"[toc]\n\n**\u003cspan style=\"color:gold\"\u003eThis is a work-in-progress guide and will be constantly adjusted and updated whenever new information is available.**\n\n## Introduction\nThis guide serves the simple purpose to have **a quick and easy overview** of all the new uncommon schematic drops from Treasure Chests. It also serves to help you to find the right set piece combo or just a piece of gear with the stats you're looking for.\n\nIt's not complete yet due to the sheer amount of these schematics. You're very welcome to share in the comments if you have an unknown information about: \n \n- A missing set name \n- Stat type/s of a set\n- Or if something is just off. \n\nYou can also share it in the Patrichor Discord in the Shalazam - Crafting section! **Thank you!** \n\n\n____\n\n\n## Schematic Sources\nYou need to obtain certain crafting **Schematics** to be able to craft them.\n\n- **Common-quality Schematics** means no stats on the items (just AC): From the NPC's near the prefession crafting workbanches and tables:\n\n#\n- **Uncommon-quality Schematics** means it has a base line of stats: At the moment you can only loot them (T1-3) from **Treasure Chests** which can be found all over of Terminus. The uncommon-quality items are designed for the level range of 1-30ish.\n\n**T1 Skill 12+**\n- Thronefast\n- Avendyr's Pass\n- Wild's End\n\n**T2 Skill 36+**\n- Goblin Cave\n- Spirit Manor\n- Ghaldassii Ruins\n- Halnir Cave (Upper)\n\n**T3 Skill 60+** \n\n- Halnir Cave (Mid \u0026 Lower)\n- Mad Run\n- Hanggore\n- Eastern Plains\n- Silent Plains \n\n#\n- **Rare-quality Schematics** means more improved stats: They're not ingame yet. They'll drop from NPC's in the near future.\n\n\n## Uncommon-Quality Stats\n\nThis is an attempt to simplify how all or most armor and weapon stat allocation works:\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \n| :---- | :--: | :--: |:---: |:--: |:--: |:----: |:----: |:----: |:--:|:----: |:---: | :---: | :--: | \n| |**Fleetness**| **Resiliance** |**Prowess**|**Might**|**Vitality**|**Acuity**|**Insight**|**Eloquence**||**Precision**|**Magic**|**Tireless**|**Health**|\n|**Skill** |**AGI**| **CON** |**DEX**|**STR**|**STA** |**INT**|**WIS**|**CHA**||**HIT** |**MANA** |**ENDU** |**HP** |\n|**T1** | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 || 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |\n|**T2** | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 || 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |\n|**T3** |**3** / 2|**3** / 2|**3** / 2|**3** / 2 |**3** / 2|**3** / 2|**3** / 2 |**3** / 2 ||**30** / 15|**30** / 15|**30** / 15|**30** / 15| \n|**T3-Blood Iron**|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2|**4** / 2||**40** / 20|**40** / 20|**40** / 20|**40** / 20 | \n|**T4** |**?** / ?|**?** / ?|**?** / ?|**?** / ? |**?** / ?|**?** / ?|**?** / ? |**?** / ? ||**?** / ?|**?** / ?|**?** / ?|**?** / ?| \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n**Armorsmithing:** Blood Iron boosts the stats. Black Iron boosts the AC. **Weaponsmithing:** Blood Iron boosts the primary stats and lowers the delay and weight. Black Iron increases the delay and weight and for example also boosts the effectivness for gathering tools.\n\n____\n\n## Primary Stat Limitations\n\nAnd another attempt to simplify which **primary T3 stat** is available for each (runed) armor slot (basis). No need to chase for an item schematic which doesn't exist! Thanks to *Ebaboy* to pointing this out!\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | || | | | | |\n| :---- | :---- | :---- |:----|:-|:-- |:---- |:---- |:---- |:---- |\n||**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n|**Tailoring - Monk** |AGI, DEX |AGI, CON ||CON, STA |DEX, STR |DEX, STR |STA, CON |HIT, HP | \n|**Tailoring** |AGI, CON, ENDU |AGI, ENDU, MANA||WIS, INT, CHA |DEX, STR, STA|DEX, CHA, CON|STR, STA, CHA|HIT, INT, CHA | \n|**Leatherworker** |AGI, CON, STR |AGI, STA, CON ||WIS, STA. STR |DEX, CON, AGI|DEX, STR, AGI|STR, WIS, DEX|HIT, INT, WIS | \n|**Armorsmithing - Plate**|AGI, CON, DEX |AGI, STA, CON ||WIS, STA, STR |DEX, STR, HIT|DEX, STR, CON|STR, WIS, STA|HIT, INT, MANA | \n|**Armorsmithing - Chain** |AGI, CON, DEX |AGI, STA, CON ||WIS, STA, STR |DEX, STR, HIT|DEX, STR, CON|STR, WIS, STA|HIT, INT, MANA | \n\n\n____\n\n\n\n## TAILORING (Cloth)\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | | | |\n| :---- | :---- | :---- |:---- |:-|:-- |:--- |:---- |:---- |:---- |\n| **Skill 1** | **Set** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eBurlap** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n|**Skill 18** | | | | | | | | | | \n| |**Manathread** | ? | MANA | | ? | MANA | ? | ? | ? | \n| |**Noble** | ? | ? | | CHA | CHA | ? | CHA | ? |\n| |**Quickfoot** | AGI | ? | | ? | AGI | ? | ? | ? | \n| |**Student** | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | INT | ? | \n| |**Thinking** | ? | ? | | ? | ? | ? | ? | INT | \n|**Skill 36** | | | | | | | | | | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eCotton** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Channeler** | ? | MANA | | CHA | DEX | DEX | CHA | ? | \n| |**Scholar** | AGI | AGI | | INT | ? | CHA | STA | ? | \n| |**Sage** | CON | AGI | | WIS | ? | CON | STR | CHA |\n| | | | | | | | | | |\n|**Skill 66** | |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n||**Primary Stats** |**AGI, CON, ENDU** |**AGI, ENDU, MANA**||**WIS, INT, CHA** |**DEX, STR, STA**|**DEX, CHA, CON**|**STR, STA, CHA**|**HIT, INT, CHA** | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eGossamer**| - | - || - | - | - | - | - |\n| |**Divener** |**CON** / STR |**ENDU** / STR ||**WIS** / STR |**CHA** / STR |**CON** / STR |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / STA |**CHA** / STR | \n| |**Entrancer** |**ENDU** / STA |**MANA** / STA ||**CHA** / STA |**DEX** / STA |**DEX** / STA |**CHA** / STA |**WIS** / STA | \n| |**Erudite** |**AGI** / MANA |**AGI** / MANA ||**INT** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**CHA** / MANA|**STA** / MANA|**INT** / MANA| \n| |**Illusionist** |**EDNU** / MANA|**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / MANA ||**CHA** / MANA|**DEX** / MANA|**DEX** / MANA|**CHA** / MANA|**WIS** / MANA | \n| |**Incantation** |**ENDU** / STR |**MANA** / STR ||**CHA** / STR |**DEX** / STR |**DEX** / STR |**CHA** / STR |**WIS** / STR | \n| |**Percipience** |**CON** / STA |**ENDU** / MANA||**WIS** / MANA|**CHA** / MANA|**CON** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**CHA** / MANA| \n| |**Philosopher** |**CON** / AGI |**ENDU** / AGI ||**WIS** / AGI |**CHA** / AGI |**CON** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**CHA** / AGI | \n| |**Polymath** |**AGI** /STR |**AGI** / STR ||**INT** / STR |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / STR |**CHA** / STR |**STA** / STR |**INT** / STR | \n| |**Prestidigitator**|**AGI** / STA |**AGI** / STA ||**INT** / STA |**STR** / STA |**CHA** / STA |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / STA |**INT** / STA | \n| |**Proficient** |**CON** / STA |**ENDU** / AGI ||**WIS** / STA |**CHA** / STA |**CON** / STA |**STR** / STA |**CHA** / STA | \n| |**Spellbinder** |**ENDU** / AGI |**MANA** / AGI ||**CHA** /AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**CHA** / AGI |**WIS** / AGI | \n| |**Thaumaturge** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI ||**INT** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**CHA** / AGI |**STA** / AGI |**INT** / AGI | \n|Skill 99? |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eLinen** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| | | | || | | | | | \n\n#\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n**REQUIRED MATS** (soon)\n____\n\n\n## TAILORING (Cloth - Monk)\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | | | | \n| :---- | :---- | :---- |:---- |:-|:-- |:---- |:---- |:---- |:---- | \n| **Skill 1** | **Set** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eBurlap** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n|**Skill 18** | | | | | | | | | | \n| |**Disciple** | AGI | STA | | CON | DEX | DEX | CON | HIT | \n| |**Wanderer** | ? | ? | | ? | STR | STR | ? | ? | \n|**Skill 36** | | | | | | | | | | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eCotton** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Adept** | AGI | AGI | | ? | STR | ? | CON | HIT | \n| |**Seeker** | ? | CON | | STA | DEX | ? | ? | HP | \n| | | | | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 66** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n| |**Primary Stats**|**AGI, DEX**|**AGI, CON**||**CON, STA** |**DEX, STR** |**DEX, STR** |**STA, CON**|**HIT, HP**| \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eGossamer**| - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Black Lotus** |**DEX** / HP |**CON** / HP ||**STA** / HP |**DEX** / HP |**DEX** / HP |**CON** / HP |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HP | \n| |**Earthbreaker** |**DEX** / CON |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON ||**STA** / CON|**DEX** / CON|**DEX** / CON|**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON |**HP** / CON |\n| |**Landstrider** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI ||**CON** / AGI|**STR** / AGI|**STR** / AGI |**STA** / AGI|**HIT** / AGI| \n| |**Monastic** |**AGI** / HIT |**AGI** / HIT||**CON** / HIT|**STR** / HIT|**DEX** / HIT |**STA** / HIT|**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT | \n| |**Pugilist** |**DEX** / HIT |**CON** / HIT||**STA** / HIT|**DEX** / HIT|**DEX** / HIT|**CON** / HIT|**HP** / HIT | \n| |**Traveler** |**AGI** / CON |**AGI** / CON||**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON |**STR** / CON|**STA** / CON |**HIT** / CON| \n| |**White Lotus** |**AGI** / HP |**AGI** / HP ||**CON** / HP |**STR** / HP |**STR** / HP |**STA** / HP |**HIT** / HP | \n| |**Windwalker** |**DEX** / AGI |**CON** / AGI||**STA** / AGI|**DEX** / AGI|**DEX** / AGI|**CON** / AGI|**HP** / AGI | \n|Skill 99? |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eLinen** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| | | | || | | | | | \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n#\n\n**REQUIRED MATS** (soon)\n\n_____\n\n## LEATHERWORKER\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | | | | \n| :---- | :---- | :---- |:---- |:-|:-- |:---- |:---- |:---- |:---- | \n|**Skill 1** | **Set** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eTattered** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n|**Skill 18**| | | | | | | | | | \n| |**Initiate** |HP |MANA | | ENDU | HIT | ENDU | AGI | WIS | \n| |**Skulker** |STA | ? | | CON | DEX | AGI | ENDU | ENDU | \n| |**Woodsman** |AGI |AGI | | STR | STR | DEX | STA | HIT | \n|**Skill 36**| | | | | | | | | | \n||**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eCured**| - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Agent** | STR | ? | | STA | DEX | DEX | DEX | INT |\n| |**Explorer** | CON | AGI | | WIS | AGI | CON | WIS | ? | \n| |**Sellsword** | AGI | STA | | ? | STR | STA | STR | HIT | \n| | | | | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 66**| | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n| |**Primary Stats**|**AGI, CON, STR**|**AGI, STA, CON**||**WIS, STA, STR**|**DEX, CON, AGI**|**DEX, STR, AGI**|**STR, WIS, DEX**|**HIT, INT, WIS**|\n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eThick**| -| - || - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Enforcer** |**STR** / DEX |**CON** / DEX ||**STA** / DEX |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / DEX |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / DEX |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / DEX |**INT** / DEX | \n| |**Forestwalker** |**AGI** /MANA |**STA** / MANA||**STR** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**STA** / MANA |**STR** / MANA |**HIT** / MANA| \n| |**Hunters** |**AGI** / CON |**STA** / CON ||**STR** / CON |**STR** / CON |**STA** / CON |**STR** / CON |**HIT** / CON | \n| |**Lookout** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON |**AGI** / CON ||**WIS** / CON |**AGI** / CON |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON |**WIS** / CON |**WIS** / CON | \n| |**Naturalist** |**CON** / MANA|**AGI** / MANA||**WIS** / MANA|**AGI** / MANA|**CON** / MANA|**WIS** / MANA|**WIS** / MANA| \n| |**Observer** |**STR** / MANA|**CON** / MANA||**STA** / MANA |**DEX** / MANA |**DEX** / MANA |**DEX** / MANA|**INT** / MANA| \n| |**Quickblade** |**STR** / CON |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / CON ||**STA** / CON|**DEX** / CON |**DEX** / CON |**DEX** / CON |**INT** / CON | \n| |**Outrider** |**AGI** / DEX |**STA** / DEX ||**STR** / DEX |**STR** / DEX |**STA** / DEX |**STR** / DEX |**HIT** / DEX | \n| |**Scout** |**CON** / DEX |**AGI** / DEX ||**WIS** / DEX |**AGI** / DEX |**CON** / DEX |**WIS** / DEX |**WIS** / DEX | \n| |**Sentinel** |**STR** / HIT |**CON** / HIT ||**STA** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**INT** / HIT | \n| |**Stalkers** |**AGI** / HIT |**STA** / HIT ||**STR** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**STA** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT | \n| |**Tracker** |**CON** / HIT |**AGI** / HIT ||**WIS** / HIT |**AGI** / HIT |**CON** /HIT |**WIS** / HIT |**WIS** / HIT | \n|Skill 99? |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eHardened Leather** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n**REQUIRED MATS** (soon)\n____\n\n## ARMORSMITHING\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n\n\n| | | | | | | | | | | \n| :---- | :---- | :---- |:---- |:-|:---- |:---- |:---- |:---- | :---- | \n|**Skill** | **Set** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n|**Skill 1** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSPLINTTED LEATHER** | | | | | | | | |\n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eAsherium** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Heavy