
Mob Abilities

"[[toc]]\n\n## Traits\n\n* **Spell nulifier** - Spell avoidance chance increase dramatically\n* **Iron Willed** - Immune to most crowd controll effects\n* **Frenzied** - Greatly increased attack speed\n* **Spell Slinger** - Greatly Increased casting speed\n* **Acrobatic** - Avoidance chance increased dramatically. Immune to root\n* **Resistant** - All resistances increased\n* **Armored** - Hightened Armor class \n\n---\n\n## Mobs\n\n### Hobgoblins\n\n#### Hobgoblin Char\nBasically a shaman.\n* **Mantle Of Mist** - Healing over time skill\n* **Crown of Ashes** - DoT dealing fire damage. Armor reduced by %\n* **Fang of Salgi** - Deals minor Nature damage to the target. 50% more if target is poisoned\n* **Replenish** - Channeling heal spell\n\n\n#### Hobgoblin Dreg\n* **Rock 'em** - throwing stone which stuns the target if land\n* **Sock 'em** - Attack dealing bonus dmg\n* **Wild Swing** - Melee attack % bonus dmg\n* **Pressure Plate Armor** - reflective damage shield \nReflects a portion of your damage back at you, and if enough total damage is reflected, can deal AoE damage via explosion after a few seconds. \n*Stop attacking when this is up!*\n\n---\n\n### orphan spiders\n\n#### orphan harvester\n* **Feeding Frenzy** - increases attack speed by 20%\n* **Blood Drinker** - ?\n* **Call of the Brood** - ?\n* **Venomous Bite** -\n\n#### orphan nightingale\n* **Mind Controlled Human** - summons a small add \nThese eventually explode if not killed and do damage related to how much health they have remaining. \nThis should be high priority to be interrupted, and if you can't, burn down the add *quick*.\n* **Psychoshock** - ?\n* **Miasmic Venom** - magic DoT\n\n#### orphan shriek\n* **Shriek of the Brood** - stun\n* **Shrieking Charge** - ?\n\n#### orphan weaver\n* **Venomous Bite** - poisonous ability\n* **Silkbind** - debuffs player with attack speed reduced \n* **Silken Laso** - AoE pulling skill (mob pulls the whole group into him)\n\n#### orphan widower\n* **Rip and Tear**\n* **Ambush** - ports behind tank\n* **Venomous Bite**\n\n\n#### Flesh bitten traveller\n\n* **Rot claw** - Seems to be Constition loss debuff\n* **Infectious Touch** - Incoming healing reduced by 50% *(this is nasty!)*\n* **Fetid Bash** - Stamina loss debuff\n* **Crripling Thud** - AOE Disease DoT and movement speed debuff \n\n---\n\n### Halnir Cave\n\n#### Drawn Ravager\n\n* **RAVAGE** !!! \n5s casting ability which deals *tons* of AoE dmg in front of the target \nTank should turn these mobs away, everyone else should be behind. \n**This is a high priority to interrupt!**\n* **Last Stand** - (buff)\n - Parry chance increased\n - Incoming Healing increased\n\n#### Drawn Stalker\n* **Eviscerate** - Strikes the target 2 times\n* **Gnashing Bite**\n\n#### Drawn Cabalist\nEnemy Shaman.\n\n* **Mantle of Mist** - HoT\n* **Choking Thirst** - Nature DoT\n* **Sting of the Hornet** - Posion DoT\n* **Fang of Salgi** - Poisonous strike without DoT \n\n#### Psyrachnid\n\n#### Celis Creeper\n\n#### Pyrophobic Celis Creeper\n\n#### Halnir Cave Spider\n\n\n#### Black Rose Guard\n* **Pulverize**\n* **Shield Slam**\n* **Commanding Shout**\n\n#### Clumsy Black Rose Guard\n* **Shield Slam** - 1.3s\n* **Commanding Shout** - Increases dmg by 15%; also increases dmg taken by 15\n* **Shackles** - 25% action speed reduction\n\n#### Black Rose Worker\n* **Slam** - 1.3s\n* **Throw Dust** - 1.3s - think this causes Blindness on the player, which reduces Hit Rating/accuracy?\n* **Heavy Pickaxe** - 2.5s - dealing heavy attack\n\n#### Clumsy Black Rose Worker\nSame as worker + Commanding Shout\n\n#### Black Rose Crew Boss\n* **Strike of Breaking** - Seems to do dmg thru armor (not sure) - potentially stacking AC debuff?