Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Breeches Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Cap Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Gloves Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Jerkin Basis
Novice Tattered Leather Pauldrons Basis
Nutty Shroom Salad
Nylem Ichor
Oath of the Valiant
Oil Press
Oiled Metal Chopper
Oiled Metal Great Axe
Oiled Metal Great Mace
Oiled Metal Hammer
Oiled Metal Knife
Oiled Metal Longsword
Old Wagon Wheel
Orc Blood
Orc Fang Earring
Orc Tooth
Orcish Reaver
Outcast's Shiv
Outlaw's Bloodband
Outrider's Thick Leather Bracers
Outrider's Thick Leather Cap
Outrider's Thick Leather Gloves
Outrider's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Oversized Backpack
Padded Wolf Hide Boots
Padded Wolf Hide Gloves
Padded Wolf Hide Jerkin
Padded Wolf Hide Leggings
Padded Wolf Hide Skullcap
Painted Cloth Cloak
Painted Cloth Gloves
Painted Cloth Hood
Painted Cloth Pants
Painted Cloth Robe
Palebone Leather Bracers
Palebone Leather Gloves
Palebone Leather Jerkin
Pan-fried Bear Brisket
Patch of Bear Fur
Patch of Orc Flesh
Patch of Wolf Fur
Patch-Hide Belt
Patch-Hide Boots
Patch-Hide Bracers
Patch-Hide Cap
Patch-Hide Gloves
Patch-Hide Leggings
Patch-Hide Mantle
Patch-Hide Tunic
Patched Cloth Cord
Patched Cloth Gloves
Patched Cloth Hood
Patched Cloth Pants
Patched Cloth Robe
Patched Cloth Shawl
Patched Cloth Shoes
Patched Cloth Sleeves
Patched Cloth Tunic
Pendant Of The Frostwind
Petrified Sagewood Club
Pewter (Gemstone) Warrior Figurine
Pewter Ingot
Pewter Set Duo (Gemstone)
Pewter Set Partner (Gemstone)
Pewter Set Round-Cut Citrine
Pewter Set Square-Cut Citrine
Pewter Signet
Pewter Signet of Eloquence
Pewter Spinel Warrior Figurine
Pewter Wolf Fang Earring
Pewter set Round-cut Quartz
Pitted Brass Axe
Pitted Brass Dagger
Pitted Brass Short Spear
Pitted Brass Shortsword
Polish Kit
Polished Amber
Polished Bone Ring
Polished Citrine Gemstone
Polished Fighting Stick
Polished Iron Great Hammer
Polished Iron Knuckles
Polished Iron War Hammer
Polished Jade Gemstone
Polished Quartz Gemstone
Polished Spinel Gemstone
Polished Stone Beads
Polished Topaz Gemstone
Polished Turquoise Gemstone
Polished Zircon Gemstone
Pondskipper Stew
Poppywig Ichor
Poppywig Legs
Portable Alchemy Kit
Potion of Rapid Egress
Potion of Weak Healing
Pouch Of Polished Gemstones
Pouch of Frost Crystals
Pouch of Grey Celestium Dust
Powerful Antidote
Praetoras Blade
Praetoras Shield
Precision-Runed Cedar Bow Reinforcement
Precision-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Precision-Runed Iron Weapon Hilt
Pride Of The Oosha
Pristine Bear Hide
Prized Pig's Nose Ring
Prowess-Runed Cedar Shortbow Limbs
Prowess-Runed Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Prowess-Runed Thick Leather Straps
Quickblade's Thick Leather Boots
Quickblade's Thick Leather Bracers
Rabbit Blood
Rabbit Foot
Rabbit Meat
Rabbit Salad
Rabbit Skillet
Ragged Boots
Ragged Chain Shirt
Ragged Pants
Ragged Shirt
Ragifus's Fang
Raptor Blood
Raptor Meat
Raptor Scales
Rat Blood
Rat Caps
Rat Meat
Rat Whiskers
Ratkin Blood
Raw Spiral Amber
Reaver Of The Outcast
Resilience-Infused Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Resilience-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Resilience-Runed Thick Leather Straps
Resilient Silk Footwraps
Resilient Silk Gi
Resilient Silk Headband
Resilient Silk Legwraps
Resin Glue
Rib of Rattlecage
Ridgeback Bear Paw
Ring of Glowing Rock
Ring of Minor Protection
Ring of Riddles
Ring of the Drawn
Ring of the Investigator (Caster)
Ring of the Investigator (Healer)
Ring of the Investigator (Melee)
Ring of the Investigator (Tank)
Ring of the Lunar Cycle
Ringleader's Lock Box Key
Ringmail Belt
Ringmail Boots
Ringmail Coat
Ringmail Coif
Ringmail Gauntlets
Ringmail Leggings
Ringmail Mantle
Rippling Rabbithide Boots
Ritual Clobberer
Roasted Boar Meat
Robe Of Dark Intentions
Robe of the Moon Witch
Rock Salt
Rockbone Pickaxe
Rockbone Skullcap
Rod Of Thistles
Rootbound Shoulderpads
Rotten Flesh Fistwraps
Rough Grinding Stone
Roughspun Belt
Roughspun Gloves
Roughspun Hood
Roughspun Leggings
Roughspun Robe
Roughspun Shawl
Roughspun Shoes
Roughspun Sleeves
Royal Honey
Royal Sting
Ruddy Mushroom
Ruknar's Chain Leggings
Rune of Living Stone
Rune-Carved Hammer
Runed Bo Staff
Runed Staff
Rusted Axe
Rusted Chain Coat
Rusted Dagger
Rusted Hammer
Rusted Hoop
Rusted Longsword
Rusted Ring
Rusted Short Spear
Sack of Rations
Sage's Philter
Salt-Rusted Great Mace
Salt-Rusted Hammer
Salt-Rusted Hatchet
Salt-Rusted Knife
Sanguine Staff
Sapwood Club
Sapwood Staff
Sash of Ice Prowess
Scale Glue
Scarred Husk Belt
Scarred Husk Boots
Scarred Husk Chest
Scarred Husk Gloves
Scarred Husk Leggings
Scarred Husk Skullcap
Scatterweave Cloak
Scatterweave Gloves
Scatterweave Pants
Scatterweave Robe
Scatterweave Sandals
Scatterweave Scarf
Scavenged Wand
Scavenger's Bag
Schematic Gadai Patchwork Belt
Schematic Whisperscale Ring
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Boots
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Bracers
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Coif
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Acolyte's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Acolyte's Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Hood Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Leather Cap Basis -
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Robe Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Staff Blank
Schematic: Acuity-Infused Tunic Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Chain Coif Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Hood Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Acuity-Runed Staff Blank
Schematic: Adept's Blade
Schematic: Adept's Fighting Staff
Schematic: Adept's Gloves
Schematic: Adept's Greatblade
Schematic: Adept's Headband
Schematic: Adept's Legwraps
Schematic: Adept's Longbow
Schematic: Adept's Sandals
Schematic: Adept's Scarf
Schematic: Adept's Shortbow
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Boots
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Coat
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Coif
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Adjutant's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Adjutant's Greaves
Schematic: Adjutant's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Agent's Boots
Schematic: Agent's Bracers
Schematic: Agent's Breeches
Schematic: Agent's Gloves
Schematic: Agent's Pauldrons
Schematic: Agent's Tunic
Schematic: Apprentice's Staff
Schematic: Arena Greatsword
Schematic: Ash Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Ash Carved Tool Haft
Schematic: Ash Focus Carving
Schematic: Ash Lumber
Schematic: Ash Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ash Stave
Schematic: Ash Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Armor Scales
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Axe Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Blade Hilt
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Dagger Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Hammer Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Knife Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Mace Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Maul Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pike Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Pommel Weight
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Sickle Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Smelting
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Smelting (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Spear Head
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Sword Blade
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Tool Haft
Schematic: Ashen Bronze Weapon Cladding
Schematic: Asherium Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Asherium Armor Scales
Schematic: Asherium Field Point Arrowheads
Schematic: Asherium Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Asherium Hammer Head
Schematic: Asherium Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Asherium Mace Head
Schematic: Asherium Maul Head
Schematic: Asherium Nails
Schematic: Asherium Pike Head
Schematic: Asherium Plate
Schematic: Asherium Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Asherium Refining
Schematic: Asherium Refining (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Asherium Rivets
Schematic: Asherium Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Asherium Spear Head
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Belt Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Boots Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Bracers Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Gauntlets Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Helm Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Leggings Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Pauldrons Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Splinted Leather Tunic Pattern
Schematic: Asherium Sword Blade
Schematic: Asherium-tipped Arrows
Schematic: Battle Axe
Schematic: Battle Halberd
Schematic: Battle Sage's Cleaver
Schematic: Battle Spear
Schematic: Battledance Bo Staff
Schematic: Battledance Polearm
Schematic: Battlepriest's Cudgel
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Boots
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Battlepriest's Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Battlesong Longbow
Schematic: Battlesong Shortbow
Schematic: Battlesong Shortsword
Schematic: Battlesong Truncheon
Schematic: BattlesongDirk
Schematic: Black Lotus Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Black Lotus Gi
Schematic: Black Lotus Legwraps
Schematic: Black Lotus Sandals
Schematic: Black Lotus Wristbands
Schematic: Brawler's Cestus
Schematic: Brigandine Belt
Schematic: Brigandine Boots
Schematic: Brigandine Bracers
Schematic: Brigandine Gauntlets
Schematic: Brigandine Helm
Schematic: Brigandine Leggings
Schematic: Brigandine Pauldrons
Schematic: Brigandine Tunic
Schematic: Brute's Crusher
Schematic: Burlap Bandage Pattern
Schematic: Burlap Belt Basis
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Burlap Cloth Panel
Schematic: Burlap Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Burlap Sash Basis
Schematic: Burlap Thinking Cap
Schematic: Burlap Thread
Schematic: Burlap Thread (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Burlap Twine
Schematic: Captain's Halberd
Schematic: Captain's Longsword
Schematic: Cedar Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Cedar Club Blank
Schematic: Cedar Endcaps
Schematic: Cedar Focus Carving
Schematic: Cedar Lumber
Schematic: Cedar Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Cedar Staff Blank
Schematic: Cedar Stave
Schematic: Cedar Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Ceremonial Faulds
Schematic: Ceremonial Gauntlets
Schematic: Champion's Dagger
Schematic: Champion's Greathammer
Schematic: Channeler's Gloves
Schematic: Channeler's Hood
Schematic: Channeler's Leggings
Schematic: Channeler's Robe
Schematic: Channeler's Shawl
Schematic: Channeler's Shoes
Schematic: Channeler's Sleeves
Schematic: Channeler's Staff
Schematic: Climbing Claws Design
Schematic: Combatant's Greathammer
Schematic: Combatant's Heavy Axe
Schematic: Combatants's Heavy Maul
Schematic: Copper Band
Schematic: Copper Buckles
Schematic: Copper Buttons
Schematic: Copper Duo Setting
Schematic: Copper Figurine
Schematic: Copper Ingot
Schematic: Copper Ingot (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Copper Partner Setting
Schematic: Copper Plate
Schematic: Copper Round Gem Setting
Schematic: Copper Scepter
Schematic: Copper Signet
Schematic: Copper Square Gem Setting
Schematic: Cotton Belt Basis
Schematic: Cotton Cloak Basis
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Cotton Cloth Panel
Schematic: Cotton Cord
Schematic: Cotton Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Gi Basis
Schematic: Cotton Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Headband Basis
Schematic: Cotton Hood Basis
Schematic: Cotton Leggings Basis
Schematic: Cotton Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Cotton Robe Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sandals Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sash Basis
Schematic: Cotton Scarf Basis
Schematic: Cotton Shawl Basis
Schematic: Cotton Shoes Basis
Schematic: Cotton Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Cotton Tunic Basis
Schematic: Cotton Twine
Schematic: Cotton Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Cotton Yarn
Schematic: Cotton Yarn (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Crude Axe
Schematic: Crude Belt
Schematic: Crude Circlet
Schematic: Crude Cudgel
Schematic: Crude Dagger
Schematic: Crude Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Crude Fighting Staff
Schematic: Crude Gemstone Earring
Schematic: Crude Gi
Schematic: Crude Gloves
Schematic: Crude Greataxe
Schematic: Crude Greatsword
Schematic: Crude Hammer
Schematic: Crude Headband
Schematic: Crude Hood
Schematic: Crude Hoop Earring
Schematic: Crude Knuckles
Schematic: Crude Leather Belt
Schematic: Crude Leather Boots
Schematic: Crude Leather Bracers
Schematic: Crude Leather Breeches
Schematic: Crude Leather Cap
Schematic: Crude Leather Gloves
Schematic: Crude Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Crude Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Crude Leggings
Schematic: Crude Legwraps
Schematic: Crude Longbow
Schematic: Crude Mace
Schematic: Crude Maul
Schematic: Crude Pendant
Schematic: Crude Pike
Schematic: Crude Poleaxe