Scaled** | ? | ? | | STA | STR | ? | CON | ENDU | \n|**Skill 18**| | | | | | | | | |\n| |**Acolyte** | ? | STA | | WIS | DEX | CON | WIS | MANA | \n| |**Brigandine** | HP | AGI | | STR | DEX | STR | ENDU | HIT | \n| |**Heavy** | ? | ? | | STA | ? | ? | ? | ? | \n| |**Mercenary** | ? | AGI | | STR | ? | ? | STR | ? | \n|**Skill 36**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLIGHT CHAIN** | | | | | | | | |\n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eAshen Bronze** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Explorer** | CON | AGI | | WIS | AGI | CON | WIS | WIS | \n| |**Guardian** | CON | CON | | STA | HIT | STR | STA | HIT | \n| | | | | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 60**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLIGHT PLATE** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSabatons** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGreaves** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eBreastplate** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGauntlets** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eVambraces** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSpaulders** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHelm** | \n| |**Primary Stats**|**AGI, CON, DEX**|**AGI, STA, CON**||**WIS, STA, STR**|**DEX, STR, HIT**|**DEX, STR, CON**|**STR, WIS, STA**|**HIT, INT, MANA**| \n| |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eIron** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n| |**Adjutant** |**AGI** / HIT |**AGI** / HIT ||**STR** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**INT** / HIT |\n| |**Battlepriest** |**CON** / MANA|**CON** / MANA||**STA** / MANA |**HIT** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**STA** / MANA|**HIT** / MANA | \n| |**Crusader** |**AGI** / HP |**AGI** / HP ||**STR** / HP |**STR** / HP |**DEX** / HP |**STR** / HP |**INT** / HP | \n| |**Deacon** |**DEX** / ENDU|**STA** / ENDU||**WIS** / ENDU |**DEX** / ENDU|**CON** / ENDU|**WIS** / ENDU|**MANA** / ENDU| \n| |**Defender** |**CON** / AGI |**CON** / AGI ||**STA** / AGI |**HIT** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**STA** / AGI |**HIT** / AGI |\n| |**Enforcer** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI ||**STR** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**INT** / AGI | \n| |**Expeditionary**|**AGI** / ENDU|**AGI** / ENDU||**STR** / ENDU |**STR** / END |**DEX** / ENDU|**STR** / ENDU|**INT** / ENDU | \n| |**Guardian** |**CON** / HP |**CON** / HP ||**STA** / HP |**HIT** / HP |**STR** / HP |**STA** / HP |**HIT** / HP | \n| |**Mender** |**DEX** / HP |**STA** / HP ||**WIS** / HP |**DEX** / HP |**CON** / HP |**WIS** / HP |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HP |\n| |**Stealwart** |**CON** / ENDU|**CON** / ENDU||**STA** / ENDU |**STA** / ENDU|**STR** / ENDU|**STA** / ENDU|**HIT** / ENDU | \n| |**Temple** |**DEX** / AGI |**STA** / AGI ||**WIS** / AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**CON** / AGI |**WIS** / AGI |**MANA** / AGI | \n| |**Vanguard** |**CON** / HIT |**CON** / HIT ||**STA** / HIT |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**STA** / HIT |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT | \n| |**Vicar** |**DEX** / HIT|**STA** / HIT ||**WIS** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**CON** / HIT |**WIS** / HIT |**MANA** / HIT | \n| | | | || | | | | | \n|**Skill 66**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHEAVY CHAIN**| **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eBoots** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLeggings** | | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eCoat** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGauntlets** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eBracers** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003ePauldrons** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eCoif** | \n| |**Adjutant** |**AGI** / HIT |**AGI** / HIT ||**STR** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**INT** / HIT |\n| |**Battlepriest** |**CON** / MANA|**CON** / MANA||**STA** / MANA|**HIT** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**STA** / MANA|**HIT** / MANA | \n| |**Crusader** |**AGI** / MANA|**AGI** / MANA||**STR** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**DEX** / MANA|**STR** / MANA|**INT** / MANA | \n| |**Deacon** |**DEX** / ENDU|**STA** / ENDU||**WIS** / ENDU|**DEX** / ENDU|**CON** / ENDU|**WIS** / ENDU|**MANA** / ENDU| \n| |**Defenders** |**CON** / AGI |**CON** / AGI ||**STA** / AGI |**HIT** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**STA** / AGI |**HIT** / AGI |\n| |**Enforcer** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / AGI ||**STR** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**STR** / AGI |**INT** / AGI | \n| |**Expeditionary** |**AGI** / ENDU|**AGI** / ENDU||**STR** / ENDU|**STR** / ENDU|**DEX** / ENDU|**STR** / ENDU|**INT** / ENDU | \n| |**Mender** |**WIS** / MANA|**STA** / MANA||**WIS** / MANA|**DEX** / MANA|**CON** / MANA|**WIS** / MANA|**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / MANA | \n| |**Stealwart** |**CON** / ENDU|**CON** / ENDU||**STA** / ENDU|**HIT** / ENDU|**STR** / ENDU|**STA** / ENDU|**HIT** / ENDU | \n| |**Temple** |**DEX** / AGI |**STA** / AGI ||**WIS** / AGI |**DEX** / AGI |**CON** / AGI |**WIS** / AGI |**MANA** / AGI | \n| |**Vanguard** |**CON** / HIT |**CON** / HIT ||**STA** / HIT |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT |**STR** / HIT |**STA** / HIT |**\u003cspan style=\"color:yellow\"\u003e?** / HIT | \n| |**Vicar** |**DEX** / HIT |**STA** / HIT ||**WIS** / HIT |**DEX** / HIT |**CON** / HIT |**WIS** / HIT |**MANA** / HIT | \n|Skill 99? |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eSteel** | - | - | | - | - | - | - | - | \n||| **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFeet**| **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLegs** || **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eChest** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHands** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eWrists** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShoulder** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHead** | \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n**REQUIRED MATS** (soon)\n_____\n\n## WEAPONSMITHING\n\nWeaponsmithing has for each set only specific weapon types! In other words each set doesn't have Schematics for every weapon! And some might still missing in the list.\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \n| :---- | :-- | :-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |\n|**Skill**|**Set** |**Stats** | **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eKnuckles**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eDagger**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHammer**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eAxe**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSpear**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMace**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSword**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003ePike**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMaul** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003ePolearm** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGreatsword**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGreataxe** |\n| | | |1H |1H |1H |1H |1H |1H |1H |2H |2H | 2H |2H GS |2H | \n|**Skill 1** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eAsherium**|-|Knuckles|Dagger|Hammer|Axe|Spear|Mace|Sword|Pike|Maul|Polearm|Greatsword|Greataxe| | \n| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 12**|**Stalker** |HIT |- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Brawler** |STR |Knuckles| | | | | | | | | | | | \n| |**Brute** |STR |- |- |- |- |- |Mace |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Foreman** |STA |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Guardsman** |STR | |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Greatsword |- | \n| |**Heavy** |WIS |- |- |Hammer |- |- |Mace |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Hunter** |DEX |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Pike |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Reaver** | |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Great Axe| \n| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 36**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eAshen Bronze**| -|Knuckles|Dagger|Hammer|Axe|Spear|Mace|Sword|Pike|Maul|Polearm|Greatsword|Greataxe| | | \n| |**Footman** | STR |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Pike|- |- |- |- | \n| |**Foreman** | STA |- |- |- |- |- |Mace |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Heavy** | WIS |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Maul |- |- |- |- \n| |**Hunting** | WIS |- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Light** | DEX |- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Long Hunting** | WIS |- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Scout** | AGI |- |Dagger |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Scout** | DEX |- | |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |\n|**Skill 