Halnir Cave Dungeon
Halnir Cave is the first huge celestium crystals dungeon with a toxic extreme climate. This place has a long and extraordinary history with unsolved secrets, hidden places and timeless artifacts of great power. The main entrance is located in the southwestern region of Avendyr’s Pass. There is also a highly guarded entrance in a different zone, which is not available yet.
You’ll encounter many different hostile factions in HC all with their own independent goals and reasons but also some experienced allies with specific goals in mind. Some of them might willing to assist you to find a way to counter the poisonous crystals there and other might need help to encounter and hunt the dangerous foes and their very well guarded secrets of power.
The dungeon has several different layers and brunches of activity in a wide range of vertical levels and difficulty.
- 10-17 Drawn Ratkin’s Territory
- 14-21 Black Rose Keep Basement
- 15-23 Blood Lich Lair
- 18-26 Crawlers Den
- 20-36 Crypt Catacombs
- 25-36 Underworld
- 27-40 Celestial Chamber
Dungeon Resources:
Small, Large & Huge Tascium Crystals
- Small, Patch & Cluster of Brightcap Mushrooms
- Ratkin Blood
- Spider Silk
Small, Large & Huge Slytherin Crystals
Small, Large & Huge Glittering Slytheril Crystals
- Small, Large & Huge Glimwort Mushrooms
Uncommon-quality drops from normal mobs:
- HC ground spawns
- HC Treasure Chests T2
- HC Treasure Chests T3
- Scatterweave Armor Set
- Scarred Hust Armor Set
- Seeping Leather Armor Set
- Dull Iron Weapon’s
- Keep Mail Armor Set
- Wispweave Armor Set
- Lost Lotus Armor Set
- Vesperhide Armor Set
- Faded Ringmail Armor Set
- Wispmetal Armor Set
- Fadesteel & Wispwood Weapons
Strategy (beware: possible spoilers)
Nameds & Drops
- Shardstaff of Sorrows (Main Hand Long Staff)
- Unmortal Mantle (Cloth)
- Unmortal Sash (Cloth)
- Wand of Ulthiros (Held)
- Dark-Threaded Gloves (Cloth)
- Elf Blood (Reagent)
- Halfling Blood (Reagent)
- Human Blood (Reagent)
- Ring of the Drawn (Jewelry)
- Robe Of Dark Intentions (Cloth)
- Sanguine Staff (Main Hand Long Staff)
- Velvet Coin Purse (General)
- Bloody Celis Shard (Jewelry)
- Celis-Flecked Shoulderpads (Leather)
- Celis-Plated Wristband (Leather)
- no known drops
- Boots of Escape (Leather)
- Fang of the Shade Spider (One-Handed Dagger)
- Shadesilk Mask (Cloth)
- Chipped Bone Ring (Jewelry)
- Creeper Carapace Helm (Leather)
- Ripsmack (One-Handed Mace)
- Scavenged Wand (Held)
- Forgotten Master's Gi (Cloth)
- Grave-Wrapped Slippers (Cloth)
- Master Bushu's Tonfa (One-Handed Club)
- Silver Plated Bracers (Leather)
- Amulet of Energized Crystal (Jewelry)
- Celestium Band (Jewelry)
- Crystalline Twin-Fang (One-Handed Dagger)
- Glowshard Belt (Leather)
- Amulet of Energized Crystal (Jewelry)
- Celestium Band (Jewelry)
- Crystalline Twin-Fang (One-Handed Dagger)
- Crystalline Veil (Cloth)
- Fadecloth Cloak (Cloth)
- Amulet of Energized Crystal (Jewelry)
- Celestium Band (Jewelry)
- Crystalline Coat (Chain)
- Crystalline Twin-Fang (One-Handed Dagger)
- no known drops
- Marrow Saw (One-Handed Axe)
- Tunic of Bitter Flame (Leather)
- Tyrassura's Hoop (Jewelry)
- Unmortal Cloak (Cloth)
- Celis-Infused Crown (Cloth)
- Celis-Infused Robe (Cloth)
- Fang-Tipped Spear (One-Handed Short Spear)
- Foul Smelling Gloves (Cloth)