"## How Crafting Works (Build 0.15.648)\n### Executive Summary\nCrafting an item requires 2 seperate steps and each step requires its own schematic\n1) Make the base item (in-game called a basis)\n2) Assemble the final item\n\nFor Tiers 1, 2 and 3 you can purchase the basis schematic and assembly schematics from NPC vendors.\n\nFor Tiers 2 and 3 you can purchase \"basic\" basis and assembly schematics from NPC vendors however these basic schematics produce items with no additional stats like STR, or DEX or INT they just have AC on them.\n\nFor Tier 2 and 3 you can purchase additional basis schematics from the Ravens Company vendor in Demith but you can NOT purchase the associated assembly schematics. These additional schematics create much better items as they can have stats on them like STR, DEX and INT making them quite powerful.\n\nThe Assembly schematics required to make the more powerful armours must be found out in the world when exploring, you can not use the NPC vendor purchased ones. These scheamtics require manadatory use of SPECIFIC Dust and Runes of the same type to make, you can not put any old Dust+Rune onto the gear you want, you MUST find the EXACT schematic to get the EXACT stats you want.\n\nThe armour is grouped into sets. However the sets always have a wide distribution of stats (I.E. There is no STR set, no WIS set, no DEX set) so to get the best gear you have to mix and match from different sets to get what you want. In addition to the wide distribution of stats whilst one set may be primarily Plate it will have also have some Chain in it and vice-versa.\n\n### Key Dust Information\nClick this lin to see [Dust Name To Stat Names](https://shalazam.info/guides/7-crafting#dust-names-to-stats)\n\nClick this link to see [Dust Per Weapon Slot](https://shalazam.info/guides/7-crafting#dust-per-weapon-type)\n\nClick this link to see [Dust Per Equipment Slot](https://shalazam.info/guides/7-crafting#dust-per-armour-type)\n\nClick this link to see [Item Collection of Dusts](/item_collections/8)\n\n## Armoursmithing Tier 1 Asherium (Chain Only)\n### Tier 1 Basic Items\nThese items are very basic, they have only AC on them, no stats such as STR, DEX or INT.\n| Schematic Names (Basis + Assembly) | Stat | Value | Dust | Rune |\n| ---------------------------------- | ---- | ----- | ---- | ---- | \n| Novice Splinted Leather Legging Basis + Crude Splinted Leggings | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |\n| Novice Splinted Leather Healm Basis + Crude Splinted Helm | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |\n\n### Tier 1 Brigandine Variant\n| Schematic Names (Basis + Assembly) | Stat | Value | Dust | Rune |\n| ------------------------------------ | ---- | ----- | ---- | ---- |\n| Novice Splinted Leather Tunic Basis + Brigandine Body | STR | +1 | Might | N/A |\n| Novice Splinted Leather Legging Basis + Brigandine Legs | AGI | +1 | Fleetness | N/A |\n\n\n## Armoursmithing Tier 2 Ashenbronze (Chain Only)\n### Tier 2 Basic Items\nThese items are very basic, they have only AC on them, no stats such as STR, DEX or INT.\n\n### Tier 2 Infused Varients\n| Variant Name | Type | Collection |\n| ---- | ---- | ---------- |\n| Mercenary | Chain | [Mercenary's Ashenbronze Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/118-t2-common-mercenary-s-ashebronze-chain-armour-set) |\n| Acolyte | Chain | [Acolyte's Ashenbronze Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/119-t2-common-acolyte-s-ashenbronze-chain-armour-set) |\n| Guardians | Chain | [Guardian's Ashenbronze Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/132-t2-uncommon-guardian-s-ashen-bronze-chain-armor-set) |\n\n## Armoursmithing Tier 3 Iron (Chain, Heavy Chain And Plate)\nThings start to get a little more complicated now. Iron has three varients, Iron, Black Iron and Blood Iron. You can re-use the schematics for Iron (Skill 60+) with all variants of Iron you just need to use Black Iron Bars or Blood Iron bars instead of regular Iron Bars to make all the things you need for your craft.\n\n### Tier 3 Basic Items\nThese items are very basic, they have only AC on them, no stats such as STR, DEX or INT.\n\n### Tier 3 Runed Variants\n| Variant Name | Type | Iron Collection | Black Iron Collection | Blood Iron Collection |\n| ------------- | ---- | --------------- | --------------------- | ---------- |\n| Adjutant's | Plate | [Adjutant's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/123-t3-uncommon-adjutant-s-iron-armor-set) | [Adjutant's Black Iron Armor Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/133-t3-uncommon-adjutant-s-black-iron-armour-set) | [Adjutant's Blood Iron Armor Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/133-t3-uncommon-adjutant-s-blood-iron-armour-set) |\n| Deacon's | Plate | [Deacon's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/124-t3-uncommon-deacon-s-iron-armor-set/) | [Deacon's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/135-t3-uncommon-deacon-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Deacon's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/136-t3-uncommon-deacon-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Enforcer's | Plate | [Enforcer's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/125-t3-uncommon-enforcer-s-iron-armor-set) | [Enforcer's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/137-t3-uncommon-enforcer-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Enforcer's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/138-t3-uncommon-enforcer-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Expeditionary's | Chain | [Expeditionary's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/126-t3-uncommon-expeditionary-s-iron-armor-set) | [Expeditionary's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/139-t3-uncommon-expeditionary-s-black-iron-armor-sett) | [Expeditionary's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/140-t3-uncommon-expeditionary-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Guardian's | Chain | [Guardian's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/157-t3-uncommon-guardian-s-iron-armour-set) | [Guardian's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/158-t3-uncommon-guardian-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Guardian's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/159-t3-uncommon-guardian-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Mender's | Plate | [Mender's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/127-t3-uncommon-mender-s-iron-armor-set) | [Mender's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/141-t3-uncommon-mender-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Mender's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/142-t3-uncommon-mender-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Stalwart's | Plate | [Stalwart's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/128-t3-uncommon-stalwart-s-iron-armor-set) | [Stalwart's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/143-t3-uncommon-stalwart-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Stalwart's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/144-t3-uncommon-stalwart-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Temple | Plate | [Temple Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/129-t3-uncommon-temple-iron-armor-set) | [Temple Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/146-t3-uncommon-temple-black-iron-armor-set) | [Temple Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/145-t3-uncommon-temple-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Vanguard's | Chain | [Vanguard's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/130-t3-uncommon-vanguard-s-iron-armor-set) | [Vanguard's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/147-t3-uncommon-vanguard-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Vanguard's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/148-t3-uncommon-vanguard-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n| Vicar's | Plate | [Vicar's Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/131-t3-uncommon-vicar-s-iron-armor-set) | [Vicar's Black Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/150-t3-uncommon-vicar-s-black-iron-armor-set) | [Vicar's Blood Iron Armour Set](https://shalazam.info/item_collections/149-t3-uncommon-vicar-s-blood-iron-armor-set) |\n\n## Armourcrafting Tier 4 ? Steel ? (Chain, ? Heavy Chain ? , Plate and ? Heavy Plate ? )\nThese require 1 * Damaged Rune and 2 * Dust per component.\n\n### Tier 4 Basic Items\nCOMING SOON, NOT IN GAME YET?\n\n### Tier 4 Rune Enhanced Variation\nCOMING SOON, NOT IN GAME YET?\n\n\n## Dusts\n\n### Dust Names To Stats\n| Dust Name | Stat | Dust Name | Stat | Dust Name | Stat |\n| --------- | ---- | --------- | ---- | --------- | ---- |\n| Fleetness | AGI | Health | HP | Magic | MP |\n| Might | STR | Precision | Hit Rating | Resilience | CON | \n| Vitality | STA| Tireless | Endurance | Prowess | DEX | \n| Insight | WIS | Acuity | INT | Eloquence | CHR |\n\n### Dust per Weapon Type\n\n| Item | Fleetness | Health | Magic | Might | Precision | Resilience | Vitality | Tireless | Prowess | Insight | Acuity | Eloquence |\n|---------------|-----------|--------|-------|-------|-----------|------------|----------|----------|---------|---------|--------| --------- |\n| Axe | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n| Dagger | Y | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | Y | - | Y | - |\n| Great Axe | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n| Great Sword | Y | - | - | Y | Y | - | - | - | Y | - | - | - |\n| Hammer | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | Y | - | - |\n| Knuckles | Y | - | - | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n| Mace | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | Y | - | - |\n| Maul | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | Y | - | - | Y | - | - |\n| Pike | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | Y | Y | - | - |\n| PoleAxe | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - | - |\n\n\n### Dust Per Chain Armour Type\n| Item | Fleetness | Health | Magic | Might | Precision | Resilience | Vitality | Tireless | Prowess | Insight | Acuity | Eloquence |\n|---------------|-----------|--------|-------|-------|-----------|------------|----------|----------|---------|---------|--------| --------- |\n| Head | - | - | Y | - | Y | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | Y |\n| Shoulders | - | - | - | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - | Y | Y |\n| Body | - | Y | Y | - | - | Y | - | - | Y | - | - | - |\n| Gloves | - | - | - | Y | - | - | - | - | - | Y | - | - |\n| Bracers | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n| Legs | - | - | - | - | - | Y | Y | Y | - | - | - | - |\n| Boots | Y | - | - | Y | - | - | - | Y | - | - | - | - |\n| Back | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n| Belt | Y | Y | - | Y | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |\n\n\u003c!-- Tip: copy into http://markdowntable.com and edit there, use Format Table often --\u003e\n\n"