The Echo of the Stone
You’re beginning to understand our path. But a Druid who acts without wisdom is as dangerous as a storm without direction. So now, you will listen.
The Hallow Stones - they are more than rock, more than relics. They are memory. The remnants of a time before us, before Wildl’s End belonged to the Halflings. Each tied to a Ward, each humming with the echoes of something greater.
To the northwest, tending the Sozot Hallow Stone, you will find Ormoa. She listens to its voice, as all Druids should. I have sent you to her for two reasons: to deliver a message, and to return with her answer to a question. The message is simple—
“The wind shifts. The balance moves with it.”
And the question?
“How does one stand when the ground is no longer firm?”
Go. Listen to her answer, and listen well. You may find it is not just for me.
Ormoa response
The ground shifts, and you wish to know how to stand. But tell me – why must you stand at all? The roots of the tree do not fight the storm. They bend, they weave, they yield — but they do not break. To stand firm when the world moves is to invite your own fall. But to move with it? That is how you endure. This is the way of the Maidyn Clan.
Quest completion text
Her answer gives me direction. But more importantly, you have heard. And that is where the path begins.
Next, we will see how well you walk it.
When you feel a bit more connected with the world, seek out Helzot. He’s desperate to understand the patterns of the encroaching goblins, and could use someone with a clear head on their shoulders.