
(Alchemy) For the guards


Have you seen the burglars snooping around town at night? The watchguards have tried to apprehend several, but they always manage to escape. How would you like to help the guards out and learn a new recipe at the same time?

Go out and gather some tangleroot, fox blood, sulfur, and the legs of a beetle. Mix those together, carefully. The resulting mixture will be very sticky. Make sure to seal the flask afterwards. Don’t get any on you or you’ll be trying to scrub it off for days. Definitely do not try to drink it. This type of potion isn’t for drinking, but for throwing.

Bring me back a flask of the substance for the guards. I’m sure they might prove useful to you in the wilderness as well.

Quest Starter

Quest Hand-in


  • Craft an Entangle Flask


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