Medium Cedar Box Frame
Medium Cedar Box Frame
The frame for a medium-sized storage box.
Weight: 7.6
This item comes from a carpentry recipe: Medium Cedar Box Frame [requires 63 carpentry]
Mats required to produce 1x Medium Cedar Box Frame:
4x Cedar Lumber [requires 63 woodworking]
- 12x Cedar Log
4x Alchemical Flux
2x Rock Salt
- OR 4x Chunk of Padrium Ore
4x Iron Nails [requires 63 blacksmithing]
4x Iron Bar [requires 63 smelting]
16x Lump of Iron
- OR 32x Chunk of Padrium Ore
This was last updated for patch 0.14.360 (5 months old)
The current patch is 0.15.338 (8 days old)
This item is used in 3 crafting recipes
- Cedar Large Storage Chest (Carpentry)
- Cedar Medium Storage Chest (Carpentry)
- Cedar Simple Storage Chest (Carpentry)
- Created
- Updated
July 7, 2024