Schematic: Crude Robe
Schematic: Crude Sandals
Schematic: Crude Scarf
Schematic: Crude Shawl
Schematic: Crude Shoes
Schematic: Crude Shortbow
Schematic: Crude Signet Ring
Schematic: Crude Sleeves
Schematic: Crude Spear
Schematic: Crude Splinted Belt
Schematic: Crude Splinted Boots
Schematic: Crude Splinted Bracers
Schematic: Crude Splinted Gauntlets
Schematic: Crude Splinted Helm
Schematic: Crude Splinted Leggings
Schematic: Crude Splinted Pauldrons
Schematic: Crude Splinted Tunic
Schematic: Crude Staff
Schematic: Crude Sword
Schematic: Crude Training Sash
Schematic: Crude Tunic
Schematic: Crude Wristbands
Schematic: Crusader's Greaves
Schematic: Crusader's Sabotons
Schematic: Crusader's Scale Boots
Schematic: Crusader's Spaulders
Schematic: Crusader's Vambraces
Schematic: Cured Leather
Schematic: Cured Leather Armor Harness
Schematic: Cured Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Bow Grip
Schematic: Cured Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Clasp
Schematic: Cured Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Panel
Schematic: Cured Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Cured Leather Straps
Schematic: Cured Leather Strips
Schematic: Deacon's Cuirass
Schematic: Deacon's Sabotons
Schematic: Deacon's Scale Bracers
Schematic: Deacon's Scale Leggings
Schematic: Deacon's Spaulders
Schematic: Deacon's Vambraces
Schematic: Defender's Combat Staff
Schematic: Defender's Greathammer
Schematic: Defender's Greatmaul
Schematic: Defender's Guisarme
Schematic: Defender's Helm
Schematic: Defender's Pike
Schematic: Defender's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Defender's Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Defender's Ringmail Pauldrons
Schematic: Defender's Spaulders
Schematic: Disciple's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Disciple's Gi
Schematic: Disciple's Headband
Schematic: Disciple's Legwraps
Schematic: Disciple's Sandals
Schematic: Disciple's Scarf
Schematic: Disciple's Wristbands
Schematic: Diviner's Gloves
Schematic: Diviner's Hood
Schematic: Diviner's Sleeves
Schematic: Dueling Blade
Schematic: Earthbreaker's Sandals
Schematic: Earthbreaker's Wristbands
Schematic: Elementalist's Tunic
Schematic: Eloquence-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Gloves Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Hoop Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Robe Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Shawl Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Infused Tunic Basis
Schematic: Eloquence-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Encahnter's Battleknife
Schematic: Enchanter's Battlestaff
Schematic: Enforcer's Boots
Schematic: Enforcer's Breastplate
Schematic: Enforcer's Cap
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Enforcer's Ringmail Gauntlets
Schematic: Enforcer's Vambraces
Schematic: Entrancer's Hood
Schematic: Entrancer's Robe
Schematic: Entrancer's Shawl
Schematic: Entrancer's Shoes
Schematic: Entrancer's Sleeves
Schematic: Erudite Gloves
Schematic: Erudite Hood
Schematic: Erudite Shoes
Schematic: Erudite Sleeves
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Boots
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Coat
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Expeditionary's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Expeditionary's Greaves
Schematic: Expeditionary's Plated Coat
Schematic: Expeditionary's Sabotons
Schematic: Expeditionary's Spaulders
Schematic: Explorer's Boots
Schematic: Explorer's Bracers
Schematic: Explorer's Breeches
Schematic: Explorer's Cap
Schematic: Explorer's Gloves
Schematic: Explorer's Pauldrons
Schematic: Explorer's Tunic
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Cord
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Leggings Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Sandals Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Shoes Basis
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Fleetness-Runed Sword Blade
Schematic: Foefeller Greatmaul
Schematic: Footman's Glaive
Schematic: Footman's Lance
Schematic: Foreman's Hammer
Schematic: Forestwalker's Breeches
Schematic: Forestwalker's Cap
Schematic: Forestwalker's Gloves
Schematic: Forestwalker's Pauldrons
Schematic: Forestwalker's Tunic
Schematic: Foxfur Paintbrush
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Belt
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Boots
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Bracers
Schematic: Gadai Patchwork Pauldrons
Schematic: Gatherer's Sack
Schematic: Gladiator's Battle Axe
Schematic: Gladiator's Halberd
Schematic: Gladiator's Longspear
Schematic: Gloves of Incantations
Schematic: Gossamer Belt Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Bolt
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Bolt (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Gossamer Cloth Panel
Schematic: Gossamer Cord
Schematic: Gossamer Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Gi Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Gloves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Headband Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Hood Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Leggings Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Robe Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sandals Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sash Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Scarf Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Shawl Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Shoes Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Thread
Schematic: Gossamer Thread (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Gossamer Tunic Basis
Schematic: Gossamer Twine
Schematic: Gossamer Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Grizzleclaw Necklace
Schematic: Guardian's Blade
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Bracers
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Coif
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Guardian's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Guardian's Greaves
Schematic: Guardian's Helm
Schematic: Guardian's Sabotons
Schematic: Guardian's Vambraces
Schematic: Guardsman's Bardiche
Schematic: Guardsman's Battle Maul
Schematic: Guardsman's Greataxe
Schematic: Guardsman's Longspear
Schematic: Hardened Warhammer
Schematic: Healer's Staff
Schematic: Health-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Health-Runed Cord
Schematic: Heavy Greataxe
Schematic: Heavy Greatsword
Schematic: Heavy Maul
Schematic: Heavy Scale Boots
Schematic: Heavy Scale Bracers
Schematic: Heavy Scale Gauntlets
Schematic: Heavy Scale Helm
Schematic: Heavy Scale Leggings
Schematic: Heavy Scale Pauldrons
Schematic: Heavy Scale Tunic
Schematic: Heavy War Hammer
Schematic: Hermit's Cleaver
Schematic: Hermit's Cudgel
Schematic: Hood of Percipience
Schematic: Hunter's Javelin
Schematic: Hunter's Longbow
Schematic: Hunting Longbow
Schematic: Illusionist's Gloves
Schematic: Improved Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Improved Blade Hilt
Schematic: Improved Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Improved Cord
Schematic: Improved Endcaps
Schematic: Improved Knuckle Wrapping
Schematic: Improved Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Improved Leather Straps
Schematic: Improved Reinforcements
Schematic: Improved Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Boots
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Bracers
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Cap
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Initiate's Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Insight-Infused Staff Blank
Schematic: Insight-Runed Hood Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Insight-Runed Staff Blank
Schematic: Iron Alloys
Schematic: Iron Alloys (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Iron Armor Scales
Schematic: Iron Axe Blade
Schematic: Iron Blade Hilt
Schematic: Iron Chain Links
Schematic: Iron Dagger Blade
Schematic: Iron Greataxe Blade
Schematic: Iron Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Iron Hammer Head
Schematic: Iron Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Iron Knife Blade
Schematic: Iron Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Iron Mace Head
Schematic: Iron Maul Head
Schematic: Iron Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Iron Pike Head
Schematic: Iron Plate
Schematic: Iron Poleaxe Head
Schematic: Iron Pommel Weight
Schematic: Iron Refining
Schematic: Iron Refining (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Iron Rivets
Schematic: Iron Shield Reinforcement
Schematic: Iron Sickle Blade
Schematic: Iron Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Iron Spear Head
Schematic: Iron Sword Blade
Schematic: Iron Tool Haft
Schematic: Iron Weapon Cladding
Schematic: Iron-tipped Arrows
Schematic: Keen Longspear
Schematic: Landstrider's Dobok
Schematic: Landstrider's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Landstrider's Headband
Schematic: Large Asherium Weapon Haft
Schematic: Large Iron Weapon Haft
Schematic: Leggings Of Incantations
Schematic: Leggings of Percipience
Schematic: Lidded Storage Box
Schematic: Light Battle Axe
Schematic: Light Battle Hammer
Schematic: Light Lance
Schematic: Long Hunting Spear
Schematic: Lookout's Breeches
Schematic: Lookout's Cap
Schematic: Lookout's Gloves
Schematic: Magic-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Magic-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Magic-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Magic-Runed Cord
Schematic: Magic-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Manathread Leggings
Schematic: Manathread Sleeves
Schematic: Maple Arrow Shafts
Schematic: Maple Focus Carving
Schematic: Maple Lumber
Schematic: Maple Lumber (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Maple Stave
Schematic: Maple Stave (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Medium Storage Box
Schematic: Mender's Chain Boots
Schematic: Mender's Chain Coat
Schematic: Mender's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Mender's Sabotons
Schematic: Mender's Spaulders
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Boots
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Coif
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Mercenary's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Mercenary's Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Merchant's Satchel
Schematic: Might-Enhanced Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Might-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Might-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Might-Runed Cord
Schematic: Might-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Vambraces Basis
Schematic: Might-Runed Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Monastic Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Monastic Sandals
Schematic: Myrmidon's Broadsword
Schematic: Myrmidon's Dagger
Schematic: Myrmidon's Heavy Maul
Schematic: Myrmidon's Spear
Schematic: Myrmidon's Staff
Schematic: Naturalist's Boots
Schematic: Naturalist's Jerkin
Schematic: Nickel Buckles
Schematic: Night Fang Earring
Schematic: Nimble Hunting Knife
Schematic: Noble Gloves
Schematic: Noble Shawl
Schematic: Noble Tunic
Schematic: Novice Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Novice Axe Blade
Schematic: Novice Blade Hilt
Schematic: Novice Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Novice Buckler
Schematic: Novice Buckler Plate
Schematic: Novice Circlet
Schematic: Novice Cord
Schematic: Novice Cudgel Blank
Schematic: Novice Dagger Blade
Schematic: Novice Endcaps
Schematic: Novice Fighting Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Amulet
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Earring
Schematic: Novice Gemstone Ring
Schematic: Novice Gi Basis
Schematic: Novice Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Greathammer Head
Schematic: Novice Greatmaul Head
Schematic: Novice Greatsword Blade
Schematic: Novice Hammer Head
Schematic: Novice Harvesting Sickle
Schematic: Novice Hatchet Blade
Schematic: Novice Headband Basis
Schematic: Novice Hood Basis
Schematic: Novice Hoop Earring
Schematic: Novice Kite Shield
Schematic: Novice Kite Shield Blank
Schematic: Novice Knife Blade
Schematic: Novice Knuckle Bar
Schematic: Novice Large Weapon Haft
Schematic: Novice Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Leather Straps
Schematic: Novice Leggings Basis
Schematic: Novice Legwraps Basis
Schematic: Novice Longbow Limbs
Schematic: Novice Mace Head
Schematic: Novice Mining Pickaxe
Schematic: Novice Pendant
Schematic: Novice Pickaxe Head
Schematic: Novice Pike Head
Schematic: Novice Robe Basis
Schematic: Novice Sandals Basis
Schematic: Novice Scarf Basis
Schematic: Novice Shawl Basis
Schematic: Novice Shield Brace
Schematic: Novice Shield Handle
Schematic: Novice Shoes Basis
Schematic: Novice Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Novice Sickle Blade
Schematic: Novice Signet Ring
Schematic: Novice Skinning Knife
Schematic: Novice Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Novice Small Shield
Schematic: Novice Small Shield Blank
Schematic: Novice Small Weapon Haft
Schematic: Novice Spear Head
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Gauntlets Pattern
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Helm Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Leggings Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Novice Splinted Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Staff Blank
