
A Merchant's Needs, Pt. 3


I have one last request for you, my friend.

One of the Regular’s captains stopped by yesterday and inquired about gemstones. Apparently he is looking to have a charm or keepsake made for his wife in the city. I don’t usually keep gemstones on hand, but he seemed very eager, so I told him that I would see what I could do.

Would you be willing to venture out and retrieve several different types of gemstones for me? I know they can be difficult to find, but perhaps some of your fellow adventurers can help. If you can bring me back five different types, that should be enough to provide the captain with a selection to choose from.

In return, I’ll throw in something special for you in addition to coin for the gems themselves.

Next Quest


Quest Starter

Quest Hand-in


  • Obtain 1 Uncut Citrine Gemstone
  • Obtain 1 Uncut Spinel Gemstone
  • Obtain 1 Uncut Zircon Gemstone
  • Obtain 1 Uncut Turquoise Gemstone
  • Obtain 1 Uncut Topaz Gemstone


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