
Recipe List

3x Alchemical FluxAlchemy1Rock Salt, Flask of Water
Essence of the GolemAlchemy1Rock Salt, Tangleroot, Rat Blood, Bat FurChemical Resistance +5
Essence of the GolemAlchemy1Rock Salt, Tangleroot, Poppywig Ichor, Bat FurChemical Resistance +5
Lesser Essence of FlamesAlchemy1Rock Salt, Poppywig Ichor, Fire Beetle Gland, GoblinweedFire Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of FlamesAlchemy1Rock Salt, Rat Blood, Fire Beetle Gland, GoblinweedFire Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of HealthAlchemy1Rock Salt, Wolfsbane Leaf, Rat Blood, Boar TuskDisease Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of HealthAlchemy1Rock Salt, Wolfsbane Leaf, Poppywig Ichor, Crocodile HeartDisease Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of SnowAlchemy1Rock Salt, Moon Lily Petals, Bone Fragments, Rat Blood
Lesser Essence of the ForestAlchemy1Rock Salt, Tangleroot, Rat Blood, Snake ScalesNature Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of the ForestAlchemy1Rock Salt, Gloomberries, Poppywig Ichor, Small Snake FangNature Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of the SerpentAlchemy1Gloomberries, Rat Blood, Small Snake Fang, Rock Salt
Lesser Essence of the ShadowAlchemy1Rock Salt, Grave Moss, Rat Blood, Bone Fragments
Lesser Essence of the SunAlchemy1Rock Salt, Flame Lily Petals, Rat Blood, Fox TailDivine Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of the ToadAlchemy1Rock Salt, Serpentleaf, Frog Tongue, Poppywig IchorShock Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of the ToadAlchemy1Rock Salt, Rat Blood, Frog Tongue, SerpentleafShock Resistance +10
Lesser Essence of the WispAlchemy1Rock Salt, Silverleaf, Beetle Eye, Poppywig Ichor
Lesser Essence of the WispAlchemy1Rock Salt, Silverleaf, Beetle Eye, Rat Blood
Potion of Rapid EgressAlchemy1Rock Salt, Serpentleaf, Fox Blood, Glider Wing
Potion of Rapid EgressAlchemy1Rock Salt, Serpentleaf, Fox Blood, Rabbit Foot
Small Health DraughtAlchemy1Rock Salt, Boar Blood, Patch of Wolf Fur, Wolfsbane Leaf
Small Health DraughtAlchemy1Rock Salt, Raptor Blood, Frog Skin, Wolfsbane Leaf
Small Mana DraughtAlchemy1Rock Salt, Silverleaf, Mountain Lion Blood, Raptor Scales
Small Mana DraughtAlchemy1Silverleaf, Wolf Blood, Rat Whiskers, Rock Salt