Schematic: Novice Sword Blade
Schematic: Novice Tool Haft
Schematic: Novice Tunic Basis
Schematic: Novice Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Novice Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Oath of the Defender
Schematic: Observer's Breeches
Schematic: Observer's Gloves
Schematic: Observer's Pauldrons
Schematic: Observer's Tunic
Schematic: Ore Smelting Basics
Schematic: Orphan Woven Ring
Schematic: Outrider's Boots
Schematic: Outrider's Gloves
Schematic: Outrider's Greatblade
Schematic: Oversized Backpack
Schematic: Parrying Hatchet
Schematic: Pewter Duo Setting
Schematic: Pewter Figurine
Schematic: Pewter Ingot
Schematic: Pewter Ingot (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Pewter Partner Setting
Schematic: Pewter Round Gem Setting
Schematic: Pewter Signet
Schematic: Pewter Square Gem Setting
Schematic: Philosopher's Hood
Schematic: Philosopher's Leggings
Schematic: Philosopher's Shawl
Schematic: Philosopher's Tunic
Schematic: Polished Bone Ring
Schematic: Polymath's Leggings
Schematic: Precision-Enhanced Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Precision-Infused Endcaps
Schematic: Precision-Infused Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Precision-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Precision-Runed Blade Hilt
Schematic: Precision-Runed Bow Reinforcement
Schematic: Precision-Runed Cord
Schematic: Precison-Enhanced Endcaps
Schematic: Precison-Runed Endcaps
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Gloves
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Hood
Schematic: Prestidigitator's Tunic
Schematic: Proficient's Hood
Schematic: Proficient's Robe
Schematic: Proficient's Shawl
Schematic: Proficient's Shoes
Schematic: Proficient's Sleeves
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Sleeves
Schematic: Prowess-Infused Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Leather Straps
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Longbow Limbs
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Shortbow Limbs
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Prowess-Runed Wristbands Basis
Schematic: Pugilist's Headband
Schematic: Pugilist's Tunic
Schematic: Pugilist's Wristbands
Schematic: Quickblade's Bracers
Schematic: Quickblade's Pauldrons
Schematic: Quickfoot Slippers
Schematic: Quickstrike Cudgel
Schematic: Raider's Axe
Schematic: Reaver's Axe
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Infused Shoes Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Cord
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Leather Straps
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Sabotons Basis
Schematic: Resilience-Runed Shoes Basis
Schematic: Restored Seal of Adlair
Schematic: Robe of Incantations
Schematic: Runic Truncheon
Schematic: Runner's Belt Pouch
Schematic: Sage's Gloves
Schematic: Sage's Hood
Schematic: Sage's Leggings
Schematic: Sage's Robe
Schematic: Sage's Shawl
Schematic: Sage's Shoes
Schematic: Sage's Sleeves
Schematic: Sage's Tunic
Schematic: Scholar's Gloves
Schematic: Scholar's Hood
Schematic: Scholar's Leggings
Schematic: Scholar's Robe
Schematic: Scholar's Shawl
Schematic: Scholar's Shoes
Schematic: Scholar's Sleeves
Schematic: Scholar's Tunic
Schematic: Scout's Gloves
Schematic: Scout's Javelin
Schematic: Scout's Longbow
Schematic: Scout's Shortblade
Schematic: Scout's Shortsword
Schematic: Scraps of Burlap Cloth Pattern
Schematic: Seeker's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Seeker's Gi
Schematic: Seeker's Headband
Schematic: Seeker's Legwraps
Schematic: Seeker's Sandals
Schematic: Seeker's Scarf
Schematic: Seeker's Staff
Schematic: Seeker's Wristbands
Schematic: Seer's Scepter
Schematic: Seer's Staff
Schematic: Seer's War Mallet
Schematic: Sellsword's Boots
Schematic: Sellsword's Bracers
Schematic: Sellsword's Breeches
Schematic: Sellsword's Cap
Schematic: Sellsword's Gloves
Schematic: Sellsword's Pauldrons
Schematic: Sellsword's Tunic
Schematic: Sentinel's Bracers
Schematic: Sentinel's Breeches
Schematic: Sentinel's Cap
Schematic: Sentinel's Glaive
Schematic: Sentinel's Gloves
Schematic: Shadower's Bow
Schematic: Shadower's Cudgel
Schematic: Shadower's Longsword
Schematic: Shadower's Short Lance
Schematic: Shawl of Percipience
Schematic: Shoes of Percipience
Schematic: Short Hunting Spear
Schematic: Shrine Keeper's Hammer
Schematic: ShrineProtectors Scepter
Schematic: Simple Armor Scales
Schematic: Simple Axe
Schematic: Simple Belt
Schematic: Simple Buckler
Schematic: Simple Buckler Plate
Schematic: Simple Cloak
Schematic: Simple Cord
Schematic: Simple Cudgel
Schematic: Simple Dagger
Schematic: Simple Endcaps
Schematic: Simple Focus Staff
Schematic: Simple Gemstone Polishing Kit
Schematic: Simple Gi
Schematic: Simple Gi Basis
Schematic: Simple Gloves
Schematic: Simple Gloves Basis
Schematic: Simple Greataxe
Schematic: Simple Greatsword
Schematic: Simple Hammer
Schematic: Simple Harvesting Sickle
Schematic: Simple Hood
Schematic: Simple Hood Basis
Schematic: Simple Knuckles
Schematic: Simple Leather Belt
Schematic: Simple Leather Boots
Schematic: Simple Leather Bracers
Schematic: Simple Leather Breeches
Schematic: Simple Leather Cap
Schematic: Simple Leather Clasp
Schematic: Simple Leather Gloves
Schematic: Simple Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Simple Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Simple Leggings
Schematic: Simple Leggings Basis
Schematic: Simple Longbow
Schematic: Simple Mace
Schematic: Simple Maul
Schematic: Simple Mining Pickaxe
Schematic: Simple Pike
Schematic: Simple Poleaxe
Schematic: Simple Robe
Schematic: Simple Robe Basis
Schematic: Simple Rucksack
Schematic: Simple Shawl
Schematic: Simple Shawl Basis
Schematic: Simple Shoes
Schematic: Simple Shoes Basis
Schematic: Simple Skinning Knife
Schematic: Simple Sleeves
Schematic: Simple Sleeves Basis
Schematic: Simple Small Shield
Schematic: Simple Small Shield Blank
Schematic: Simple Spear
Schematic: Simple Staff Blank
Schematic: Simple Storage Box Frame
Schematic: Simple Sword
Schematic: Simple Training Gi
Schematic: Simple Training Gloves
Schematic: Simple Training Headband
Schematic: Simple Training Legwraps
Schematic: Simple Training Sandals
Schematic: Simple Training Sash
Schematic: Simple Training Scarf
Schematic: Simple Training Wristbands
Schematic: Simple Tunic
Schematic: Simple Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Skirmish Blade
Schematic: Skirmish Bow
Schematic: Skirmish Greataxe
Schematic: Skirmish Spear
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Boots
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Bracers
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Cap
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Skulker's Leather Pauldrons
Schematic: Skycaller's Staff
Schematic: Small Grappling Hook Design
