
A Secret Base


Oh, so you were the adventurer helping with the investigation?

What you have uncovered so far is very troubling, but there is more to this puzzle. For starters, we need to figure out where this hideout is.

It is just a hunch, but a few days ago a local woodsman reported suspicious activity at an old mining camp in the foothills. If you’re up for some more work, I’d like for you to head out there and discreetly get a look at the place. We don’t want to alert the bandits that we know where they are too soon.

Your best bet is to head up the road to the old manor, and then cut west towards the mining camp once you get up to the top. You may have to do some climbing, but if you can get over to the ridge where the camp is, look for a spot where you can get a good view. Come back and let me know what you find. In the meantime I will look into some other leads.

To get the quest update climb this rock

Previous Quest

Quest Starter

Quest Hand-in


  • Verify the status of the old mining camp


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  • Updated