
Recipe List

Ashen Bronze BarSmelting302x Copper Nugget, 2x Lump of Asherium
Asherium BarSmelting13x Lump of Asherium
Black Iron BarSmelting724x Lump of Iron, Black Temper, Coal
Blood Iron BarSmelting724x Lump of Iron, Coal, Blood Temper
Brass IngotSmelting363x Copper Nugget, Zinc
Copper IngotSmelting123x Copper Nugget
Copper NuggetSmelting12x Chunk of Tascium Ore
Copper NuggetSmelting12x Chunk of Asherite Ore
Iron BarSmelting634x Lump of Iron, Coal
4x Lump of AsheriumSmelting12x Chunk of Asherite Ore
Lump of IronSmelting12x Chunk of Tascium Ore
Lump of IronSmelting12x Chunk of Padrium Ore
Nickel IngotSmelting634x Nickel Nugget, Coal
Nickel NuggetSmelting12x Chunk of Padrium Ore
Pewter IngotSmelting12x Lump of Asherium, Bismuth Flakes
Rock SaltSmelting12x Chunk of Asherite Ore
Rock SaltSmelting12x Chunk of Padrium Ore
Silver NuggetSmelting12x Chunk of Padrium Ore
Silver NuggetSmelting12x Chunk of Asherite Ore
SulfurSmelting12x Chunk of Caspilrite Ore
SulfurSmelting12x Chunk of Asherite Ore
SulfurSmelting12x Chunk of Tascium Ore
ZincSmelting12x Chunk of Caspilrite Ore
ZincSmelting12x Chunk of Tascium Ore