Item List

188 items found
NameFromCategoryAttrsReq. LevelUpdated
Alchemical FluxCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
22 days ago
Ashen Bronze BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze Chain LinksCrafted (Blacksmithing)Material
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze Chainmail Belt BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Ashen Bronze NailsMaterial
15 hours ago
Ashen Bronze RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Asherium BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Asherium NailsMaterial
15 hours ago
Ash LogResource
22 days ago
Ash LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
15 hours ago
Ash TanninResource
1 month ago
Avendyr TroutIngredient
1 month ago
Bat FurReagent
1 month ago
Bat MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Bat WingReagent
1 month ago
Bear BloodReagent
1 month ago
Bear MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Bear PawReagent
1 month ago
Bear TallowResource
16 hours ago
1 month ago
Beetle EyeReagent
1 month ago
Beetle LegsReagent
1 month ago
Beetle PincherReagent
1 month ago
Berry GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Black Iron BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Black Iron Basic Shield BraceCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Breastplate BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
22 days ago
Black Iron Kite Shield BlankCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron PlateCrafted (Blacksmithing)Material
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Boots BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Gauntlets BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Girdle BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Greaves BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Helm BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron Plate Spaulders BasisCrafted (Armorsmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Iron RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Black Tea LeavesIngredient
1 month ago
Boar BloodReagent
1 month ago
Boar FurMaterial
1 month ago
Boar MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Boar TuskReagent
1 month ago
Bone FragmentsReagent
1 month ago
Brass IngotMaterial
18 days ago
Burlap Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Belt BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Gi BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Gloves BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Headband BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Hood BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Leggings BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Legwraps BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth PanelCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Robe BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Sandals BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Sash BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Scarf BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Shawl BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Shoes BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Tunic BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap Cloth Wristbands BasisCrafted (Tailoring)Component
1 month ago
Burlap ThreadCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Burlap TwineCrafted (Outfitting)Material
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
Cedar LogResource
22 days ago
Cedar LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
15 hours ago
Celestium Dust of AcuityCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of EloquenceCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of FleetnessCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of HealthCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of InsightCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of MagicCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of MightCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of PrecisionCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of ProwessCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of ResilienceCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of the TirelessCatalyst
29 days ago
Celestium Dust of VitalityCatalyst
29 days ago
Chunk of Asherite OreResource
11 days ago
Chunk of Caspilrite OreResource
11 days ago
Chunk of Glittering Slytheril OreResource
3 days ago
Chunk of Padrium OreResource
11 days ago
Chunk of Slytheril OreResource
3 days ago
Chunk of Tascium OreResource
11 days ago
1 month ago
Copper IngotCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Copper NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Cotton Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Cotton Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
16 hours ago
Cotton FibersResource
1 month ago
Cotton TwineMaterial
16 hours ago
Cotton YarnCrafted (Weaving)Material
1 month ago
Crude Grinding StoneMaterial
9 days ago
Cured LeatherMaterial
1 month ago
Cured Leather PanelComponent
1 month ago
Cured Leather StripsMaterial
1 month ago
Darkblood Wood StainCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Fire Beetle GlandReagent
1 month ago
1 month ago
Flame Lily PetalsResource
28 days ago
Fox BloodReagent
1 month ago
Fox FurMaterial
1 month ago
Fox MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Fox TailReagent
28 days ago
Frog MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Frog TongueReagent
1 month ago
1 month ago
1 month ago
28 days ago
Golden PotatoIngredient
1 month ago
Gossamer Basic Cloth CordCrafted (Outfitting)Component
26 days ago
Gossamer Cloth BoltCrafted (Weaving)Material
26 days ago
Gossamer ThreadCrafted (Weaving)Material
29 days ago
Grave MossResource
1 month ago
Iron BarCrafted (Smelting)Material
1 month ago
Iron NailsMaterial
15 hours ago
Iron RivetsCrafted (Blacksmithing)Component
1 month ago
Jute FibresResource
1 month ago
Large Rat TailReagent
1 month ago
Large Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Low-Quality Boar HideResource
1 month ago
Low-Quality Cat SkinResource
1 month ago
Low-Quality SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Lump of AsheriumCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Lump of IronCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Maple LogResource
22 days ago
Maple LumberCrafted (Woodworking)Material
15 hours ago
Maple SapIngredient
1 month ago
Medium Cedar Box FrameComponent
1 hour ago
Metal NailsMaterial
23 hours ago
Moon Lily PetalsResource
1 month ago
Nickel NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Normal-Quality SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Orc BloodReagent
1 month ago
Patch of Wolf FurReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit BloodReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit FootReagent
1 month ago
Rabbit MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Rat BloodReagent
28 days ago
Rat MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Rat WhiskersReagent
28 days ago
Resin GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Rock SaltCrafted (Smelting)Resource
28 days ago
Scale GlueCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
1 month ago
Silver IngotMaterial
18 days ago
28 days ago
Silver NuggetCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago
Small Maple Box FrameComponent
1 hour ago
Small Snake FangReagent
1 month ago
Small Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Snake BloodReagent
28 days ago
Snake MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Snake ScalesReagent
1 month ago
Snow Lily PetalsResource
1 month ago
Spark Toad OilReagent
1 month ago
Spider SilkResource
29 days ago
Spider Venom GlandReagent
1 month ago
Stalker SinewResource
1 month ago
SulfurCrafted (Smelting)Catalyst
28 days ago
1 month ago
Tattered LeatherCrafted (Tanning)Material
1 month ago
Tattered Leather Basic StrapsCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Tattered Leather PanelCrafted (Outfitting)Component
1 month ago
Tattered Leather StripsCrafted (Outfitting)Material
1 month ago
Tattered PeltResource
1 month ago
Tattered SnakeskinResource
1 month ago
Thick LeatherMaterial
1 month ago
Thick Wolf FurMaterial
1 month ago
1 month ago
Trap PartsReagent
9 days ago
1 month ago
Walnut Wood StainCrafted (Alchemy)Resource
1 month ago
Whisperwind ScalesReagent
1 month ago
Wild OnionIngredient
1 month ago
Wind Griffin Featherwind griffinReagent
1 month ago
Wind Griffin TalonMaterial
1 month ago
Wolf BloodReagent
28 days ago
Wolf ClawsMaterial
1 month ago
Wolf FangReagent
1 month ago
Wolf MeatIngredient
1 month ago
Wolfsbane LeafResource
1 month ago
Worn Leather StrapMaterial
23 hours ago
Young Fox TailMaterial
1 month ago
ZincCrafted (Smelting)Resource
1 month ago