Rogue Abilities
Level 1
Deals Physical damage to an enemy and grants 1 Opportunity.
Grants 2 Opportunity when executed from target’s side or rear.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Rogue Technique
Perform an unexpected attack, dealing bonus damage when executed from behind your target.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Level 2
Lacerate the target, dealing damage and causing a Light Bleed.
Bloodletter cannot Critically Hit.
Level 3
Prepare an explosive decoy that detonates in impact.
The next time you receive Physical damage, the jacket will explode dealing damage to yourself (5% on your total health) and heavy damage to your opponent.
Cannot be used in combat
Melee Technique
Puts your target in the [Exposed] state for 30 seconds. (Duration impacted by diminishing returns.)
The [Exposed] state can be manipulated by other techniques to cause additional effects.
Walk in the shadows, making it hard for most enemies to detect you by sight or sound.
While Shadow Walking, you will generate 1 Opportunity and 250 Readiness every 2 sec and your Movement Speed is reduced by 20%.
The first attack from stealth gains 10% additional armor penetration.
Level 4
Consume all Opportunity points to activate.
While active, the damage of your Physical Attacks is increased by 12.5% for each Opportunity Point consumed. These attacks will also bypass a portion of the enemies Armor Class.
Level 5
Rogue Technique
Deals minor damage to the target and exploits the [Opening Gap] state based on your current primary weapon.
- Piercing - Creates [Pierced Armor], reducing their Armor Class by 20%.
- Slashing - Creates [Grappled], reducing their outgoing damage by 8%.
- Blunt - Creates [Overwhelmed Mind], reducing all Resistances by 20%.
Requires primary weapon skill of 16.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Create a shadowy clone causing you to avoid the next incoming attack.
Place a trap for 60 sec that will coil around the feet of the first enemy to approach, Rooting them in place for 25 sec. Damage dealt will break the Root effect.
Requires Stealth.
You can only have 2 traps active at the same time.
Level 6
Create 5 vials of synthetic toxin. Applying this toxin to your primary weapon will give it a chance to deal additional Chemical damage to an enemy.
Level 7
Place a trap that will explode when the first enemy approaches, dealing Fire damage to that target.
Requires Stealth.
You can only have 2 traps active at the same time.
Rogue Technique
Strike your enemy at a weak point in ther defenses, bypassing some of the target’s Armor Class.
Requires primary weapon skill of 22.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Level 8
General Technique
Strike your enemy from behind with a powerful attack, bypassing some of their armor.
Must be behind your target. Requires a Piecing weapon.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Scatter caltrops at the target, (or target location if no target selected) for 30 sec. All enemies will have their movement speed reduced by 50% while stepping on the caltrops and for 3 seconds after.
General Technique
Deals heavy damage.
Requires a Blunt or Slashing weapon.
Attribute Bonus: DEX, AGI
Level 9
Throw a flask of corrosive toxins at the target, reducing Armor Class by 25% for 2 min.
Level 10
Gain unique bonuses based on your off-hand weapon type:
- Piercing will increase Haste by 5%
- Slashing reduces off-hand damage penalty by 10%
- Blunt grants off-hand attacks 5% chance to Stun for 1 sec
Throw a vial at an enemy’s feet that releases mesmerizing toxins, incapacitating them for up to 18 sec.
Any damage dealt to the target while mesmerized will break the effect.
Duration increased by 50% against [Disoriented] targets.
Requires Stealth. If used while target is Stunned by Flash Bomb, target will lose all threat against the caster.
Level 11
Increases Concealment by 3, improving the effectiveness of your Stealth.
Rogue Technique
A two-fold attack that deals minor damage per strike and inflicts the target with the [Weak Poison] state for 20 sec.
Requires primary weapon skill of 34.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Level 12
Throw a flash bomb at your feet, automatically activating Shadow Walk, Stunning foes within 3 meters for 3 sec.
Descend on an enemy from the shadows, dealing high Physical Damage, at a reduced threat rate, and bypassing 20% of their Armor Class. Must be above the target. Requires Stealth.
Throw a vial of hastily combined ingredients at an enemy, causing an unpredictable effect:
- Reduce the enemy’s dodge rating by 20% for 10 sec.
- Increase your critical chance by 5% for 10 sec.
- Techniques against the target have a 50% reduction in cooldown time for 10 sec.