66**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eIron**|-|Knuckles|Dagger|Hammer|Axe|Spear|Mace|Sword|Pike|Maul|Polearm|Greatsword|Greataxe| \n| |**Adept** |**AGI** / HIT|Knuckles |- |- |- |- |- |Sword|- |- |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Arena** |**STR** / CON|Knuckles |Dagger|- |- |Spear|- |Sword|- |- |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Battle Sage** |**STR** / INT|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Pike|Maul |Polearm |- |- | \n| |**Battledance** |**STA** / CHA|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Maul |Polearm |- |- | \n| |**Battlepriest** |**WIS** / AGI|- |- |Hammer|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |\n| |**Battlesong** |**DEX** / CHA|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |- |Pike|- |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Captain** |**DEX** / STA|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |Sword|- |- |Polearm |Greatsword|- |\n| |**Champion** |**STR** / STA|- |- |- |Axe |- |Mace|- |- |- |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Combatant** |**STR** / DEX|Knuckles |- |Hammer|- |- |- |- |- |Maul |Polearm |- |- |\n| |**Defender** |**STA** / HIT|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |\n| |**Earthcaller** |**INT** / STA|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Enchanter** |**INT** / CHA|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Gladiator** |**CON** / HIT|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Polearm |- |- | \n| |**Keen** |**CON** / INT|- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |- |Greataxe |\n| |**Light** |**STR** / AGI|- |- |- |Axe |- |Mace|- |- |- | - |- |- | \n| |**Myrmidon** |**STR** / HIT|Knuckles |Dagger|Hammer|Axe |Spear|Mace|Sword|Pike|Maul | - |Greatsword|Greataxe | \n| |**Outrider** |**AGI** / STR|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |Sword |- |- |- |- |- |\n| |**Seer** |**WIS** / HIT|- |- |- |- |- |Mace|- |Pike|Maul |- |- |- |\n| |**Shadower** |**DEX** / HIT|- |Dagger|- |- |Spear|- |Sword |- |- |- |Greatsword|- |\n| |**Skirmish** |**DEX** / CON|- |Dagger|- |- |Spear|- |- |- |- |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Skycaller** |**INT** / HIT|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |\n| |**Soulcaller** |**WIS** / STA|- |- |- |- |- |Mace|- |Pike|- |- |- |- | \n| |**Spiritcaller** |**DEX** / WIS|- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |- |Maul |- |- |- |\n| |**Spiritist** |**WIS** / CHA|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |Maul |- |- | - |\n| |**Strategist** |**WIS** / STA|- |- |- |- |Spear|- |- |Pike|Maul?|- |- |- |\n| |**Sturdy Mage** |**CON** / INT|- |Dagger|- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |\n| |**Survivor** |**AGI** / CON|Knuckles |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | |\n| |**Thunderous** |**STR** / CHA|- |Dagger|- |Axe |- |- |Sword |Pike|Maul |- |Greatsword|- | \n| |**Tactician** |**STA** / INT|- |- |Hammer |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n| |**Windsong** |**AGI** / CHA|Knuckles |Dagger|- |- |- |- |Sword |- |- |- |Greatsword|- |\n| |**Windstrike** |**AGI** / DEX|Knuckles |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- |- | \n|Skill 99?|**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eSteel**|-|Knuckles|Dagger|Hammer|Axe|Spear|Mace|Sword|Pike|Maul|Polearm|Greatsword|Greataxe| \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n#\n\nSome Weaponsmithing schematics of the same weapon type can have different name labels. Here is a list with a few of them: \n\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eKnuckles**: Cestus, Battle Gloves\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eDaggers**: Shortblades, Combat Knifes, Hunting Knifes, Dirk, Poniard\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eHammer**: Battle Hammer, War Hammer, Mallet\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eAxe**: Battle Axe, Battle Mace\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSpear**: Javelin, Shortspear, Battle Spear, Leaveblade\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMace**: Scepter, Mallet\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eSword**: Battleblade\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003ePike**: Hunting Spear, Lance\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMaul**: Battle Maul, Greathammer, Greatmaul, Crusher\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003ePolearm**: Glaive, Halberd, Bardiche, Poleaxe\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGreatsword**: Montet, Greatblade, Zweihander, Claymore\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eGreataxe**:\n\n_____\n\n\n## FLETCHING\n\nFletching has same as for Weaponsmithing for each set only specific weapon types! Some weopons might not be listed yet!