**Please observe these simple rules when posting comments.**
* post in English
* keep it relevant and to the point - Shalazam comments are not intended to replace Discord or forums ;)
* be nice. be polite. absolutely no personal attacks, crude language, harrassment, insults, abuse, obscenity, racism, sexism, or any discrimination. just don't be a jerk.
We reserve the right to remove any comment without notice which is not in keeping with the above rules. We may remove commenting privileges for repeated offenses.
Comments will be identified by your Discord username and avatar which you log into Shalazam with. You must be logged in to post comments.
**Your first few comments may be put into a moderation queue**; once you're a regular poster with some approved comments, you will be able to post without further moderation.
**Comments can nest replies up to 2 levels deep.** This limitation is applied to try and keep the comment system manageable. If you're finding the need to keep nesting replies deeper than this then maybe the discussion is better on Discord.
**Comments can be edited for up to 10 minutes after posting**; after that it's best to start a new reply with any updates.
## bbcode
**Comments support a limited set of bbcode**; the supported tags are `[b]`, `[i]`, `[s]`, `[u]`, `[color]`, `[quote]`, `[url]`, and `[spoiler]`.
Here's a quick example of what they look like and the raw comment used:
![Shalazam bbcode example](https://i.imgur.com/5RAL64z.png)
I can use [b]bold![/b], [i]italic[/i], [s]strikethrough[/s], [u]underline[/u].
This is [color=red]red[/color], [color=green]green[/color], etc.
I can link to [url=https://www.google.com]Google[/url]
Wrap spoilers in [spoiler]: [spoiler]this is some hidden spoiler text[/spoiler]
### Limitations
Please note there's currently a limitation on the URL parser which means more complicated things like this might not work (it gets confused over the nested []). :
[url=https://shalazam.info/maps/1?pin_loc[x]=4418&pin_loc[y]=4731]link to map pin[/url]
For now, as a workaround, use URL shorteners:
[url=https://tinyurl.com/y54deunz]link to map pin[/url]