Thinning the Ranks
So, you’re the one young Tandy confessed to me about? I can’t decide if your actions were noble or not, supposed that is between you and Na’dor. He is the ‘Judge of All’.
What I can say is that our noble valley is… in need of mercenary services. In particular I am looking for fighters able to strike a blow for my troops – and myself, if I’m honest. The Gadai ranks are swelling in part because their date with justice is so long in coming. I don’t have the… quality of soldier to do much more than hold the line here at this wayfort. Yet what I lack in personnel I may make up in tactics.
I want you to raid their camp just below the ridgeline and take out a number of them, it’ll give the ole rotted tree a good shaking.
Return to me after you’ve struck a blow for justice, and I will have your compensation.