\n* **Shoulder Crash**\n* **Pulverize**\n* **Shackles** - 25% action speed reduction\n\n\n#### Ulthirian Soldier\n* **Shield Slam** - Shield bas ability\n* **Ulthirian Blade** - Randomized sword attack\n* **Shield Wall** - Increase physical defense by 60% *(try and interrupt this or you'll be here a long time)*\n\n#### Ulthirian Striker\n* **Unmortal Wound** - seems to be attack ability used frequently\n* **Shield Slam** - Shield Bash ability\n* **Ulthirian Blade** - Randomized attack\n* **Spectral Gash** - Melee ranged attack\n* **Backstab** - Randomized shadow step ability\n\n#### Ulthirian Mana-Weaver\n* **Ethereal Blast** - Single target spell\n* **Unmortal Surge** - WARNING !!! High damage AOE ability\n\n#### Ulthirian Disciple\n* **Wrath of Wraiths** - Lighting Strike which deal tons of dmg (shields needed)\n* **Unmortal Guards** - Absorbing Shield/Heals when dmg is received\n* **Ultharian Light** - BIG healing spell\n* **Ulthirian Flash** - Healing spell\n\n#### Ulthirian Reaver:\n* **Sanguine Symbiosis** - Reflective shield\n* **Tresh**\n* **Sanguine blade**\n* **Expose Mortality** - Cursed.Incoming healing reduced\n\n#### Ulthirian Praetoras:\n* **Wraith's Anguish** - Decrease max HP till end of combat\n* **Shield Slam**\n* **Ulthirian Blade**\n* **Shield Wall**\n* **Expose Mortality**\n* **Horn of warfare** - 6sec fear + 25% physical damage reduction (20sec)\n\n---\n\n### Spirit Manor\n\n#### Restless Spirit\n* Elegy\n* Rebuke - \n* Reverberate\n* Nihilism - Intellect loss debuff\n\n#### Vengeful Spirit\n* **Nihilsm** - Intelect loss debuff\n* **Fearsome Strike** - Ability deals additional damage\n* **Haunt** - Flashing behind the target and deals dmg\n* **Phase Shift** - Immune to physical damage (buff)\n\n\n#### Wandering Spirit\n* **Heartstopper** - Debuff reducing constituion (2.5s cast)\n* **Nihilism** - Intelect loss debuff (2.5s cast)\n* **Phobia** - Mass Fear ability (2.5s cast)\n* **Spectral Gash** - melee casting ability which deals bonus dmg (2.5s cast)\n\n#### Cursed Apparition\n* **Radiate Heat** - Deals fire damage when hit\n* **Ember Blast**\n* **Bolt of Fire**\n\n\n#### Wrathful Spirit\n*There are 3 kinds of wrathful spirit. One of them uses cold spells, others use lightning and fire.*\n\n##### Cold\n* **Flash of Cold**\n* **Frost Blast**\n* **Frigid Shard**\n* **Cold Snap**\n\n##### Lightning\n* **Shocking Surge**\n* **Jolt**\n* **Sparking Bolt**\n\n##### Fire\n* **Radiate heat** - Deals fire damage when hit\n* **Ember Blast**\n* **Bolt of Fire**\n\n---\n\n### Fort\n\n **Gadai Monk**\n \n* **Wood strikes Bone**\n* **Wandering Strike**\n* **Hone Senses** - Haste increase buff\n\n**Gadai Mentalist:**\n\n* **Magical Bonds**\n* **Mesmerize** - mez spell 15s duration\n* **Hush** - silence 6s\n* **Ghaven's Wild Display** - AOE stun ability\n* **Illusion Graft : Mental Fatigue** - 25% action speed decrease\n\n**Gadai Heavy:**\n*(seems to be 2 types - 1h + shield/ 2h) abilities depends on type*\n\n* **Stomp** - Ground hitting spell which push back all in close range\n* **Pulverize** - heavy attack ability\n* **Armor Up** - 60 % increase physical damage\n* **Shield Slam**\n* **Bash**\n\n**Gadai quickblade:**\n* **Smoke trick** - Incapacitated\n* **Waylay** - Striking ability with chance to do second attack\n* **Bloodletter**\n\n**Gadai magician:**\n* **Magical Bonds** - Snare ability\n* **Crystalline Blast**\n* **Burst of Fire**\n* **Cinder Blast**\n* **Fiery Explosion** - AOE ability with wide range\n\n---\n\n### Misc\n\n#### Ridgeback Bear\nApplies to most bears.\n\n* **Charge** - Movement ability closing distance to target, stunning them for 1s, and dealing damage\n* **Mangle** - short cast-time ability that deals bonus damage\n* **Chomp** - instant cast ability that deals bonus damage\n\n\n#### Second Curse Wolf\n* Buff: **Trait: Pack Hunter** - attack speed increased when fighting as a pack\n* **Mangle** - deals bonus dmg\n* **Shadowclaw** - debuff: *Blurred Vision*: decreases player hit rating\n\n\n#### small cave bat (non-aggro)\n* **Sonic Screech** - debuff: *Blurred Vision*: decreases player hit rating\n* **Light Bleed** - physical DoT\n\n\n#### Small Skitterfang\n\n* **Venomous Bite** - poison DoT\n* **Silkbound** - Attack speed reduced\n* **Webshot** *(ranged)* - 15s root \n\n\n#### Skitterfang Deathweaver\n\nThese are also found in some areas of Goblin Caves in Thronefast.\n\n* **Rip and Tear** - melee skill doing 3-4 separate strikes dealing extra damage\n* **Corrosive venom** *(ranged)* - Armor class reduced and poison DoT\n* **Blighted Ichor** *(ranged)* - Casting speed reduced and disease DoT\n\n\n"
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