Schematic: Small Storage Box
Schematic: Small Storage Chest Frame
Schematic: Soldier's Insignia Ring
Schematic: Solid Cudgel
Schematic: Sorceror's Staff
Schematic: Soulcaller's Mallet
Schematic: Spellbinder's Robe
Schematic: Spellbinder's Shawl
Schematic: Spellbinder's Shoes
Schematic: Spellbinder's Sleeves
Schematic: Spider Fang Necklace
Schematic: Spiritist's Greathammer
Schematic: Spiritist's Longspear
Schematic: Spiritist's Staff
Schematic: Spiritist's Warhammer
Schematic: Staff Of The Earth
Schematic: Staff Of The Mountain
Schematic: Stalker's Bracers
Schematic: Stalker's Breeches
Schematic: Stalker's Dagger
Schematic: Stalker's Gloves
Schematic: Stalker's Tunic
Schematic: Stalwart's Chain Coat
Schematic: Stalwart's Chain Leggings
Schematic: Stalwart's Helm
Schematic: Stalwart's Plated Coat
Schematic: Stalwart's Sabotons
Schematic: Standard Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Standard Breastplate
Schematic: Standard Breastplate Basis
Schematic: Standard Buckler Plate
Schematic: Standard Chain Boots
Schematic: Standard Chain Boots Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Bracers
Schematic: Standard Chain Bracers Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Coat Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Coif
Schematic: Standard Chain Coif Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Gauntlets
Schematic: Standard Chain Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Leggings
Schematic: Standard Chain Leggings Basis
Schematic: Standard Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Standard Chain Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Standard Chainmail Coat
Schematic: Standard Focus Staff
Schematic: Standard Greaves
Schematic: Standard Greaves Basis
Schematic: Standard Helm
Schematic: Standard Helm Basis
Schematic: Standard Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Standard Plate Gauntlets Basis
Schematic: Standard Sabotons
Schematic: Standard Sabotons Basis
Schematic: Standard Spaulders
Schematic: Standard Spaulders Basis
Schematic: Standard Staff Blank
Schematic: Standard Vambraces
Schematic: Standard Vambraces Basis
Schematic: Standard Woodcutting Hatchet
Schematic: Strategist's Lance
Schematic: Striker's Bow
Schematic: Student's Shawl
Schematic: Sturdy Battle Hatchet
Schematic: Sturdy Mage's Dagger
Schematic: SturdyBattleBow
Schematic: Survivor's Claymore
Schematic: Tattered Leather
Schematic: Tattered Leather (Bulk - 5)
Schematic: Tattered Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Tattered Leather Panel
Schematic: Tattered Leather Strips
Schematic: Temple Greaves
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Coif
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Temple Ringmail Pauldrons
Schematic: Temple Spaulders
Schematic: Temple Vambraces
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Hood
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Robe
Schematic: Thaumaturge's Shawl
Schematic: Thick Leather
Schematic: Thick Leather Armor Harness
Schematic: Thick Leather Belt Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Boots Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Bow Grip
Schematic: Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Cap Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Clasp
Schematic: Thick Leather Gloves Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Panel
Schematic: Thick Leather Pauldrons Basis
Schematic: Thick Leather Straps
Schematic: Thick Leather Strips
Schematic: Thinking Cap
Schematic: Thunderous Greathammer
Schematic: Thunderous Halberd
Schematic: Thunderous Lance
Schematic: Thunderous Mace
Schematic: Thunderous Shortspear
Schematic: Thunderous Staff
Schematic: Tireless-Infused Leggings Basis
Schematic: Tireless-Infused Shoes Basis
Schematic: Tireless-Runed Armor Reinforcements
Schematic: Tireless-Runed Leggings Basis
Schematic: Tracker's Cap
Schematic: Tracker's Shortbow
Schematic: Traveler's Sandals
Schematic: Ulthirian Gloves
Schematic: Ulthirian Hood
Schematic: Ulthirian Robe
Schematic: Vanguard's Chain Pauldrons
Schematic: Vanguard's Greaves
Schematic: Vanguard's Plated Coat
Schematic: Vanguard's Sabotons
Schematic: Vanguard's Vambraces
Schematic: Vicar's Breastplate
Schematic: Vicar's Plate Gauntlets
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Bracers
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Coat
Schematic: Vicar's Ringmail Leggings
Schematic: Vicar's Sabotons
Schematic: Vicar's Vambraces
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Fighting Staff Blank
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Infused Leather Jerkin Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Chain Coat Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Cord
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Gi Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Leather Bracers Basis
Schematic: Vitality-Runed Leather Breeches Basis
Schematic: Wanderer's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Wanderer's Gi
Schematic: Wanderer's Legwraps
Schematic: Wanderer's Sandals
Schematic: Wanderer's Scarf
Schematic: Wanderer's Wristbands
Schematic: Watchguard's Shortsword
Schematic: Watchguard's Truncheon
Schematic: White Lotus Sandals
Schematic: White Lotus Scarf
Schematic: White Lotus Wristbands
Schematic: Windshot Longbow
Schematic: Windshot Shortbow
Schematic: Windsong Battlebow
Schematic: Windsong Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Windsong Greatblade
Schematic: Windsong Longblade
Schematic: Windsong Shortbow
Schematic: Windsong Staff
Schematic: Windwalker Sash
Schematic: Windwalker's Fighting Gloves
Schematic: Windwalker's Legwraps
Schematic: Windwalker's Scarf
Schematic: Wolf Fang Earring
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Boots
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Breeches
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Cap
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Gloves
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Jerkin
Schematic: Woodsman's Leather Pauldrons
Scorpion Claws
Scorpion Stinger
Scout's Thick Leather Breeches
Scout's Thick Leather Jerkin
Scout's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Scrap Metal
Scraps of Burlap Cloth
Scroll Of Blood Fiend
Scroll Of Lifetap
Scroll Of Sanguine Shield
Scroll Of Touch Of Blood
Scroll Of Vital Cage
Scroll of Boil Blood
Scroll of Devour Constitution
Scroll of Devour Dexterity
Scroll of Gift of the Five Feathers
Scroll of Provoking Phantoms
Scroll of Sanguine Cloak
Scroll of Torment
Scroll: Absorb Strength
Scroll: Arc of Light
Scroll: Arcane Cords
Scroll: Assemble Bones
Scroll: Awaken Courage
Scroll: Backflip
Scroll: Backstab II
Scroll: Banner of Onslaught II
Scroll: Blessed Barrier
Scroll: Bolster
Scroll: Calm Undeath
Scroll: Chaotic Imbuement
Scroll: Conviction
