Rat Tails for Lendle
Hmph. I thought I was the only one who came down here… Well, don’t mind me. I’m hunting rats for their tails. You know how- [Lendle squints his eyes and leans in closer to you.] Don’t tell anyone ‘bout this. I don’t want them to think I’m weird or nothin’. [Lendle seems to relax a bit.] Say, have you ever eaten a rat tail? They are absolutely delicious! At least I think so… maybe it’s my last name… Well, since you know my secret maybe you could help me? If you come across any particularly juicy rat tails in your travels, I’d gladly take them off your hands. I only need five more to start my next batch of rat tail jerky. I may even give you some for your trouble!
Lendle is occupying the bottom of the well in Availia.