
Map Fragments


Now, that’s a find if I’ve ever seen one! A map among the odds and ends who’d have thought it.

[Dorion takes the map fragment delicately, examining it with a mixture of fascination and delight.]

But it seems you’ve stumbled upon a puzzle piece, a tiny fragment of a larger tale. Oh, yes, there’s more to this story than meets the eye here.

[The corners of his mouth curl into a playful grin.]

If there’s a piece, then surely there must be more. Please, bring them to me.


How can I start this quest?

- The "Torn Map Fragment" can drop from any Supply Crates (not Ration Crates or Treasure Chests) in Thronefast. It's not the "Dusty map".

- Bring this torn map fragment to Dorion (Treasure Hunter) in Availia and start the "Map Fragment" quest.

- To get the quest from Dorion started you need to complete first his "Scavenger's Path" quest. However you don't need this quest to find and loot the Torn Map Fragment!

Where can I find all the other map fragments?

  • Ground floor spawn inside the left building in Manor.
  • Ground spawn on the balcony of the Tavern in Demith village
  • From looting Drog in TF
  • From looting Jorryn in AVP

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Quest Starter

Quest Hand-in


  • Give the scavenger the map fragment
  • Find the second map fragment
  • Find the third map fragment
  • Find the fourth map fragment
  • Find the fifth map fragment


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