\n\n\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgrey\"\u003e\n\n| | | | | | | | |\n| :---- | :-- | :-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |:-- |\n|**Skill**|**Set** | **Stats** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eCudgel** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFighting Staff**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMage Staff**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShortbow**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLongbow** \n|**Skill 1**|**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eMaple**|-| Cudgel |Fighting Staff|Mage Staff|Shortbow|Longbow \n| | | | | | | | \n|**Skill 12** | | | | | | | \n| |**Watchguard** | DEX | Cudgel |- |- |- |- \n| |**Tracker** | AGI |- |- |- |Shortbow|- \n|**Skill 18** | | | | | | | \n| |**Hunter** | DEX |- |- |- |- |Longbow \n| |**Apprentice** | INT |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n|**Skill 36** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eAsh**|-| Cudgel |Fighting Staff|Mage Staff|Shortbow|Longbow \n| |**Earth** | STA |- |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n| |**Healer** | WIS | | |Mage Staff| | \n| |**Mountain** | STR |- |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n| |**Scout** | AGI |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Seeker** | AGI |- |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n| |**Skirmish** | AGI |- |- |- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Solid** | CON |Cudgel |- |- |- |- \n| |**Sorceror** | INT |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Striker** | DEX |- |- |- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Wind** | AGI |- |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n|**Skill 66** |**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eCedar**|-| Cudgel |Fighting Staff|Mage Staff|Shortbow|Longbow \n| |**Adept** |**AGI** / HIT|- |Fighting Staff|- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Battledance** |**STA** / CHA|- |Fighting Staff|- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Battlesong** |**WIS** / MANA|Cudgel |- |Mage Staff|Shortbow|- \n| |**Battlepriest**|**STR** / MANA|Cudgel |- |- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Blessed** |**WIS** / MANA|Cudgel |- |Mage Staff|Shortbow|- \n| |**Channeler** |**INT** / MANA|- |- |- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Defenders** |**STA** / HIT |- |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n| |**Enchanter** |**INT** / CHA |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Hermit** |**CON** / CHA |Cudgel |Fighting Staff|- |- |- \n| |**Myrmidon** |**STR** / HIT |Cudgel |- |- |- |- \n| |**Runic** |**CON** / MANA|Crugel |- |- |- |- \n| |**Seer** |**WIS** / HIT |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Shadower** |**DEX** / HIT |Cudgel |- |- |Shortbow|Longbow \n| |**Skycaller** |**INT** / HIT |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Spiritist** |**WIS** / CHA |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Sturdy** |**DEX** / STR |- |- |- |Shortbow|Longbow \n| |**Thunderous** |**STR** / CHA |- |- |Mage Staff|- |- \n| |**Windshot** |**AGI** / STR |- |- |- |Shortbow|- \n| |**Windsong** |**AGI** / CHA |- |- |Mage Staff|Shortbow|Longbow \n|Skill 99?|**\u003cspan style=\"color:grey\"\u003eOak**|-| Cudgel |Fighting Staff|Mage Staff|Shortbow|Longbow \n\n\u003c/span\u003e\n\n#\n\nSome Fletching schematics of the same weapon type can have different name labels. Here is a list with a few of them: WIP\n\n- 1H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eCudgel**: Truncheon, Club\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eFighting Staff**: Bo Staff, Quarterstaff\n- 2H **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eMage Staff**: Long Staff \n- **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eLongbow**\n- **\u003cspan style=\"color:lightgreen\"\u003eShortbow**\n\n____\n\n## Disclaimer \u0026 Credits\n\n\"Errare humanum est\"- to err is human, so please consider always there might be mistakes in the overview. Feel free to double check or to leave a note if you see an error in the matrix^\n\nThis overview is based on the amazing work of many people who also farmed, created and shared their profession spreadsheets and also by those who shared their schematics here in the comments and in different community channels and ingame.\n"
Schematic Matrix for Armor & Weapon Sets
Comprehensive overview of all uncommon schematic set items (WIP)