Lieutenants of Greed
Here is my dilemma, adventurer. While I could march troops into that camp and likely rout the bandits, we would never learn who has been supplying them and feeding them information. It’s very likely they would know the Regulars were coming before they even left the garrison.
We need to use a force that they’re not anticipating. Namely, you and any fellow adventurers you can muster.
You objective is to raid the mining camp and try to find us some information. Their leaders may carry something incriminating, and you should also look around for any equipment or items that may lead us to a supplier. Hopefully one of them will have some information, and you should be able to take them by surprise. It’s fairly straightforward, but it is also risky. This is the heart of the Gadai’s strength.
Should you find any evidence, please bring it back here, to me.