Item List

188 items found
NameFromCategoryAttrsReq. LevelUpdated
Alchemical FluxCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
24 days ago
Ashen Bronze BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze Chain LinksCrafted (Blacksmithing)Material
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze NailsMaterial
3 days ago
Ashen Bronze RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Asherium BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Asherium NailsMaterial
3 days ago
Ash LogResource
24 days ago
Ash LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
3 days ago
Ash TanninResource
1 month ago
Avendyr TroutIngredient
1 month ago
Bat FurReagent
1 month ago
Bat MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Bat WingReagent
1 month ago
Bear BloodReagent
1 month ago
Bear MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Bear PawReagent
1 month ago
Bear TallowResource
3 days ago
1 month ago
Beetle EyeReagent
1 month ago
Beetle LegsReagent
1 month ago
Beetle PincherReagent
1 month ago
Berry GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Black Iron BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Black Iron Basic Shield BraceCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Breastplate BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
24 days ago
Black Iron Kite Shield BlankCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron PlateCrafted (Blacksmithing)Material
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Boots BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Girdle BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Greaves BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Helm BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Spaulders BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Tea LeavesIngredient
1 month ago
Boar BloodReagent
1 month ago
Boar FurMaterial
1 month ago
Boar MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Boar TuskReagent
1 month ago
Bone FragmentsReagent
1 month ago
Brass IngotMaterial
21 days ago
Burlap Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Belt BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Gi BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Gloves BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Headband BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Hood BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Leggings BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Legwraps BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth PanelCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Robe BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Sandals BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Sash BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Scarf BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Shawl BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Shoes BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Tunic BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Wristbands BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap ThreadCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Burlap TwineCrafted (Outfitting)Material
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
Cedar LogResource
24 days ago
Cedar LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
3 days ago
Celestium Dust of AcuityCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of EloquenceCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of FleetnessCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of HealthCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of InsightCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of MagicCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of MightCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of PrecisionCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of ProwessCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of ResilienceCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of the TirelessCatalyst
1 month ago
Celestium Dust of VitalityCatalyst
1 month ago
Chunk of Asherite OreResource
13 days ago
Chunk of Caspilrite OreResource
13 days ago
Chunk of Glittering Slytheril OreResource
6 days ago
Chunk of Padrium OreResource
13 days ago
Chunk of Slytheril OreResource
6 days ago
Chunk of Tascium OreResource
13 days ago
1 month ago
Copper IngotCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Copper NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Cotton Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Cotton Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
3 days ago
Cotton FibersResource
1 month ago
Cotton TwineMaterial
3 days ago
Cotton YarnCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Crude Grinding StoneMaterial
12 days ago
Cured LeatherMaterial
1 month ago
Cured Leather PanelComponent
1 month ago
Cured Leather StripsMaterial
1 month ago
Darkblood Wood StainCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Fire Beetle GlandReagent
1 month ago
1 month ago
Flame Lily PetalsResource
1 month ago
Fox BloodReagent
1 month ago
Fox FurMaterial
1 month ago
Fox MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Fox TailReagent
1 month ago
Frog MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Frog TongueReagent
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
Golden PotatoIngredient
1 month ago
Gossamer Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
28 days ago
Gossamer Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
28 days ago
Gossamer ThreadCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Grave MossResource
1 month ago
Iron BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Iron NailsMaterial
3 days ago
Iron RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Jute FibresResource
1 month ago
Large Rat TailReagent
1 month ago
Large Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Low-Quality Boar HideResource
1 month ago
Low-Quality Cat SkinResource
1 month ago
Low-Quality SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Lump of AsheriumCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Lump of IronCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Maple LogResource
24 days ago
Maple LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
3 days ago
Maple SapIngredient
1 month ago
Medium Cedar Box FrameComponent
3 days ago
Metal NailsMaterial
3 days ago
Moon Lily PetalsResource
1 month ago
Nickel NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Normal-Quality SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Orc BloodReagent
1 month ago
Patch of Wolf FurReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit BloodReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit FootReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Rat BloodReagent
1 month ago
Rat MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Rat WhiskersReagent
1 month ago
Resin GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Rock SaltCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Scale GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Silver IngotMaterial
21 days ago
1 month ago
Silver NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Small Maple Box FrameComponent
3 days ago
Small Snake FangReagent
1 month ago
Small Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Snake BloodReagent
1 month ago
Snake MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Snake ScalesReagent
1 month ago
Snow Lily PetalsResource
1 month ago
Spark Toad OilReagent
1 month ago
Spider SilkResource
1 month ago
Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Stalker SinewResource
1 month ago
SulfurCrafted (Smelting)Catalyst
1 month ago
1 month ago
Tattered LeatherCrafted (Tanning)Material
1 month ago
Tattered Leather Basic StrapsCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Tattered Leather PanelCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Tattered Leather StripsCrafted (Outfitting)Material
1 month ago
Tattered PeltResource
1 month ago
Tattered SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Thick LeatherMaterial
1 month ago
Thick Wolf FurMaterial
1 month ago
1 month ago
Trap PartsReagent
12 days ago
1 month ago
Walnut Wood StainCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Whisperwind ScalesReagent
1 month ago
Wild OnionIngredient
1 month ago
Wind Griffin Featherwind griffinReagent
1 month ago
Wind Griffin TalonMaterial
1 month ago
Wolf BloodReagent
1 month ago
Wolf ClawsMaterial
1 month ago
Wolf FangReagent
1 month ago
Wolf MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Wolfsbane LeafResource
1 month ago
Worn Leather StrapMaterial
3 days ago
Young Fox TailMaterial
1 month ago
ZincCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago