
Restoring the Past, Pt 1

Required Skill
18 Jewelcrafting


Do you see this necklace? This is… or was.. the Seal of Adlair. The House of Adlair was one of the great noble lines of Havensong, sadly extinguished in the war against the Betrayer. They say the last scion of House Adlair fell in battle before the gates of the city, desperately buying time for the remaining families to flee.

Alas, the Seal bears the scars of that time all too vividly and is in desperate need of repairs. Once it is restored, I can present it to the Queen to be included in the Royal Archives.

If you are willing to help, please fashion for me a thick copper plate. We will need this to replace the damaged part of the Seal. Here is a design which should be sufficient.

Item received upon acceptance: Schematic: Copper Plate

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