Mad Run

Level Range
17 - 25
Avendyr's Pass

Mad Run is mainly a spider themed area and has 4 main areas of activity.

All the areas are mostly populated by different types of spiders. You’ll also encounter a few other types of creatures there.

  1. Spider Wood

  2. The Hatchery or the Spider Pit

  3. Whispering Tunnels

  4. Chambers of Madness

Overland resources:

  • Small, Large & Huge Padrium Ore Deposit

  • Spider Silk

  • Caspilrite Ore Deposit

Dungeon resources:

  • Small, Large & Huge Slytherin Crystals

  • Small, Large & Huge Glittering Slytheril Crystals

  • Spider Silk

Nameds & Drops