Scroll: Corrosive Brew
Scroll: Cranial Pressure
Scroll: Crippling Terror
Scroll: Curse of Pain
Scroll: Deafening Whisper
Scroll: Divine Weakening
Scroll: Drain Charisma
Scroll: Drain Intellect
Scroll: Drain Stamina
Scroll: Drain Strength
Scroll: Edict of Stillness
Scroll: Elixir of Opportunity
Scroll: Evasive Maneuvers
Scroll: Fixate
Scroll: Flash Bomb
Scroll: Flux
Scroll: Frail Shielding
Scroll: Gate
Scroll: Ghastly Corpse
Scroll: Ghaven's Wild Display
Scroll: Greater Ward of Light
Scroll: Grip of the Boulder
Scroll: Healing Flicker
Scroll: Heat Blood
Scroll: Hush
Scroll: Ice Volley
Scroll: Invisibility
Scroll: Lesser Shielding
Scroll: Life Draw
Scroll: Like a Ghost
Scroll: Master Trap-Maker
Scroll: Mesmerize
Scroll: Minor Divine Healing
Scroll: Radiate Heat
Scroll: Rebuke
Scroll: Remedy
Scroll: Renew Bones
Scroll: Revive
Scroll: Runeskin
Scroll: Second Sight
Scroll: Shackle Bones
Scroll: Shackle Death
Scroll: Shadow Step
Scroll: Shadowfall
Scroll: Shock and Awe
Scroll: Sicken
Scroll: Spell Turn
Scroll: Spook the Dead
Scroll: Sprint to the Shadows
Scroll: Stab the Mind
Scroll: Startle
Scroll: Summon Corpse
Scroll: Thought Thief
Scroll: Unstable Mixture
Scroll: Valeguard's Stride
Scroll: Wall Climber
Scroll: Ward Undeath
Scroll: Waylay II
Scroll: Weak Shielding
Scroll: Wrack Bones
Scuffed Boots
Scuffed Bracers
Scuffed Gloves
Scuffed Jerkin
Scuffed Leggings
Scuffed Pendant
Sea Shell Necklace
Seared Serpent Skewers
Seaweed Laced Sandals
Seeker's Fighting Gi
Seeker's Fighting Gloves
Seeping Boots
Seeping Cap
Seeping Cloak
Seeping Gloves
Seeping Pants
Seeping Shoulders
Seeping Tunic
Sentinel's Thick Leather Bracers
Sentinel's Thick Leather Gloves
Sentinel's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Serpent Scale Boots
Serpent Surprise
Serrated Point Arrows
Shade-Threaded Cloth Gloves
Shade-Threaded Cloth Hood
Shade-Threaded Cloth Pants
Shadesilk Mask
Shadow Flux
Shadow's Kiss
Shardstaff of Sorrows
Sharp Skinning Knife
Sharpened Bronze Axe
Sharpened Bronze Dagger
Sharpened Bronze Short Spear
Sharpened Flint Knife
Sharpened Harvesting Sickle
Sharpened Iron Bastard Sword
Sharpened Short Blade
Sharpened Woodcutting Hatchet
Shield Of Petrified Wood
Shielded Band
Shimmering Celestium
Shimmering Silk Cloak
Shimmering Silk Hood
Shimmering Silk Robe
Shimmering Silk Wristbands
Shining Halberd
Shiny Steel Claws
Shroud of Stars
Shrunken Skull Earring
Sightweaver's Robe
Silent Battlewraps
Silken Treaders
Silver Fang Trousers
Silver Ingot
Silver Nugget
Silver Plated Bracers
Silver Set Duo (Gemstone)
Silver Set Partner (Gemstone)
Silver Signet Of Magic
Silver Signet Ring Of Insight
Silver Spoon
Silver Stud Earring Of Insight
Silver Stud Earring Of Magic
Silver Stud Earring Of Vitality
Silver Zircon Ear Cuff
Silver Zircon Scepter
Silver Zircon Wizard Figurine
Silver-Threaded Pantaloons
Silverpelt Leather Boots
Silverpelt Leather Bracers
Silverpelt Leather Gloves
Silverpelt Leather Helm
Silverpelt Leather Leggings
Silverpelt Leather Tunic
Simple Array
Simple Arrows
Simple Ash Longbow
Simple Ash Longbow of Precision
Simple Ash Staff
Simple Ashen Bronze Broadsword
Simple Ashen Bronze Dagger
Simple Ashen Bronze Defender's Pike
Simple Ashen Bronze Great Axe
Simple Ashen Bronze Greatsword
Simple Ashen Bronze Hand Axe
Simple Ashen Bronze Harvesting Sickle
Simple Ashen Bronze Knuckles
Simple Ashen Bronze Mace
Simple Ashen Bronze Maul
Simple Ashen Bronze Mining Pick
Simple Ashen Bronze Pike
Simple Ashen Bronze Poleaxe
Simple Ashen Bronze Short Hunting Spear
Simple Ashen Bronze Skinning Knife
Simple Ashen Bronze Tower Shield
Simple Ashen Bronze War Hammer
Simple Ashen Bronze Woodcutting Hatchet
Simple Bindings
Simple Black Iron Broadsword
Simple Black Iron Dagger
Simple Black Iron Dagger of Precision
Simple Black Iron Great Axe of Might
Simple Black Iron Harvesting Sickle
Simple Black Iron Mining Pick
Simple Black Iron Short Spear
Simple Black Iron Skinning Knife
Simple Black Iron Woodcutters Hatchet
Simple Blood Iron Dagger
Simple Blood Iron Knuckles
Simple Blood Iron Knuckles of Precision
Simple Blood Iron Tower Shield of Vitality
Simple Blood Iron War Hammer
Simple Blood Iron War Hammer of Insight
Simple Brass Signet Ring Of Insight
Simple Brass Zircon Band
Simple Cedar Buckler
Simple Cedar Cudgel
Simple Cedar Longbow
Simple Cedar Longbow of Prowess
Simple Cedar Shortbow
Simple Cedar Shortbow of Dexterity
Simple Cedar Staff
Simple Club
Simple Core
Simple Cotton Cloth Cord
Simple Cotton Cloth Gloves Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Hood Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Leggings Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Robe Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Shawl Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Shoes Basis
Simple Cotton Cloth Sleeves Basis
Simple Cotton Gi
Simple Cotton Gi Basis
Simple Cotton Gloves
Simple Cotton Hood
Simple Cotton Leggings
Simple Cotton Robe
Simple Cotton Shawl
Simple Cotton Shoes
Simple Cotton Sleeves
Simple Gauntlets
Simple Grinding Stone
Simple Guard
Simple Handwraps
Simple Health Draught
Simple Iron Broadsword
Simple Iron Dagger
Simple Iron Dagger Of Prowess
Simple Iron Great Axe
Simple Iron Greatsword
Simple Iron Hand Axe
Simple Iron Harvesting Sickle
Simple Iron Kite Shield
Simple Iron Knuckles
Simple Iron Knuckles of Might
Simple Iron Mace
Simple Iron Maul
Simple Iron Mining Pick
Simple Iron Pike
Simple Iron Poleaxe
Simple Iron Short Spear
Simple Iron Skinning Knife
Simple Iron Tower Shield
Simple Iron War Hammer
Simple Leather Clasp
Simple Longbow
Simple Mana Draught
Simple Salvaging Tools
Simple Shortbow
Simple Staff
Simple Stick
Simple Support
Simple Thick Leather Armor Harness
Simple Wrapping
Skin of Milk
Skulker's Tattered Leather Boots
Skulker's Tattered Leather Bracers
Skulker's Tattered Leather Gloves
Skulker's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Skulker's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Slagwood Bo Staff
Slagwood Club
Slatehide Boar Pelt
Sleek Iron Dirk
Small Grappling Hook
Small Health Draught
Small Mana Draught
Small Maple Box Frame
Small Sack
Small Snake Fang
Small Spider Venom Gland
Snake Blood
Snake Meat
Snake Scales
Snakebite Stir-Fry
Snow Lily Petals
Snow Treaders
Snowbeast Hide Boots
Snowbeast Hide Bracers
Snowbeast Hide Gloves
Snowbeast Hide Helm
Snowbeast Hide Jerkin
Snowbeast Hide Leggings
Snowbeast Hide Mantle
Snowseed Oil
Soft Leather Belt
Soft Leather Boots
Soft Leather Bracers
Soft Leather Cap
Soft Leather Gloves
Soft Leather Leggings
Soft Leather Mantle
Soft Leather Tunic
Soggy Wing Membrane
Soldier's Philter
Spark Toad Oil
Spear of Endless Frost
Spectral Axe
Spectral Bo Staff
Spectral Club
Spectral Essence
Spectral Great Axe
Spectral Lantern
Spectral Longsword
Spectral Robe
Spectral Staff
Spicy Apple Fritters
Spider Fangs
Spider Silk
Spider Venom Gland
