
The Weight of the Wild

Required Class


Wa’dol, traveler. You feel it, don’t you? The pull of the land beneath your feet, the whisper of the winds that have no master. Good. Hold onto that feeling - it will shape you more than any words I can give.

We are not tamers. We are not masters. We do not bend nature to our will nor let it run unchecked. We listen. We act. We keep balance.

Balance, however, does not mean stillness. The Larga - big, ceaseless, hungry insects. They do not stop to wonder if they have gone too far. Take the lift down. Walk among them. See the world you will one day protect.

Then, cull them. Thin their numbers. Do not revel in it, and do not hesitate to do so. This is your first lesson: to act when nature must be corrected.

Quest completion text
War’lo! A llittle dirt, a little sweat, and the first taste of what it means to be one of us. You hesitated, perhaps. Or perhaps you did not. Either way, you acted. That is the difference between those who watch the wilds and those who belong to them.

Nature moves - so too must we. And this? This was only the beginning. Your second lesson awaits.

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Quest Starter

Quest Hand-in


Kill three Nylem Hatchling, Wildleaf Poppywig or Ashveil Wasps


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