- Cause the enemy to flee in fear for 5 sec.
Level 13
Prepare an Elixir that release a cloud of smoke when broken.
The next time you receive physical damage, release a cloud of smoke. This smoke gives you an advantage in combat granting 2 Opportunity.
Cannot be used in combat. Only 1 Trick of the Trade may be active at a time.
When your Health drops below 20%, your dodge chance will increase by 30% and your cooldown times will be reduced by 20%.
Level 14
Place a trap for 60 sec that emits a burst of light and sound when the first enemy approaches, stunning them for 3s and [Disorienting] them for 10 sec, leaving them vulnerable to crowd-controlling effects.
Requires Stealth.
You can only have 2 traps active at the same tme.
Consume 1 Opportunity to grant yourself 500 Readiness.
Unable to be used when Readiness is full.
Level 15
Rogue Technique
Deals minor damage to the target and creates a unique [State] based on your weapon type.
- Piercing - Creates [Light Bleed] for 20 seconds.
- Slashing - Creates [Off-Balance] for 30 seconds.
- Blunt - Creates [Disorientated] for 20 seconds.
Requires primary weapon skill of 46.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Carefully plan your next attacks from the shadows, increasing your physical critical chance by 10% for 5 sec.
Requires Stealth.
Level 16
Throw a smoke bomb at your feet, automatically activating Shadow Walk for 5 sec, immediately ending combat and causing enemies to forget about you. After 5 sec, the Shadow Walk effect will end.
Shadow Walk must be memorized to activate Escape Artist.
Release a shower of knives, Physical damage to all enemies within 4m.
Level 17
Increases your Endurance by 15 and reduces the rate your Endurance drains while climbing by 10%.
Level 18
General Technique
Strike your enemy from behind with a powerful attack, bypassing some of their armor.
Must be behind your target. Requires a Piecing weapon.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Step through the shadows to the location you click, or directly behind your Offensive target if you have an enemy selected.
Requires Stealth.
General Technique
Deals heavy damage.
Requires a Blunt or Slashing weapon.
Attribute Bonus: DEX, AGI
Level 19
Rogue Technique
Manipulates the [Opening Gap] state with their Off-Hand weapon.
- Piercing - Creates [Pierces Armor], reducing their Armor Class by 20%.
- Slashing - Creates [Defenseless], reducing their chance to evade physical attacks.
- Blunt - Creates [Overwhelmed Mind], reducing all resistances by 20%.
Requires primary weapon skill of 58.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Level 20
Increases the amount of concurrent traps you can have active to 4.
Increases your Sprint speed by 25% for 6 sec. After this time, Escape Artist will activate automatically. When used in this way, Escape Artist’s cooldown time will be increased by 50%.
This ability is only usable if Escape Artist is on your bar and not on cooldown.
Level 23
Rogue Technique
Strike your enemy with toxins putting the target in the [Poison] state for 30 sec.
Requires primary weapon skill of 70.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
Level 28
General Technique
Strike your enemy from behind with a powerful attack, bypassing some of their armor.
Must be behind your target. Requires a Piecing weapon.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
General Technique
Deals heavy damage.
Requires a Blunt or Slashing weapon.
Attribute Bonus: DEX, AGI
Level 29
Rogue Technique
Deals minor damage to the target and exploits manipulates [states] based on your current primary weapon.
- Piercing - Creates [Heavy Bleeding] for 40 seconds
- Slashing - Exploits [Opening Gap] and creates [Traumatized], decreasing Healing they receive by 25%.
- Blunt - Exploits [Off-Balance] and creates [Weakened], increasing physical damage they receive for 10 seconds.
Requires primary weapon skill of 88
Level 38
General Technique
Strike your enemy from behind with a powerful attack, bypassing some of their armor.
Must be behind your target. Requires a Piecing weapon.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
General Technique
Deals heavy damage.
Requires a Blunt or Slashing weapon.
Attribute Bonus: DEX, AGI
Level 48
General Technique
Strike your enemy from behind with a powerful attack, bypassing some of their armor.
Must be behind your target. Requires a Piecing weapon.
Damage Modifiers: DEX, AGI
General Technique
Deals heavy damage.
Requires a Blunt or Slashing weapon.
Attribute Bonus: DEX, AGI