Splintered Round Shield
Splintering Axe
Splintering Club
Splitneck Axe
Spool of Rope
Spore-Infested Cord
Spore-Stained Slippers
Springwood Baton
Springwood Clubber
Staff of the Craven
Stained Shortsword
Stale Bread
Stalker Sinew
Stalker Steaks
Stalker's Arrows
Stalker's Pie
Stalker's Thick Leather Boots
Stalker's Thick Leather Pauldrons
Stalwart's Blood Iron Spaulders
Stalwart's Iron Chain Bracers
Stalwart's Iron Chain Coat
Stalwart's Iron Sabatons
Stalwart's Iron Vambraces
Standard Armor Padding
Standard Bindings
Standard Gauntlets
Standard Hatchet Blade
Standard Iron Woodcutting Hatchet
Standard Knuckle Wrapping
Standard Large Weapon Haft
Standard Mana Shield
Standard Reinforcements
Standard Small Weapon Haft
Standard Tool Haft
Stitched Cloth Belt
Stitched Cloth Cap
Stitched Cloth Gloves
Stitched Cloth Pants
Stitched Cloth Robe
Stitched Cloth Shawl
Stitched Cloth Shoes
Stitched Cloth Sleeves
Stolen Artifact
Stone Fragment
Stonebraced Boots
Stonebraced Cudgel
Stonehide Footguards
Stonelinked Bracelet
Stoneweave Gloves
Stoneweave Hood
Stoneweave Pants
Stoneweave Robe
Stoneweave Shoes
Studded Fish Hook
Stuffed Trout
Sturdy Axe
Sturdy Buckler
Sturdy Club
Sturdy Great Sword
Sturdy Hammer
Sturdy Leather Belt
Sturdy Leather Bracers
Sturdy Leather Cap
Sturdy Leather Gloves
Sturdy Leather Leggings
Sturdy Leather Mantle
Sturdy Leather Tunic
Sturdy Longbow
Sturdy Longsword
Sturdy Maul
Sturdy Mining Pick
Sturdy Short Spear
Sturdy Shortbow
Sturdy Spiked Mace
Sturdy Stick
Sturdy Tree Branch
Swamp Sentinel Mail Boots
Swamp Sentinel Mail Bracers
Swamp Sentinel Mail Coat
Swamp Sentinel Mail Gloves
Swamp Sentinel Mail Helm
Swamp Sentinel Mail Leggings
Swamproot Baton
Tandoa's Carryall
Tangy Appleshrooms
Tarnished Axe
Tarnished Band
Tarnished Dagger
Tarnished Hammer
Tarnished Longsword
Tarnished Ring
Tarnished Short Spear
Tarnished Spiked Mace
Tattered Cloak
Tattered Hide
Tattered Leather
Tattered Leather Belt
Tattered Leather Belt Basis
Tattered Leather Panel
Tattered Leather Rucksack
Tattered Leather Rucksack (1 AC)
Tattered Leather Straps
Tattered Leather Strips
Tattered Pelt
Tattered Snakeskin
Telo's Ankle Bracelet
Temple Blood Iron Spaulders
Temple Iron Breastplate
Temple Iron Ringmail Pauldrons
Temple Iron Spaulders
The Basis For Splinted Leather Boots
The Hurt Stick
The Rocksplitter
The Warden's Blade
Thick Leather
Thick Leather Armor Harness
Thick Leather Basic Straps
Thick Leather Belt
Thick Leather Belt Basis
Thick Leather Boots
Thick Leather Boots Basis
Thick Leather Bow Grip
Thick Leather Bracers
Thick Leather Bracers Basis
Thick Leather Breeches
Thick Leather Breeches Basis
Thick Leather Cap
Thick Leather Cap Basis
Thick Leather Gloves
Thick Leather Gloves Basis
Thick Leather Jerkin
Thick Leather Jerkin Basis
Thick Leather Oversized Backpack
Thick Leather Panel
Thick Leather Pauldrons
Thick Leather Pauldrons Basis
Thick Leather Strips
Thick Wolf Fur
Thornsteel Blade
Thornsteel Great Hammer
Thornsteel Hatchet
Thornsteel Knife
Thornsteel Mace
Thornsteel Spear
Threaded Hemp Gloves
Thronefast Cider
Tiger Hide Handwraps
Tiger Hide Headband
Tiger Hide Sandals
Tiger Hide Wristbands
Tightly Woven Silk Patch
Time Twister Solution
Tiny Bell
Torn Map Fragment
Tracker's Thick Leather Bracers
Trainee's Spiked Mace
Trait: Cleric5
Trait: Enchanter5
Trait: Necromancer5
Trait: Rogue20
Trait: Summoner15
Trait: Summoner20
Trap Parts
Traveler's Tea
Tundra-Forged Bracers
Tundra-Forged Cuirass
Tundra-Forged Gauntlets
Tundra-Forged Greaves
Tundra-Forged Helm
Tundra-Forged Pauldrons
Tundra-Forged Sabatons
Tunic of Bitter Flame
Twin Fang Amulet
Tyrassura's Hoop
Unadorned Shawl
Uncut Amethyst Gemstone
Uncut Aquamarine Gemstone
Uncut Citrine Gemstone
Uncut Diamond Gemstone
Uncut Emerald Gemstone
Uncut Jade Gemstone
Uncut Opal Gemstone
Uncut Peridot Gemstone
Uncut Quartz Gemstone
Uncut Ruby Gemstone
Uncut Sapphire Gemstone
Uncut Spinel Gemstone
Uncut Topaz Gemstone
Uncut Tourmaline Gemstone
Uncut Turquoise Gemstone
Uncut Zircon Gemstone
Unmortal Cloak
Unmortal Sash
Uzhead's Hunting Spear
Vanguard's Black Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Boots
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Bracers
Vanguard's Blood Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Iron Chain Coat
Vanguard's Iron Chain Pauldrons
Velvet Coin Purse
Venison Platter
Vesperhide Boots
Vesperhide Bracers
Vesperhide Gloves
Vesperhide Headdress
Vesperhide Leggings
Vesperhide Shoulderpads
Vesperhide Tunic
Vicar's Blood Iron Spaulders
Vicar's Iron Ringmail Leggings
Vicar's Iron Sabatons
Vinebrute Mail Boots
Vinebrute Mail Bracers
Vinebrute Mail Gloves
Vinebrute Mail Hauberk
Vinebrute Mail Helm
Vinebrute Mail Leggings
Vitality-Runed Gossamer Cloth Cord
Vitality-Runed Thick Leather Bracer Basis
Walnut Bear Brisket
Walnut Wood Stain
Wand Of Creeping Vine
Wanderer's Burlap Fighting Gloves
Wanderer's Burlap Gi
Wanderer's Burlap Sandals
Wanderer's Burlap Scarf
Wanderer's Burlap Wristbands
Warden's Lost Ring
Warguard's Chain Gloves
Warguard's Chain Helm
Warguard's Chain Leggings
Warguard's Chain Tunic
Warhorn Necklace
Warmonger's Totem
Water Reed Fibers
Weathered Baton
Weathered Bo Staff
Weathered Club
Webless Fang
Weeping Silk Gloves
Weevil Staff
Well-Made Harvesting Sickle
Well-Made Mining Pick
Well-Made Skinning Knife
Well-Made Woodcutting Hatchet
Whisperwind Scales
White Dire Wolf Fur
White Wolf Fur
Whittled Femur
Wild Onion
Wind Griffin Feather
Wind Griffin Talon
Winter Boar Platter
Wisp-Woven Leather Boots
Wisp-Woven Leather Bracers
Wisp-Woven Leather Braces
Wisp-Woven Leather Gloves
Wisp-Woven Leather Helm
Wisp-Woven Leather Shoulderpads
Wisp-Woven Leather Tunic
Wispmetal Bracers
Wispmetal Breastplate
Wispmetal Gauntlets
Wispmetal Helm
Wispmetal Legplates
Wispmetal Loop
Wispmetal Pauldrons
Wispmetal Sabatons
Wispweave Gloves
Wispweave Hood
Wispweave Mantle
Wispweave Pants
Wispweave Robe
Wispweave Slippers
Wispweave Wristbands
Wispwood Fighting Staff
Wispwood Staff
Wispwood Truncheon
Wizard's Stave
Wolf Blood
Wolf Claws
Wolf Fang
Wolf Meat
Wolf Pelt
Wolf Tail
Wolfhead Ring
Wolfsbane Leaf
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Boots
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Bracers
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Breeches
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Cap
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Gloves
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Jerkin
Woodsman's Tattered Leather Pauldrons
Worm-Eaten Gloves
Worm-Eaten Pants
Worm-Eaten Sandals
Worm-Eaten Shawl
Worm-Eaten Shirt
Worm-Eaten Wristband
Worn Axe
Worn Bo Staff
Worn Club
Worn Dagger
Worn Hammer
Worn Handwraps
Worn Leather Strap
Worn Longbow
Worn Longsword
Worn Maul
Worn Pickaxe
Worn Short Spear
Worn Shortbow
Worn Spiked Mace
Worn Staff
Writhing Staff
XGrimy Leather JerkinX
Young Fox Tail
A Mysterious Letter